Thursday, September 16, 2010

Report Re. Judge Warren (true and sworn testimony)

For the Committee on Judicial Fitness:

Accusation: 1. He put a suspension on my car that was not legal, and then when confronted with the illegality, refused to correct his actions. I had no case pending before him at the time and he acted of his own accord. He deliberately and knowingly allowed an illegal suspension to remain on my vehicle which prevented me from getting to college or to court in Oregon where I has 2 lawsuits pending.

2. Judge Warren jailed me with excessive force without evidence and then refused to file any of my Motions and kites,which are to be filed, by law.

3. Judge Warren mae use of his position and colluded with police officers and lawyers to harass me and obstruct justice, for personal and religious reasons.

4. Possible interference or collusion in having my son taken from me at a later date.

History and Background:
I have been meaning to make this report for some time. I believe Judge Warren went beyond the normal course of duties, with allowances and discretion a Judge is given.

In 2005, I was commuting between Washington State and Oregon State. I was assisting my grandmother who had broken her back and lived in Washington and then continued with my studies at Portland State University in Oregon. During this time, I was a participant and litigator in the large Archdiocese bankruptcy case, which began in Oregon. I was also with another case before the courts, for defamation of my character by libel.

One of the lawyers for the defense, John Kaempf, began sending harassing mail to my grandmother, attempting to blackmail her into fearing for herself when he threatened to take action against my grandparents (who were not part of any lawsuit and whom I merely lived with PT).

At this point, I felt the lawyer's conduct had crossed a line from zealous harassment of me as part of his defense, to harassment of my elderly family members. John Kaempf, the lawyer then, wrote in his letter that I was emailing him for the case and he didn't like some of the emails and would take action against them (grandparents) if they did not do something about me. My grandparents were in their 70s and 80s and still are here to testify that this is true.

I happened to intercept this letter when it was mailed to the wrong house. I was handed the envelope and read the contents when my great-uncle indicated I should have a look. Mr. Kaempf had addressed the envelope to Ms. Baird and left no return address in order to keep the mailing secretive.

When I found out, I sent out an email to Kaempf telling him I was going to file for an Anti-Harassment Order against him for this. To beat me to it, that very same day, Mr. Kaempf sent out a faxed petition to a Judge he knew, Judge Warren, to claim I was harassing HIM. It was sent, according to the fax time and date, just a short time after I had emailed Kaempf that I was filing against him.

Judge Warren issued an Anti-Harassment order against me. He did so, while knowing I was in the hospital at the time and unable to attend to the order to even appeal. This is not what I fault Judge Warren for. What I believe crossed over to misconduct was what happened next.

I did not know, at that time, that Judge Warren and John Kaempf were intimately connected
through their church, The Roman Catholic Church (and their respective parishes) and through, more importantly, The Catholic Charities organization. John Kaempf was then on the Board of Directors for this organization in Oregon and NW region while Judge Warren's wife was the President for this organization in Washington. They have joint meetings and contacts and are connected. This would not matter if it had not brought out how these two gentlemen knew eachother. I also saw John Kaempf in town, in Wenatchee, and I believe Judge Warren had some connection or tie to another attorney who was partnering against me with Kaempf.

What happened next was that Judge Warren and Kaempf communicated ex parte and then had this Order filed agianst me, while my lawsuit was still pending against the Archdiocese. I was then chased down and pulled over in Oregon, in the middle of the night, by a police officer who told me my license was suspended and my car was being towed away.

I was taking classes at college at the time, in Portland, and when I was pulled over, I was halfway to Coos Bay, to visit my parents. I told the officer there was a mistake and that my license was not suspended but he towed my car. I asked how it could be suspended when I had done nothing wrong. Consequently, my car was towed away and I was forced to hitchhike, for the first time in my life, in order to make it back to college to take my classes. This was 2005. However, I then had to pay for a hotel and figure out how to get my car back and how in the wolrd my license was even suspended to begin with. I eventually found out, after the WA and OR DMVs confirmed they had no suspension on my license, that it had been done by Judge Warren. Judge Warren had actually gone out of his way to have my license suspended without legal causes. One of the clerks told me this was the case. Then when I found out the suspension was illegal, and that Judge Warren had asked the alert to go out to the Oregon state patrol, I found it strange he would go out of his way to do this, knowing that my car would be towed and I would be stuck in Oregon without a way to get back to Washington where my legal papers were, for the Archdiocese case (which he was not party to).

I will describe damages later. What I then had to do, once I was back in Washington, was to approach Judge Warren and show him the "error" (in case it had not been intentional) and ask him to fix it. He saw what happened and he refused to make any correction.

In refusing to correct himself, he was leaving me without the ability to drive a car legally which affected my ability to complete classes and commute for the lawsuits which were in Oregon. I was unable to enter Oregon, out of fear I would be pulled over again for a false suspension. The most shocking thing was that Judge Warren refused to correct this. I finally had to go all the way through a different channel and literally go around the Judge, to have the problem fixed.

I believe the refusal to correct the problem shows malice and intentional willful disregard for the law.

That wasn't all.

The next thing that happened was then the police who knew Judge Warren arrested me on a false arrest, the evening before I meeting a reporter to discuss a story about the Oregon and Washington FBI with a local Wenatchee World reporter.

Before I was arrested on false arrest, I tried to go to the local Wenatchee FBI offices and make a complaint about Warren and other Judges but the excuse was "He's retiring this summer anyway." That was in 2005 and it is now 2010 and this Judge has not retired.

When I was jailed, the timing prevented me from a very clear legal strategy as well, which lawyers knew about in Oregon. I was was then trying to file for damages for a personal injury suit where I broke my leg and had at least $50,000 to collect. The lawyers for this case were Donna Ciaramella with Farmers' (and others) in Oregon and I found out they knew the lawyers for the Archhdiocese and other case I had filed as a plaintiff (besides PI claim, where I named a newspaper and a Benedictine monastery).

Judge Warren and Judge Nancy Harmon did something very strange in this case, demanding that I go to jail when there was zero evidence or reasonable cause for the charge (first charge of my life, and for a misdemeanor).

Most peole with a clean record get personal recoginance (showing up to court voluntarily, not being jailed) but Judge Warren and Harmon had such animosity towards me which wasn't concealed, and I was locked in jail, in solitary even, when it was known I was pregnant and knowing I had a clean record, and then my bail was set at an excessive amount of $10,000 for a 4th degree (lowest level) misdemeanor that had ZERO evidence, not even a WITNESS statement, backing it.

I was held for maybe 3-4 days in a joint room with 5 other women or so and then when the guards told me not to write anymore or make anymore requests to the Judge, I was then transfered to a solitary cell, where I was limited the amount of kites or paper and there were no witnesses to see this. I had my kites returned to me as well, when I was in this solitary unit, that measured the size of an office cubicle and only 2 books were provided to me the entire time I was there, even though I requested something to read. "Chocolat" and the Bible.

Judge Warren held me there until my time for filing what I needed to file to get the personal injury money had expired.

I was so distraught I lost 10 lbs in jail. I was pregnant, had never been to jail, I was falsely accused, and I was losing my personal injury claim. I was also in solitary for 10 or more days out of 14, in an isolated cell and harassed by guards.

I wrote several kites at this time, about excessive bail and request for reduction, and for personal recoginance, and for a lawyer, and all of these things were taken by guards and then returned to me with a note that said the Judge refused to file any of it. When I got out of jail I went to the court and asked one of the clerks to file something since I was out and she said she couldn't because Judge Warren had entered a note into the computer not to file anything from "Cameo Garrett".

I was shocked to hear this Judge had deliberately blocked me from my right to file motions or kites into the public and legal recorrd. I told my public defender, who said this wasn't possible and said I said it WAS, and then the clerk removed the notice and finally filed one of my motions. One of the clerks there witnessed.

Finally, Judge Warren acted in a suspicious manner when I returned from Canada after police and state persons in Washington had my son removed from me when I was in Canada. When I came back into town, Judge Warren followed me around once or twice by car, at night, and made a show of deliberately mocking me when almost no one else was even on the road.

This was after he was aware of the fact that I had tried to report his actions to the Wenatchee FBI. It may be that Judge Warren's connections extended into Canada, through his wife's organization, Catholic Charities, or in some other way. He at least showed a deliberate attempt or willingness to harm me and my son.

I would like to comment on some of the harassment which was leveled against me by the police during this period as well, prior to and aftter the false suspension Warren put on my car. I believe some of it was connected as there was a concerted effort to harass me, alienate and separate me from family members, tell me to leave the state, and try to prevent me from being able to drive in order to obstruct my ability to move freely and commute to Oregon to finish classes and legal matters.

From the time I moved to Washington State, I was harassed by Wenatchee and Chelan county police. I discovered that I had been defamed to the police but I am not sure by what channels. I was told, upon the first false arrest, "We know who you are. You are known by police all through Oregon and Washington state." This was the first time I found out that I was defamed and under surveillance and my guess was that it was through peole I had litigation against or some kind of damaging remarks made against me after I had reported some of the defendents or "misconduct" by 2 FBI employees while I was still living in Oregon (before I began commuting).

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