Thursday, September 9, 2010

today and my lawyer? & proof of laptop networking

a man walked by me with a long pants tag sticker on the back of his leg. i was going to say something but i had this feeling he already knew it was there. so if he did, i wasn't going to say anything but if he is stuck with it as part of a bet i wish i'd said something. the reason i didn't was because i could tell it was one of those "let's see what she does" things and the normal thing anyone would do is tell someone, but not if they already knew.

he and others were watching so i already knew this.

i think i made one mistake today and i am going to fix tht one now. i made it a memo to go to other coffee places and bc someone kept screwing with my laptop at other places, i was pretty much forced here.

it's cafe mela, and some of the people inside i don't care for (others are fine), when i walked in and then all of the regular yahoos i see walk by. but seriously, someone screws with my laptop so my choices are purposefully altered, which, if there ever is a bet, wouldn't be exactly fair play now would it?

not only that, someone HAS networked my computer to others and had all my routers open to other local busissess. they even have a password on my computer, and in addition to this, someone tried to make all of these policy changes today and did, whereas the log shows they were unsuccessful yesterday. actually there was only one attempt yesterday through an anonymous user. who was maybe trying to help.

but my entire computer has been used and manipulated for the purveyance of a lot of people and so many, in fact, that there is no way someone on the police team didn't know.

i disabled my remote router but someone will just turn it back on again, because obviously, i am not the master controller of this machine.

i guess someone wanted to test how stupid i was first, with regard to computers, and then go with it, thinking i was a complete airhead, OR someone was trying to force me to do my own fucking networking to learn something new. i don't WANT to learn html and code and networking. i just people to respect my fucking privacy.

the attempt to make a policy change yesterday failed.

i basically looked up all the local services components and checked everything and then i looked at the security log.

i don't see how anyone keeps one of these regular computers secure no matter what they do. it's all sort of generic push and go buttons. click, unclick, and i think you would either have to go into a DOS format to change things and actually type in written code or just get a better, military style encrypted computer. with the regular ones, you can do anything to "UNdo" whats done, if the person is good enough at what they do, or simply have the right tools, which would include hijacking radio frequency to get into someone's desktop even.

someone put a 15 character code into the password for the "NT Authority" and i have never put a password on anything at all.

As long as someone is trying to help, I don't mind, but the other thing, the burning thing, isn't, I don't believe, something that even networking would catch because it's done through some kind of other miilitary equipment. it's nothing to do with code that is in the computer, it's something that accesses components of the computer and then allows that computer to be converted into a "non-lethal weapon". literally.

i mean, there is no "special code" to write into a laptop to allow it to do these things. it is using a kind of technology to "activate" things to occur on my laptop. it would be the same for any laptop unless i got a "customized" one after i left it unattended and someone got in to add or alter to some parts.
i tried to contact my lawyer to get in to see him today to find out what his strategy is but i haven't heard back from him yet. i didn't want to see him on the 13th bc it's too late and i need to know now. so i had to be close and see if i could get online and check my email.
i went to at least 3 different places with my laptop today and had problems until i was forced to go where i used to go, where i haven't wanted to go and didn't want to go. then i have people acting surprised that i end up here, when it is a logical conclusion if i have to check my email and can't walk all over town. in no way was it chance nor was it that someone's magnetic pull and powers drew me here. i ended up here because i was shut out of using the internet at every other place.

not only that, i could tell someone literally turned off my laptop so i would be forced to go somewhere yesterday. i knew someone wanted me to go to this place called "the sanctuary" and i didn't go and then after i didn't go and it didn't look like i was going to go there, and called someone else instead and then had someone else look at it, then i was at the DMV and i could TELL he was there, that same guy that someone had wanted me to go to. And then i was pissed and just said something about how i knew he was there, and i said, "still up to the same voodoo?" and left.
anyway, lots of other irish eyes today and nice irish stock too. i wore a sweater today that's knitted in ireland. i know a few of the irish and italian have looked out for my son here and there as much as a few of the mexican and white (and others too, i'm sure).

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