Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ganesha & Good Vibe

I have a pretty good vibe today. I saw the symbol for the elephant with the cresent, online, and attached a small earring that has broken and drops down into a cresent, with their symbol in mind because it looks like a small face with a little moon that way. I attached it to my belt.

I think something might be wrong with my case somehow (just things to fix), but there is good energy in this town today. Or somewhere.

I feel very positive energy and will have to thank the person who brought Ganesha to mind.

This morning I thought about my son and about Indian saris and this one magazine I picked up one day in the bookstore about a month ago--actually maybe 1-2 months ago. I have no intention of getting married or anything but just randomly reached over and pulled out this magazine and stared and it was a bridal magazine with an Indian bride on it. I don't know if it was even called Indian bridal, I have no idea, but it was such a beautiful photo and this woman had all of these decorations and it didn't look gaudy, it was just gorgeous. It make me think it was for me, but a reminder of the Eastern Indian culture. But I just thought about this, the culture, and I also thought about this one photo I love, where these Eastern Indians are bowing or touching Diana's feet as a sign of respect and I love this photo. The first time I saw it it brought tears to my eyes and it's probably one of my favorites. Mainly because I like Diana's expression as she is reaching over as well, they are both reaching out to one another. To me it is this reverent show of simple mutual respect and it feels very equal to me, in it's own way.

Regardless of what is going on, I sense an overtone of the beginning of something turning around for me and my son somehow and maybe it's because I have this idea of "Remover of Obstacles" in mind.

I also think something is going to be better for someone else.

I think maybe my insights about cancer helped someone too. Maybe more than one person took another look at their scans or decided to add something to their diet. Or maybe someone felt inspired by the idea that others can be inspired to think of things by praying and asking for insight into something they don't even understand.

Last night I read the Bible again, from Matthew 17. I had left it open there.

Oh, but on the other hand, I sort of wondered what the Charter telephone people were doing messing with the phone lines and things on the telephone pole right next to the house. Either someone disconnected a service or some worker was up there to adjust the bugging wires. I'll have to find out if someone made an adjustment to their services.
Anyway, I will have to look up more about Ganesha today. I really like the art so I should look up more Indian art today. I found a site with an article from www.exoticindiaart.htm. It has some really beautiful paintings and a summary of the story.

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