Monday, September 6, 2010

Harry and Spikes

This is getting seriously strange.

I think I'm connected to Harry in some way, to start, which is weird. I must be some kind of relative or something.

I just typed in a name search and the first one I did today was for Harry.

Up came something about spikes in his horse.

The weird thing is that I came a fration of a centimeter to saying something about spikes in my boots this morning.

Maybe I'm not connected to him at all. I take it back. I don't want to claim that, bc I know I'm connected to others in a much more profound way. And I think, maybe it's not him but someone who knows him. I don't know.

All I know, is that someone asked me if I had a busy day ahead today and I joked "yeah, I packed my other outfit in my bag", and I came THIS close to adding, ..."and spikes for my boots even." and then I stopped because I didn't know whether to say spikes or spurs and I wondered why spikes came to my mind.

I had not read any article.

I also thought I saw him crying last night but I am sure I am wrong about that, because there was someone else who I saw driiving by last week and it was almost that same face again.

I was seriously going to make this joke about spurs and spikes for my boots and then stopped because I thought it sounded too weird.

His uniform is sort of the same colors that I picked for a mismatched outfit too. His matches, but the day I picked out something for the one guy, it was green and some other colors, I think actually yellow and stripes (but thin ones) and then I picked out red and white striped pants, with stripes going the other direction. The pants looked like railroad pants sort of. I saw this photo of him with the yellow and green on top and stripes (but all the team has this of course) and then the red saddle on the white horse and it reminded me of the outfit I picked out a few days before.

The first thing that came to mind, was maybe a bet was riding on the match. If Harry has done this kind of thing before to win for causes, I wouldn't be suprised.

I don't believe he would ever intentionally allow an animal to be harmed unless the greater benefit was to human beings, but that's not the case. It is said to be an accident. But that's what I think. He was upset when the last thing happened to the other pony because he cared about it and that was after the race, not in the middle, so it was about the horse, not the race.

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