Sunday, September 26, 2010

more on the femur image of obama barak's leg

I guess I thought I would explain, first of all, that it is impossible anyone "sent" me anything about Obama when I asked. No one was communicating with me psychicly or putting ideas in my head. It would have been impossible. So if anyone is claiming to take credit for it, they are stealing that from God.

I also started to wonder why I got so exact but was slightly off, and I thought of 3 things. I first thought it is possible his medical report lists this problem but intentionally makes it the other leg, for security reasons. 2. His other thigh started to act up. 3. I assumed he was facing forward when I really only saw a cut off view of his thigh after seeing a few flashes and then settled on the wrong idea when I was only seeing from his knee to upper thigh.

As for the way I "got" it, it didn't come in word form. I didn't get this impression of the word "femur" or "thigh".

I literally was praying and asking God and then I saw an actual visual (in the mind's eye) of his legs and then it sort of zoomed in on one leg and then went right to this visual of his thigh bone.

After I got this visual of his thigh bone, I then rationalized, to myself, "It must be his femur."

There is absolutely no way that even the world's best psychic could do a little scene, and then zooming in action and then go to this interior view of his thigh bone.

No one sent me a mental picture.

It was God's work and the glory and genius is God.

Had I received an audio impression of "femur" first, it would have been possible someone sent it, and that then my imagination took over. But that is not how it happened.

I did have a few other impressions sort of come up first but then when I got that one, I knew it was something and I raised my head and thanked God and that was it. I got off of my knees and took my shower. It took only a few minutes, but that's not my timing. I don't get very precise things all the time maybe, but I think God still answers prayer. Not all the time, and not in the way we want all the time, but in his time and somehow, his grace.

For a split second I thought, after getting this, was this something about William of Wales? because he had once had a limp (but that was ages ago) but I thought to myself, "no, you prayed to God for something very specific and hidden about Obama and you should go with it and trust that."

I did have a couple of things flash up first, but that was this part where I was doing a mental filter, of sifting out what was my imagination until I felt like I hit on something I wouldn't have thought of myself.

For example, in my human process of thinking, I thought "a knife?" why would I think of that? and then "a catheter?" and no, it was this mental "noise" or human imagination and I felt that wasn't correct at all and was just interference. I was getting some other person that was near, and it was interfering with what I had asked for. I kept praying and waited.

So I waited, having sifted out other information that wasn't about Obama, then all of a sudden, when my inner vision focused on Obama, and then this thigh and then went to the interior, I knew this had to be it. Or hoped that was it, and that it was correct, and I didn't have confirmation until I read the report later.

I have never seen that medical report in my life, or heard of it, and anyone who monitors what I do on my computer would know this. I also wouldn't lie about it and have been honest about these things bc it's important.

So anyway, I wanted to describe better how it came to me, because I know without a doubt that no other psychic sent it to me or influenced the outcome of what I saw, in any way.

I also had "femur" come to mind as a word I used myself, after I had the interior sight of the thigh bone. After I saw this, I then said, after I had quit praying, "his femur" but then I thought, it's the long thigh bone but maybe i should just say thigh bone in case there are other bones involved. I started to doubt and question my vocabulary or medical knowledge because I saw what I saw, but thought I might generalize to just thigh bone.

It was the first time I have ever seen "inside" of someone's body before.
Anyway, I'm going back to eating some ice cream and having some pudding in a minute.

I only asked for this information, out of a request to God to help me again, to show that He is in agreement that my son must be returned to me. I also wanted something that would prove I did not get it from some other psychic and that it was original.

My son was wrongly taken from me and a lot of people have lied and colluded to keep evidence out of the record. I have been deprived of proper counsel and justice and so has my son and I will not quit fighting for him, by whatever legal means necessary.

I just don't know how much more info I should post publicly if I keep praying for things.

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