Friday, September 10, 2010

dreams and bad vibe again...worse this morning

I had a bad vibe all night. I couldn't sleep and wondered about my lawyers and had and concern about my son.

I got up before it was even 4 p.m. and called this new lawyer and she was talking to her mom so I went back to bed and fell asleep. I had a lot of dreams and was just having one with something to do about w of wales but I don't remember why, and she called at that moment, right before something else in the dream was going to happen.

I had wanted to know why this new lawyer hadn't responded to my email about whether she was willing to get records or not. I sent out my "test" mail to be able to tell if this was going to be a good lawyer who was working for me and my son or not. First of all, they shouldn't have a problem with email on just basic things. Secondly, they should be able to answer a simple question. They should respond to email one way or the other in a reasonable timeframe--most people would say within the first 48 hours (a yes or no) and it was over a week. And then finally, if one were responding and working for my son, one would have no problem saying yes, they are going to collect these records and please give them a list so they can work on it. Over a week went by and she didn't tell me anything about how she was going to help on my claim or not. She might be okay but I am feeling someone told her to stall on getting records for me because they hope they won't be made available if I am blocked from accessing these records through having a misdemeanor on my record and being unable to go to Canada to get them. However, she sounds like she could get things done in other ways, but I don't know why she's waiting on anything.

Then, I am harassed about "royal" things by peons. That's really fun. I come into the coffee place and they moved out a table and chair that I regularly use which has a chair that is taller and this man who is always here when I am says to me, "You like to be off of the crown!" and then tried to say he said "Off of the ground" when this is NOT what he said. I heard exactly what he said and only wanted him to repeat it and wasn't fooled by the correction. Then he said, in a whole pre-formed script, "You like the highchair", which, I would say, was then punctuated in how accurate my perception was with this man in a blue shirt coming in with a big crown emblem on it. 347 TOM in a plain sedan but why note this? he is one of a several hundered here who engages in mind games with me.

Because, well...We don't have an emblem for "off of the ground" do we? or "Ground". I guess that might be, what? a straight line? or little blades of grass? or a small little piece of screen that looks like concrete?

Then, it's even better, because msnbc news has some stupid article about royal bachelors since William is "pretty much married" which is an insult to women everywhere. Because THAT's what we're really looking for...we need a royal checklist because if we can't get one of them, we will set our little ditty hearts on a different one, because it would never be about likeing a man, but liking "royalty" and EVERY girl, er, woman, wants to be a PRYNCess. Nothing wrong with a princess either, but I am also sure every man who is also coincidentally "royal" loves being thought of as just "royal" fodder for the fans because of a position and not even who they are. Well, I guess that goes with the job but maybe not what someone really cares about on another level. Actually, I am sure some like the privileges that might come with that, but no one in their right mind would be seriously interested in someone because of, simply, their position.

I get pissed when I have people make comments about royal stuff because the fact that William or Harry are "royal" or even learning anything about them at all, or caring, is a coincidence to my first serious interest in the case and life of their mother. I didn't even look up news about them, either one, EVER, until I was back in Washington state, after D.C., but now, looking back, I can see how maybe a few things were thrown my way in the sense of mind game or question when I never would have picked up on it ever, bc I wasn't even thinking about either one of them.
I am sensing a lot more negativity than even before. It is going to be a very bad day. I can tell that day is set up to go to hell.
I looked at the headlines and I am right. It is not just here. It is money from other places that has bought out a lot of people with weak backbones who need the money and nods. It was mainly here but as far as I can tell, I became a "threat" in other regards and then it made my situation worse as others from out of area and even some from out of country pooled together to bring me down, anyway possible. I have even seen, firsthand, men come in from other areas, to pay people off and others here going out of area to get paid.

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