Friday, September 3, 2010

Sad Vibe & earthquake & "my daughter"

I felt fine until actually, I talked to my cousin and then felt sad or that bad energy. Sad for my son, but sad if anything was affected.

I wanted to know if someone was checking on my son. I closed my eyes to think of diffeent people and though I didn't have a bad feeling at all, I thought I saw him upset or crying. She said he was going to be back at the house for lunch in 2 minutes. So then I wondered if maybe he was crying bc of having to leave or the sadness was from someone else. I don't know. I hope it changes again.

Today I prayed for a few things.

Yesterday I wrote down one thing I could share...which was sort of random...

I said to a little boy, "You got fish crackers today didn't you!" and then I didn't realize what they even were until I went back into the store. They weren't fish crackers. They were square cheese crackers with the brand name "Wales" above it in bold, which I hadn't even seen (they were in a bag and I could only see what I thought were crackers.

I thought, they're not even in a fish shape! and then I saw the brand name and thought, "Well, they're whales crackers?"

Otherwise, I prayed for a lot of countries.

After what happened to me yesterday I knew there was going to be an earthquake and I just looked at CNN and there was. I remember thinking I was so upset and the last time I was this upset I was wrongly jailed over the restraining order thing, and I knew, when I was in that cell, that there were earthquakes. I got out and found out there had been 2-3. Yesterday I thought, I was so upset but it was hurricane season now and probably earthquakes were not possible so why was I getting the impression of a very large earthquake that was going to strike? and then first thing this morning I thought there had been one. I don't know if I just get more intuitive about earthquakes when I am upset or what.

It hit Christschurch of all things. How symbolic is that? when just last night I was commiserating about being abused in church and by christians. At any rate, I have no idea why the earthquakes occur where they do because they all seem to be good places. But anyway, I think I was just somehow intuiting this but what is strange is that I knew, when I was crying in the bathroom yesterday, after being harassed by all of these AT&T 411 operators, that there was going to be an earthquake.

What's even stranger is that I guess I might have found the news almost right after it was posted, or updated. It said "1 minute ago".
I talked to a nice woman yesterday, young woman, who is going on a missions trip maybe and I wasn't trying to be a super-guesser at all. She said she had a large family thought and 5 came to mind and she said yes and I don't think she was lying about it. Then it was sad because her family had had a death where their son, who was 5, died of a brain tumor at that age. Can't confirm but that's what she said.

Today I prayed, sort of whimsically, "Show me something Diana would do which no one would know about really" and then nothing came to mind except that I literally wanted to do pirouettes on the sidewalk. Or those twirls or whatever. Just dancing. Of course this is no secret at all. i also thought I saw someone balancing while walking across a plank but thought this sounded like the movie "dirty dancing" where they're trying to cross over by balancing.

last night, an impression of something going side to side, like rocking the boat. A board or a boat or something being moved down up from one side to the next side. I think it was sometime before I fell asleep. I felt that this was likely a projection someone was wanting me to see. I didn't feel it was spontaneous.

I really slept well with no dreams last night. I also haven't felt like focusing on all the images and things. I didn't try to get insights into anyone at all. Not that I usually do, but sometimes, a little bit, to test myself and just didn't feel like it today. I briefly thought of a couple people, just briefly, but wasn't trying to guess things about them.

An Anna who is more local came to mind, and this guy I see on the sidewalk now and then and this morning, and just a few random things.

With my cousin I was upset about my son and I decided to do a random reading for her and then after 2 books I quit. It was too weird.

I randomly got something about Paul and the Basket (paul persecuting someone and then letting people pass through by a basket) and then the second one was "My Little Pocket Promise Book" in a really small kid's form and that's when I just stopped. Granny is known for her "jesus pocket promise books" and seeing that connection with thinking of my cousin and then seeing a jesus pocket promise book was too weird. So I just stopped after that one. Spooky, but not in a bad way.
The computer is overheating. I wasn't having problems at first but it didn't take long.
I am doing a fast but I quit yesterday because I was worried it might be affecting someone else. like someone was forcing someone else to do what I did, who shouldn't do this. And just thought maybe there was some kind of bet or something. So I had a juice fast and then at night late I ate a meal. Then I thought I would do it again this way, juice and liquids and powder packs to mix in and then have a meal tonight.
I guess one other thing I might want to write about is how I was telling my son, through thoughts, yesterday, how much I loved him, and then it came back to me, "I love you my daughter"

Which I feel might be a mean projected thing because it was a woman saying this in a more formal voice. My mom doesn't say things like "my daughter". She would say "I love you" but not "I love you my daughter" and I was praying and sending thoughts to my son and I don't even have a daughter. So then I was wondering what did I just intercept? someone telling their child they loved their daughter? or someone telling me they loved me like a daughter?

I don't "channel" and I wasn't praying or meditating in a certain way at all and this is the only time I have ever gotten something sort of sent to me at the same time that I was sending something out to my son. So I honestly have no idea. I know it was not a man. And I'm not schitzo either. I didn't "hear" it like audio. It is a mind's eye, ear, thing. It's really different to describe.

Also, when I wrote out the poem I got for Mr. Hawking, I almost felt someone, a man, saying it out in unison with me from memory maybe. Some other man must really remember that poem. That was the only time I ever got that, as I was typing it out, 1/3 or halfthrough, someone reciting it, a man, in mind to himself or out loud. Some man loves that poem. It was like I was just typing it out and some man knew it from memory. Maybe just reading along, but I had the impression they knew it, a lot of it by heart possibly.

I thought it odd that I got 2 Kennedy books when they were in totally different sections, and just randomly got both "the last lion" and caroline kennedy's favorite poems.
anyway. I know these things sound really weird, but to describe it is, no, it's not MPD (multiple personalities) or anything where I am thinking on a couple of different channels or something. I am always fully cognizant and feel absolutely normal and then it's more like a thought but tuned in a little bit more. Or recognizing that some ideas which come to mind, are not always generated through the individual subconscious but possibly through a connection with someone else.
This is so funny, from CNN, the man who called 911 for a hug. he crawled into a hot tub, and asked for a hug, hot cocoa with marshmallows, and a towel. I could not help but laugh out loud. It is really, truly, funny. oh, I think I found it on msnbc.

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