Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reporting Steve May

This asshole is now going to the library I have been using. He just now showed his face, and went right over to the printer next to me to take his papers.

He has a fucking printer in his own house, and a lot of other places he can use as well and comes over here to intentionally put himself in my face.

Which means if this continues to occur, I will file a restraining order against him and the potential for a civil lawsuit is not done, nor are criminal allegations over.

I was just sitting here thinking about how he intentionally screwed me over and disseminated my personal information all over the place, including to people from the UK.

Some of the most horrible things possible occured while I stayed at his house, and then he vandalized my property, allowed strange men into my apartment while I was there (with no notice--a trespass), had friends delete information about the vehicle plates of the men who showed up in my apartment, and stole and distributed all of my personal belongings to people in the community including police.

He got away with it, with the help of some officers who bent over backwards to cover for him.

I was just sitting here thinking how I didn't like this energy around right now, and how he screwed me over, I was literally thinking about him, and he decides to come over to me, and stare.

Whoever he is aligned with, they did horrible, horrible, things to me while I stayed there. He also stole my paystubs from work while I was gone for a short time. No one else stole it, he did. I take that back. It is possible that the other housemates stole the paystub. I do not know. But he then threatened me when I said I was going to go to the police to make a report about it. He then kept everything I owned and parcelled things out to others and kept things. He left a Bible at the counter of this housing place, with a photo after he stole my photo albums even. When I went back to ask which photo it was (I mean, that is a sick thing to do and might be telling, to know which photo he selected out of all of my photos) and it was gone. No one wanted me to have the evidence then because they knew it was a sick thing to do. A police officer was the one to let me know there was a Bible with a photo inside of it that had been left for me.

This man is not a good person.

My legs swelled up to unbelievable proportions when I stayed at his house and I had other people in that neighborhood, or at this time, do ghastly things. There were extreme problems there.

He and some of those with him had access to my son which I did not approve. His own kids (sons) have major issues and I would never want them near my son.

That entire time at his house was a turning point for the worst. I was tortured there, just like I was tortured one time in the russian baptist church. This happened and happens, to MY SON, from the time he was a baby. It is inexcusable.

That is one time where I had a bad feeling about signing a contract with him and I went against my own instincts because it seemed like the only option. I was otherwise homeless and no one was renting to me, unless I was engaged. Everyone I tried to rent from just queried me about whether I was still with my fiance or not and if not, they weren't renting to me. I was set up to rent from this guy, May. It was the only option I had at the time, and even though it was a nice house and seemed like a decent set up, I remember the very day that I sat at the table in the Jeepers cafe with cars going by outside and I just had a bad feeling about signing in with him. I was ever so right. EVER so right! I am positive that I was also given things in my food or some kind of drug while I was there. There was more than one bad thing going on.

This was after what happened in Seattle and Bainbridge.

There's another guy here that I recognize as no good. Won't go into it. I am not going to reveal everything right now.

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