Wednesday, September 8, 2010

malicious interference with laptop & other (earl of wessex dream)

today i had malicious interference with my laptop. someone thought they would just turn it off and make it impossible for me to turn on. it hadn't crashed. there is nothing wrong with it. someone else has the ability to turn my laptop off and on.

at this point, this can only be government. u.s. govt., in my opinion. who else would be allowed to do this?

then, just as i knew it would, it turned on, but only after i forced to take a goose walk around the town, just so assholes who deal in mind control and psychic shit, could play their games first.

this is becoming obvious to not just me.

when i have been staying with others who have all coincidentally been connected to military or other stuff, they would sometimes literally harass me until i left, because they wanted me to be forced out of one single place and then follow around and see if i happen to hit the points they designate. which isn't hard, becaue there are a lot of "points" to hit in a small town and in a small town where i am only walking, everyone claims a territory.

this is being done with regular people involved but also some who are higher end, who are not just goofing around. and the most sick thing is that it's been done with my son.

i know some of what's going on, so it's not like i am just some victim...however, my son and i have been USED in horrid ways.

my son and i deserve not only to be together, but out of this country if this is not going to be controlled. i would rather live in switzerland or sweden or someplace where they actually respect HUMAN RIGHTS.

obama is going to need to get ahold of this woman who is my lawyer now, and work something out so we can leave freely and be at peace. if i wanted to, i could blow the lid off of this whole corrupt thing, and name military and other u.s. people involved and i haven't.

we want OUT.

i have people who refuse to give me work or housing and just want to watch where i go and what i do and i haven't even started on my complaint about what's been really done to my son.
one weird thing i dreamed about last night was probably something someone tried to send me. i don't even think it was a waking dream.

i dreamed i had found these old love letters and they were to and from "the earl of wessex". i have no idea who the "earl of wessex". it was that someone in my family, ancestors, a woman, had had an affair or relationship or was married, or had some kind of romance with an "earl of wessex" and this was supposedly a connection or relation to me.

i didn't have my laptop all day so i kept wondering who the earl of wessex was and thought i needed to research it, out of curiosity.

i even remember what the handwriting looked like, in the letters.

well, i just looked it up and there is only the current earl of wessex and that title has not been in use for over 900 years. the last one was a king harold. so i am sure it was a jumbled dream, but i saw the writing in the dream but maybe it was a glimpse of what someone else was writing about. it was small rounded letters and i think with parts crossed or scribbled out. of a woman or young woman who was in love with the earl of wessex.

however, that was one very small part of dreams i had and i just remember this because of the lettering. i was probably half awake, maybe, and picking up on something from someone else or a paper they were doing or maybe someone's idea for a book. it looked like child's writing almost so, not really child's, but the writing of a young woman.

i must have picked up on something from t.v. or internet or something somewhere. actually, i shouldn't leave it "open" for someone to claim, that it was their idea, because i could probably name exactly why this ended up in some kind of dream sequence.

i guess it's not impossible though, in a different kind of idea bc i found something about some connection with the old harold guy and something about the time of godiva and i know for a fact that we're related to lady goviva, or godyfa (?) from back when, from granny (who had english, scottish, and luxumbourg geneology). i don't think godyfa had anything to do with harold of course.

or maybe some grown woman out there once wrote little love letters to the earl of essex which were really sweet. the current earl. so anything is possible.
at least there is no overheating with the laptop today.

i felt so upset about my son and not being able to get ahold of my son, that's all i thought about last night, was my son. i just thought about him and how upset i am becoming and how he is and how i don't know what's really going on with these lawyers and how to fix things.

that is all i have been thinking about, increasingly.

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