Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Putin 'n' Me

I can't believe it.

Well Putin must be slightly psychic. Or I really do have a weird small connection because last night I guessed it was a "blue jeans" kind of day today and I just found news to indicate it is. At least that's how it's planned. Somehow, at 11 p.m. or so, I knew or "thought" it was going to be a more casual day--not casual in less important, but not a big suit day.

I just looked up news that says he is planning to meet with village people and inspect fires and a construction site today.

I know what kind of shirt I thought he might be wearing, but I am too new to want to be wrong publicly too many times. I will say if I am but I kind of want to see for myself first.

I also got the word, from someone, last night, some Russian diminuative kept wanting to surface but I didn't know what it was and never got it. Sort of most of the late afternoon, night, there was some word. Later, I got "nikita" but there was some other word and I don't know what. Maybe the word was even for the village or area he's seeing today. I don't know, but something was right there and wanting to surface.

Also, I found last night, while looking up a bio on Putin, out of curiosity, I found this b&w photo of him and his mother when he was maybe 4 or up to 8? I don't know, and it is by a hollowed out bank and that is the same kind of hollowed out bank I got in my dream when I went "to russia and back" but it was larger. However, it had the same shape and appearance as this, it was just more of a the whole side of a hill somehow. So I thought that was kind of interesting.

Oh, I also had an impression of him with a butter knife. I think it was a butter knife because I distinctly got someone buttering a toast or bread or roll or something, but I kind of thought I may have gotten a crossed wire on that one. Maybe it was someone else. It was, let my look at my notes...It says 12:40 a.m. (my time) thereabouts.

I will dictate my notes as I wrote them down, exactly:

--someone called me "nikita" before 12 p.m.
--before 12 i said happy birthday to harry (it came to me first and then i repeated it)
--(omitted until I check news)
--buttering bread or roll with butter knife? at 12:40 a.m. pst. (vlad)
I don't know why, but I sense good energy right now, for some reason. Maybe something I wrote that means something to someone or something else. But good energy. 8:05 a.m. no overheating from my laptop either, it's a pure warming of my heart from good energy.
I can't find any world leaders photos today actually. I think I scared them all off.

I was only looking for Obama and Putin today. didn't think to look up royals other than harry's bday line. But no photos!

My "idea" for Putin's shirt came yesterday but I am probably wrong about it. I did sort of think today was more of a dressed down day. but I am probably wrong about shirt but want to see, first. I sort of thought it maybe had light stripes or there was a pattern and it wasn't a complete solid today, but I may be wrong. That was my initial thought, but I didn't put a lot of time into it. When I saw his white shirt, there was nothing else I could get except that so it was very consistent. I had an idea come to mind with the other but I really don't know yet.

When I saw the butter knife scene, I didn't get the shirt really--just hands and the movement of what was being done.

Well, I guess even if I'm wrong, I have a semi-decent feeling again. It's sort of in waves today. Up and then down.

Well, if I was wrong in my guess, I guess it was good to be wrong. I still can't find anything, no photos of Putin. All I thought was possibly something with a light stripe or pattern maybe and then I got the idea of "blue jeans" and I have never seen Putin in jeans before (I don't think, though I've not looked at hardly any photos) and so it came to mind it was a "blue jean day" in the sense of more hands on stuff and not as much behind a podium.

Well, I looked up a new article that says he gave some speech at an art festival but I still can't find photos. What I mean mainly is that I didn't picture him in a suit today really, but who knows. I don't know didn't look like a real article. I need to just wait because I don't know yet. I am just curious.

I don't know why everyone decided to hide away the photos today. No photos of Obama, or Putin, and I had trouble loading the Queen's page. but I didn't try to think about them at all today. I have no clue what they'd be wearing bc I didn't put it to mind at all.

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