Sunday, September 5, 2010

Images: National Geographic, September 2010 issue

KI walked into the Mongolian BBQ yesterday and found the gold face with lined eyes looking back at me from The National Geographic.

I think, possibly, it had to have been something like this that I saw. I am sure.

The photographer's name is Kenneth Garrett. It made me wonder, "When was he taking these photos and are we related?"

It was a nice issue. The water in one of the photos looked like the water I saw in my dream the night before last, how there seemed to be ridges almost.

I am wondering if this edition just came into being later or if this was a work in progress that I picked up on through someone else's eyes?

The ivory box belonging to the royal mummies also has a figure of Egyptians on one knee, and as i looked, I thought this could possibly be something I saw but I also saw something a little different too, more like pencil drawings or paintings of Egyptians on one knee.

The only thing I'm missing is something that someone was seeing which isn't in this article, but everything else, even colors, look like the stuff I saw in this edition. But there were possibly a few other things.

The colors in the ivory box are close to what I got.

I guess that's cool, considering after getting this image in the shower, I was outside with all these cats coming up and I thought the "Queen of the Cats" thing--I thought about that in a joke to myself but also, wondered about if I had seem some Egyptian deity, sort of thought of Cleopatra, and then did think of mummies.

That gold head, one of them, has to be the main gold thing I was seeing. And the colors on the ivory box are also right. I just saw maybe something else but maybe I was trying too hard. What's weird, is that the figure on the ivory box, is kneeling in the direction I saw it kneeling, facing to the left.

That is the exact posture and direction of posture and there was something on the other side too, so...

Reealllllyy weird.

I wonder if this edition came out early to some households? or if it hadn't gone out yet when I had the image I had?

The other sort of strange thing was that in one of my posts I said I hadn't seen "bones" or "skeletons" or anything, as if I had seen the article and was confirming one thing and negating the next. But in the article there are some skeleton artifacts.

I loved the whole issue. I wanted to take it but didn't.

I even loved the last part, the scarabs on the back page, which went so well with the other theme. I really do love those beetles (ahem, scarabs).

Who is Kenneth Garrett?!

Am I related to him?

How in the world...did I see this? I mean, is this what I saw? a work in progress? or was it published for some households already?

I thought maybe I was seeing what someone was looking at in a museum. I really got that face fully dimensional. It was so close to me. When I got it and tried to focus in, the eyes kept getting closer.

It was like blurry bright gold all around, and then those lined eyes.

And the panels, in a sense, on the ivory box, are in the order I saw. I saw something on one side and then the one kneeling to face the left and in those general colors.

SOOOOOoooooooooooo weird.

I want to say that in addition I somehow saw something else too though, like painting or drawings on paper or something, and with someone kneeling to the left and other figures and designs.

And then I didn't even see this issue until I had my dream and the water in one of the shots is the way that I saw the water in my dream about Russian waters. In the photo it says the appearance is from sediment or something, but I saw this, not in the bright colors it was at night, but the same appearance and style of ridges.
I guess the only other explanation is that I hit on something for someone and it was a big deal and was better to have the focus shifted to a different idea so that thisperson or a group didn't think it had anything to do with the other thing. Like disinformation and taking the focus to something else because I somehow got something very important and shocking.

But more likely, it was probably something to do with this issue and possibly things surveyed while sorting it out.

I know for sure that I do get things about other people though, I just saw the painting of the Queen by Philip and my impression of her table was right. But it was back in the 60s? why would I get the impression of the tablecloth being fanned out when maybe this was just her table from a different decade? that would be strange. I do think people can shift to different decades because sometimes I've gotten things about people that happened when they were kids or teenagers. Like the military man who cleared out termites when he was a kid, and I got that correctly. Then the man who played tennis when he was little, and the camper this guy had 10 years earlier, down to the colors. So I have picked up on past things as much as current, and while I've never seen a "ghost" or anything, I think it's possible that I've picked up on a couple of people who maybe passed away.

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