Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ACCK! Putin was wearing JEANS!

Look at the link! It WAS a "blue jeans day!"

i am freaking out because I finally found a photo, right after my asshole lawyer says I'm mentally ill, and I guessed right!

Putin was wearing JEANS! and I got that shade of jeans too. I think, think...need to double check photos and dates.

I think I may have been wrong about the shirt though bc it's blue but I can't see close enough to see if there is a light grain of stripes or something on it or another faint pattern.

However, I was wearing a blue tank top today with a black shirt over it and he was wearing a blue shirt with a black sweater over it.

Did he have a wardrobe change or was he really wearing jeans?

The other guy has a patterned shirt. They're both wearing jeans. Were they wearing this when I first had my impression?

I am sort of freaking out...

I will have to check times out tomorrow or something. Now I am really distracted and I'm trying to get work done.

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