Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Impression of Spokane & Scriptures

The bus is delayed. I am in Spokane and I thought I wouldn't like it but it seems okay. I sensed some pockets or places I didn't want to be, but I also sensed good energy in a lot of ways and felt good when I walked past the courthouse.

The first thing hthat happened though was just harassment, which was discouraging. By Jewish, or people pretending to be, I think, but the guy was wearing a Gonzaga sweatshirt. Just things to humiliate me, I felt. I suppose I could have taken it wrong somehow. I don't know. I just thought maybe books on prophecy and therapy of any kind were sort of to mock me but I guess I don't know this guy at all.

He was holding a Cosmo mag and talked about Maine and "shmoozing" with me and seemed fine and friendly until he was literally giving me a book about Alhzheimers. He said it was for me to read on the bus. Jewish author I guess, and I looked at it and it said "public library" and I said, "This is from the library." He said, "Just return it in a month." I said, "No, I can't." I put my Bible on top of his name which he gave me, on the table. So then he goes out to grab 3 other books for me and they were The Celestine Prophecy (by James smoething) and Christotherapy, and then some other book and I just wondered what that was about. I didn't want to take any of them. There was smoe other guy at the station who was rude to me too, and a big "Wow" and everything. But then I went a different direction and sensed good energy again. I ended up walking down a road, not knowing where I was going but trying to find a cafe with wi fi and then I walked past the courthouse and sensed good things, and just knew that at least a few people around town were decent. I also felt I was going to get my son back very soon. I don't know how when on paper it seems so weird, but I just felt it was going to happen.

I played a few games at the station--pinball and a candy grab and then some jet plane game when the stick wasn't working well and I've never played anything like it before. Then I went to a sushi place to have a fw pieces and will not eat out again for awhile. Just wanted one time of eating something small. I think this place is called The Fat Cat but I didn't select it for any reason. It was just the first sushi place I saw and I felt like having Eel. I had miso soup and Eel and that was it. Eel really isn't sushi, or I don't's not raw, it's cooked so I don't know if it's considered to be sushi really.

Right now I feel a little bit of a sad vibe or energy...something down, but overall, very good in town since I've been here, in general. Maybe a little less positive or strong in the last hour or more. I might be getting tired though.

I did feel that something is good here.

The bus was delayed and I'm checking out a few things. On connections, generally. Nothing has been as bad, so far, as it was last night when something was seriously wrong, in a big way. last night, I was very worried and then things corrected. The balance returned or something was better for someone. There was just something not right at some point last night and then it got better.

I slept well last night and went to a place to get a ticket and there were a couple of minor harassing things, like use of a kid or two to do something weird, but other than that, it was generally okay.

Probably, I should not have come for sushi, and spent money but I figured it's not too much and should be fine. I miss playing pinball--my grandfather used to have two full size machines (on my mom's side) and I didn't play a lot but when we visited, I played pinball instead of pool. Though I guess we played a little pool too. I was never any good. I spent a lot of time chalking up the sticks and dancing around with them liked to rack the balls and that was about it.

I liked the Eel here, it was very fresh and good quality Eel. The only thing I prefer more is a slightly sweeter touch to the sauce. The rice, wrap and Eel were some of the best I've had, but I like something (with Eel alone) slightly sweeter. They also did a good job with cooking it--the right amount of time and technique.

I guess what might be bothering me is that I see these silver vans driving by and I'm on "stevens" street, the guy who stole half of my things and where I had some of the worst most recent torture I guess.

I am trying so hard, to figure out who is most on my and my son's side and do the right thing and go the right places but it's really not working out a lot of times. I prayed too, that God would help me. I at least read a passage after this, about how God will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. That he never leaves and will somehow help and I pray with all my heart that this is true.

I guess I won't write down all the scriptures. I read something about, before I came here, someone loosening the loins of kings...haha, this Bible is so old, I wonder sometimes what old King James edition this is. About loosening the "loins of kings" so that the leaves may sopen and someone may pass through the walls. I have never read this before. What does "loosening the loins" even mean?! I mean...So I thought, I might have to look into that in an american standard edition or something.

I mainly have read a lot from psalms and Isaiah.

Right after I ordered Eel I read about how the poison of snakes will not harm God's chosen and that the adder will not prevail. Seriously,and I'm not even kidding. I sat down, ordered Eel, and then thought, "I wonder what Psalm 58 is about?" thinking of my mother's recipe for bread and it talks about poison of adders will not harm.

My mom's recipe has something about 5/8th and so I just randomly thought, "I wonder what Psalm 58 is about?" and then read it and thought, that's weird. I wonder if I should eat the eel? and just didn't want to be paranoid for once and at the miso and "adder".

The waitress just told me that this is actually the best season for Eel (which I didn't know.) I guess there are certain times when it's not as good because the weather affects the quality of the Eel for some reason. She said other times of the year, it's a little tougher. I had no idea.

I guess I should write about the positive scripture I found. There have been some cool things, and also, from church.

Before I went to the church service at Journey, I had read a passage from the New Testament about how the "stranger" is reconciled through the death of Christ, to be part of the community.

Then at the service which I ran from, about "government from heaven" I was told it was about how God doesn't feel we are strangers or outcasts and that while some wanted to bring fire from heaven to punish people, with the death and ressurection, it was more of a law of grace. I wrote down the verses they gave me and also the one I had.

And when I skipped out for a bit, I read more about this from Isaiah as well, with reference to the stranger and that kind of thing.

I guess I could write down some of the verses I've earmarked lately:

Job 39:9. It's about the unicorn and I turned to it not too long ago. I thought it was really strange because in the normal versions, it doesn't talk about this. I mean, unicorn is not the term used.

I've read too much from Psalms to earmark it all.

I read from II Smauel quite somem time ago, Chapter 12, about how David the King was admonished by a prophet for trying to take, and taking a poor man's wife from him when he already had so much. David was angry about someone taking a man's sheep, and then the prophet turned around to say, "This is what you have done." The way that I took it, when I read it, was that this is how I felt when the State and certain groups, who have so much in abundance as it is, took my one and only treasure from me.

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