Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Time To Amend Injunction

I realized why I'd had such a bad feeling the last several days and in all my distress and trying to get my new "appeals" lawyer to work on my injunction and help me state a claim, and inbetween being assaulted at church literally, and a number of other things, I forgot about the time for amending my complaint.

I didn't forget about it because I kept asking my lawyer to help me.

She didn't tell me she refused to help with this until the time allotted had passed.

However, since I had to file an in forma pauperis later, I may have a little time because I did that later.

So even though my injunction is effective from the date I filed, the active time for tolling 45 days doesn't start until I filed the in forma pauperis.

I woke up this morning, with this on my mind, and got out of bed with a start, threw on an old tank top and boots, didn't do my make up at all, fed the cats, and blazed outside.

I am having to file the stupid complaint myself when the whole point is that I need a lawyer and resources they would have.

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