Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cooking This Morning

This morning I did some cleaning and cooking.

I made split pea soup with ham and potatoes and green salad vanilla pudding and bisquits. I also squeezed grapefruit for fresh juice and then drank it all.

I think the soup turned out well.

I had made a good potatoe salad a day or two ago and no one was eating it so I added it to the split pea and it worked out really well.

First there was just ham so I cut it up, then I found the lentils and added these with water and wanted them to steep with the ham for flavoring the lentils. Then I had no onions or anything so I took the potatoe salad out and added it.

The potatoe salad had potatoes, a lot of chives and scallions, finely cut celery, finely chopped dill pickles and a little pickle juice and real mayo, and then freshly ground pepper.

So it was the perfect seasoning for the lentils and ham.

Then there was a mix for sugar free vanilla pudding and it was one where you just mix the powder with milk, cold and I did it differently to add to the flavor.

I was sort of cooking for someone who is diabetic so I couldn't use eggs milk and sugar and make real custard or pudding, so I used this sugar free powder but first I whisked together 4 egg yolks with milk and then took it to the stove on medium and whisked until it gained consistency. After it had thickened, I added the mix and more milk to cool it down and then beat on high with beaters and poured into cups.

Then while the soup was still simmering, I made bisquits with this mix where you either add only milk or water and I figured water was fine so I stirred this up, kneaded it out, and then after flouring so it was kneadable, I oiled a pan and then coated the surface of the lump of dough with oil and tore off into bisquit size.

I squeezed 3 ruby grapefruits and just drank the juice myself.

Oh, and I made a salad too. Just a regular green salad with tomatoe cut into it and a couple of radishes on the side.

I figured, soup/salad and bisquits and then vanilla custard-pudding.

Also, a trick to keeping bisquits warm, I've found, instead of using the oven, is to place them on a metal tray and then place this over the pot of soup if it's on lowest level and while the soup simmers the bisquits stay warm. I think bisquits are probably best when they are 10 minutes out of the oven though, right after they've cooled down enough to handle and cut.

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