Sunday, September 19, 2010

impressions, scripture, & weather freak

Before 2 p.m. I had an impression of someone carving wood.

I don't know who. I only saw a man's hands.

It looked like the knob for the top of a chair or a bedpost. It was something round like for furniture. My feeling was that it was a chair. It looked like a chair to me, and not like anything else.

I wasn't trying to get any impressions at all. I read a couple of scriptures and then was just taking a really short cat nap (with the cats) and it came up to my mind without my asking God for anything or trying to get anything at all.

It wasn't really blond wood or really dark dark wood. From what I could tell, but the main impression was of a man carving wood. I certaintly hope no one is attempting to craft a nifty sceptere for the great outdoors or a lightening rod. Someone wants to play Thor.

At first I wanted to say it was just carving and then I sort of wanted to say I saw the upward movement of a hand and a shaving of wood coming up from it. It wasn't movement of the shaving with the hand moving down, but an upward movement.
Secondly, some woman out there was wearing this very bold pattern on a shirt or dress. It was bright coral pink and orange and white and black.

I haven't looked up any daily news yet and I assume these are random impressions of probably local people.

I felt like for a minute Harry was near. Like local. He came to mind as driving in the area. But then I thought, no it has to be someone who sort of looks like him. Had an impression very vague,, of a fac but it's not possible so it must be someone who looks like him.

I thought that later in the afternoon, like an hour ago or so, his face for some reason.
A couple of days ago I had more of an impression of William for some reason but not Harry as much. But I haven't seen anyone that looks like either, at all, just to mind mainly today was the first day and then William for some reason the other day. And I know he wasn't, I know that, but it was just a weird feeling.
I actually never thought that either were here at all, but had some impressino that someone else wanted me to maybe think this.
I cleaned up my malware today and removed some pesky programs.

I did some cooking and cleaning as well. That was it.
Something weird happened with weather...I told this man that I wanted these clouds, at around 3 p.m., to just skip over this section and go over to the East Wenatchee side, and they did. I am not kidding. It was really dark and gray and cloudy with these monster clouds rolling and I told this man in overalls who looked like a farmer, who was standing at a car dealership, "Look at these clouds! I wish they would just skip over here and go over to that side and rain over there!" and the man said to me, "Oh, come on now--let it rain." Let it rain, like I had control over the rain. But right after I was walking away, I noticed the clouds were moving over to the other side and the drizzle quit. I stood there and even drew his attention to the clouds and pointed them out to him and said how they looked horrible, like mountains, and that I hoped they would just move really fast to the other side and rain over there (well, beyond East Wenatchee actually) and it did!

The only man who could testify that I am telling the truth is that man, who probably freaked out. He was an older man who was tall and stout and wore a green checkered (I think) shirt beneath blue overalls that said "key" brand on it and then he had on a farmer's hat...which to me is a regular baseball hat but without a brim that is curved...the brim must be straight across to be a right farmer's hat. Farmer's don't have time, or care to curve the brims on their hats--that's for pansies.
This morning I opened up the Bible to II Kings Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. The first thing I read about, that my eyes fell on, was about healing.

It was about Elisha, and how he said, "Hand me a vessel" or God said this and then told him to put salt in it. Then Elisha took this vase or cup filled with salt water and he threw it into the lake or bad waters, and they became waters of healing.

Then I looked over at the sink where I had set my cup that was already filled with water, which I had added salt to already.

I have to say, and I will repeat the rest of the story, but it was uncanny because on my list of things for Hitchens to take, which is good for anyone for simple cold or infection, is water with salt. I was trying to finish blogging the things I had made a note of on paper (with a woman witnessing) and the computer quit working. Some things were random, that came to mind, like tamarind, which I checked on first, but other things were just simple things probably a lot of people know about.

Then I opened up to ? I thought it Matthew but maybe not. I would have to look again.

But then I went back to the Old Testament and read about how a woman raised up her son from the dead. II Kings still.

and then in the Old Testament, the woman took the staff of Elisha and laid it on her son, as he had instructed, and he (the boy) wouldn't move but then when the prophet came over and physically touched the boy, the boy came back to life.

This passage is also interesting because Elisha sees the mother coming, whom he knew already, because he instructed her to keep jars full of oil. And then, when she came to him, about her son, he said to someone next to him, "Ask her what she needs because I don't know...the Lord 'hath hid it from me'", so even prophets do not "see" or "know" everything.

I also thought about how sometimes it is not anything other than a physical touch that helps with healing. And I do believe in healing still.

Anyway, I randomly opened to this today, it was the first thing I read and first about healing waters, and then I went to the NT and then back. I got a lot out of it even though I don't read some of these less known passages as much.

There are a lot of small lessons in just a few passages, I got a whole bunch of things out of just a couple of chapters. Things to think about.

Black pepper is supposed to be really good for things too and I'm just doing research on it.


  1. hey its josh from subway. im psychic aswell. i was told in a vision to come and meet you at subway and tell you what i see in your soul. i saw a young boy crying on your lap in a royal palace. i hope that meens something to you. good luck and best wishes. i want to talk more but i was told not too by the woman in my vision. farewell.

  2. Josh,

    :) it says..."once a nanny always a nanny?"

    just kidding.

    there is also a royal palace place in Wenatchee, and they have really good chinese food. I don't know if maybe...?

    anyway, if this is something from my soul, it would make me sad to think any child might be crying (unless crying naturally).

    What is weird, is that at least on the psychic note...I don't know what to think about what you wrote, but I did think you were a little bit psychic. Maybe you are just joking around, but I noticed something that seemed slightly psychic.

    Thank you
