Thursday, September 2, 2010

AT&T 411 Operators Block Access To UN (tell me to call "311")

This afternoon, I called 411 to get a number for a family friend. I was told nothing was there even though it's all over online and is a public number.

So then I said I wanted the number for the UN. The operator said, "You mean the AG?" and I said, "No, the UN." She said, "There is no Civil Rights number for the UN--only AG." I said, "I want a number for the UN." She kept trying to pressure me to use the AG number. And why she would just randomly select that one, the AG, I don't know, because there are a lot of different civil rights groups. Finally, I said, "Where are you from?! Virginia?! I asked for a number for the UN and that's what I want."

I talked to the appellate lawyer who was assigned to me this morning and she has a NY accent or East Coast accent on some words and then when I called for 411 again, the next operator was using the exact same enunciation on the very same words. It was distinct. Out of all the 411 calls I've made, none have ever sounded like this, a perfect match to the diction of my new lawyer.

So then every single number they gave me didn't go anywhere. And then I was put on hold and my call disconnected a couple of times.

It wasn't funny. After this happened so many times, I couldn't keep from crying and I started to cry in public and had to use a restroom to sob.

Why? Because evidently the U.S. Federal Communications people hire assholes for 411 operators. Or is it just AT&T's problem? Or what? it wasn't THEM and it was actually someone from Wenatchee interferring with calls?

I will tell you when all of a sudden I got service. I asked, after trying to get the UN in NY 10 times and being blocked, for the Embassy of Iran. All of a sudden this woman couldn't connect me fast enough. "Democratic Nation of Iran" she said and was hurridly connecting me but not before I yelled, "Yeah! More democratic, it seems, than the fucking United States!"

After I found out their offices were closed, I tried to report everything that I had documented with the Federal Communications Department, just so I have something else documented and written down. So they couldn't "find" the right number then.

I wrote down every single number and the exact response I got from the numbers I was given, which I called. One, real funny, wasn't a phone number OR a fax line. It was a FUCKING morse code line. I am not even kidding and when I looked again at the message on the phone I got from the phone company, it said that was the number for the "United Nations Consular Corps Commission".

When I say "Morse code", it wasn't just a sounded like a fucking Navy communications line. It had a pulse or tapping sound and it was NOT a fax. It sounded like something from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. It was a fucking shhh hum kind of noise and then had a pulse or code thing that was on top of it.

Oh, yeah. This was a ReeeeaAAAAlLLL encouraging sign to get from fuckers in the U.S. today. So why does the 411 bitch not care at all if I'm asking for U.S. government offices but oh, the minute I try to call the Iranian embassy, they are faster than a split for forked lightening.

Fuckers, fuckers, fuckers, fuckers, fuckers. All of these people are FUCKERS. That wasn't even the only thing that happened. And after all of that, I am only making fucking INTERNATIONAL calls to OTHER countries, and FUCK the UN in NYC. Or at least, fuck trying to contact them through normal people.

I'm sorry, but who in their right mind even DOES this? AT&T? I highly doubt AT&T decided to throw in a little feedback loop of morse code into a UN number, knowing they could be charged with federal crime for tampering with federal communications if they did.

Yes, I am going to make my complaint to the President and AG first. However, I have a right to also look at the UN and what my next steps will be if things don't go well.

This is just reminding me of when I had a phone through Charter services with the freak I had to live with who did weird things to me, where he or housemates stole my paystub from my bag, and where he stole and gave away all of my personal belongings including my photos from my youth, and then only left one Bible (that wasn't mine) with one photo inside of it (which I later found out someone removed because yes, doesn't that look a little bit sadistic?). Every single phone call I made was rerouted and horrible things happening to me and my son and all this time a big cover for things and I was being made out as nuts.

Here's my theory now. The U.S. now has some grand scheme to so alienate me that they try to make me look appealing in some way to some other country so they can try to swap me for someone. Or maybe they just want to push me to another country like Iran so they can try to get vicarious info and intel off of me without my even knowing, and put my life and my son's life in further danger. Or, they still want to provoke me and harass me to self-destruct.

I have this new lawyer now who I called and she was in D.C. I am not going to write about her online because I am hoping she will help me, but after I think maybe things can get turned around, and then I experience this kind of treatment again, I start having doubts that anyone is going to help if these people feel so much liberty to harass me.

1. I first called the UN number for publications and got an answering machine. Some man with a British accent.

2. I called and asked for a number where people might be answering. I had someone tell me, an operator, to call "311". She said it was the number for the UN, like 411. I said okay, even though this sounded strange and confirmed it and this woman kept saying yes, just call "311" just like "411" and it would connect me to the UN. This was an AT&T operator. Then I said I would like a couple of other numbers as well and she gave me 5 options, starting with United Nations Staff, International Atomic, and on and on. I just chose the first two.

I called United Nations Staff: 212-963-1234 and got nowhere. It was a loop.
I called Interantional Atomic: 212-963-6011 and it was a busy signal the entire time. I triedcalling this one 3-4 times and each time it rang "busy". Sure.

Then I went to the main number and hit options for refugees and got a D.C. number which I could try later and might connect me to other numbers.

4. Then I called 411 again and asked for "agriculture" and she said, "Hold the line please" and then disconnected me or it was promptly disconnected.

5. Then I called again and asked for agriculture and when I tried to dial I got a morse code message. Or maybe a different dept but then got this. So I went back to the sent message and read it and it said "Consular Corps Commission" which isn't something I asked for, but this is the number which gave me morse code: 212-504-4115.

6. Then I got the number for agriculture with the UN: 312-963-6039 and it rang busy each time I tried.

7. Then I tried the number for NY UNESCF and it just rang and rang with no answer at all. Not a busy signal, and no answering machine, but just a busy signal.

After at least 10 times or more of trying, and with the only normal response being at least an answering machine with some British guy answering, I tried calling the FCC with no help. Then, I asked how to make an international call and they didn't help. Finally, I called saying I wanted the Embassy of Iran (which I've talked to before, just as I've talked to lots of people in the past, no big deal) and all of sudden, lickedy-split, they cut the shit.

I don't know if these AT&T operators were from Virginia or what. One said Georgia but I don't know.
Obviously, once or twice, it shouldn't be a big deal. But this wasn't once or twice.

Then I called and said I wanted all of the calls for 411 credited and not charged (bc I was going to pay for them all out of pocket) and they said they wouldn't charge for 3 of them. I had some of them erased before that, so I don't think there should be any.

There has been really shitty stuff happening.
Just because my new lawyer knows people in Washington D.C. doesn't mean anything. She might be really good and can help, but she could also be someone with connections over there who might not help. How do I know at this point? All I know is that I will try to see what happens in the next week or so and then I really think, well, I feel this shouldn't be in Spokane. I think the people in Wenatchee are too confident with their Spokane connections because everything usually goes over there, to Spokane, instead of to the federal courts in Seattle.

I will know by the response to collecting all of the records that I need. This is how I can judge my lawyers now. All the bad ones who tried to cover for other people never wanted to get my records and made excuses for collecting all of this evidence.

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