Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weather Watch

I can't believe it. I had a late start to going to the liquor store and the clouds were already bad and a few droplets falling. Just barely, but a few. I swear to god, I walked in and out and then I was walking back and the clouds still looked terrible. But I said to God, and felt it was true, "Well God, you can take care of those clouds, can't you!" and I knew it was going to clear up.

And it did. I guess you'd have to have been here and seen the sky to see how amazing it was to clear up that fast and that well. They were not small clouds!

I guess my main thing, was that I somehow "knew" they were going to be cleared up. So, a small premonition against weather odds, or the appearance of what looked like a serious shower, not just a few sprinkles.

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