Friday, September 17, 2010

Court Gives Wrong Info

I tried to file my amendments and for the first time, the federal court in Spokane said they refused to accept it.

I have a deadline and no one even told me this. I asked someone to send me the link. They asked how to get ahold of me but they've had my email address.

I put the printed amendments and everything, into an envelope the same night following this afternoon. I got the message only this afternoon and I didn't want to delay so I sent it out certified mail, after getting first notice from them.

Hopefully, this will work.

I kept hoping someone would help with this...a lawyer, but I did the best I could and I think it should be accepted.

The post office was closed so I walked a couple of miles, straight to the other UPS place where they're open later, and sent it out certified.

I have never heard of anyone going through all this, just to get their child back, who never should have been taken in the first place.

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