Saturday, September 25, 2010

i am wrong (about theft)

i am wrong about the missing protein powder. it wasn't the wenatchee police or anyone (i was thinking if it would be anyone, logically, who else would even be interested?)

it was in a different bag and i remembered that i moved it there myself.

it is my fault.

i forgot bc it had been in the other place for so long and i moved it at the very last moment, so no one else did anything and i just had a memory lapse.

i am sorry about that.

it wasn't a psychic guessing error either...i didn't get anything in that way at all. it was a logical human trying to figure out where in the world it was and why wasn't it in the place that i thought and then the other place came to mind, and i remembered and checked, and it was right there.

at least i'm willing to admit when i'm wrong, unlike some i know.

and, i HAVE had so many serious thefts, it wasn't totally unrational for me to wonder. anyway.

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