Monday, October 4, 2010

lucky guess (no sender involved) "Bolt" by Dick Francis

I went to the library and decided to go to the book section and maybe pick one book out. I went where I felt led, and then looked where I felt randomly to look. It was "Bolt" by Dick Francis.

The weird thing, was that I have never heard of this author before and all I could see was the spine (no photo on the side at all). I somehow next had this impression of a horse and jockey.

I pulled the book out a tiny bit to see if there was a description on front or back and there was nothing on the back but on the front: a horse with a jockey.

Then I tried to guess a password and I was off by one hair. There was a username, login, and password and the login had to be filled in. I thought maybe it was the same thing as the password and tried it but it failed. Then the woman told me it's the same thing as the username. So it was top and not bottom. That's not remarkable though. Anyone could think that.
Just looked up "Bolt" and it's about a horse jockey who is trying to find a killer of horses, who uses some kind of a bolt (?) to kill and something about a Princess. I am trying to find a decent synopsis. It was published first in 1986. It's about some champion hero jockey who is trying to uncover a criminal who is killing prized jockey horses with a non-bullet gun, by using some kind of bolt or laser. Meanwhile, the jockey's employers are being blackmailed into manufacturing plastic guns that can't be detected in a metal detector. Then, I first read something about a princess but I don't know how she figures in. So this champion jockey has a finacee whose feelings have cooled torwards him and meanwhile, I guess it's the princess's horses that are being killed and he's trying to find out why. Someone wants to take over a business of some sort. In the end, I guess he rewins his love and rides again.

Anyway, the only thing that was strange was that I knew it was about a jockey before I saw the cover. All the covers online have other photos: of a pen or a gun. This one has a horse. might look at edition.

It's G.P. Putnam's Sons, copyright 1987 with a jockey on a horse charging out of the barrel of a gun.

What is strange...very strange, is that immediately prior to finding this book I was thinking about Harry and what's happened with his polo ponies. 2 of them died in the game. Wondering if anyone ever does to horses what has been done to me, and how this would affect someone's playing.

I was literally thinking for a split second about how he has maybe lost a little weight and thinking about bad luck with ponies and if someone is trying to put spells on him and thought there is no way I can write that bc it sounds ridiculous, but hey, then I walked right over to this Bolt book. However, I can relate to it bc it's about use of non-lethal or "humane killer" weapons and finding out why someone or some group is set on destruction.

It sounds out there. That I just so happened to walk to this book after thinking about things, but I did and I had no forethought in it either. I just felt led to walk over there and have a look.
I maybe had a lucky guess with Putin. Not sure. I am not sure because I didn't pray and just thought, "Hmm, what color of tie?" and got dark maroon. Then I see a photo of him with emergency minister and I can't tell if it's maroon or brown. But it's close. I just don't know and didn't really focus or pray to know either. Oh my gosh. I just looked at another site and it WAS maroon!

Where is my icon for big eyes. That was just random luck though bc I didn't even focus at all. I did a whimsical passing guess and that's what I got and just got it for his tie. In the other photos, the color is exactly what I got or pictured in my random whimsy guess. There's also a design on it, I now see and didn't get that but didn't try to focus at all either. So I guess it was decent for random luck guessing on generalities.

It's hard to tell entirely bc in one set of photos the tie looks like maybe dark maroon or possibly brown or mahogany or something and the folder the other man has looks bright red and then the thing to the left, paper, looks teal. In a different set the shades are different and the tie looks maroon, the folder orange, the papers green. I guess the flag is there so maybe try to match to the flag and the set colors it has.
looked at royal images. I can't remember what I was getting on which day so I have no idea whether I was right when I randomly wondered, but I didn't try to guess anything after those 2 days of getting things right, so, to be expected. One thing I did notice was that all of the Indian men with the turbans, I was getting that. I don't usually and it kept coming to mind and I kept thinking, "Why am I thinking of East Indian men in turbans?" I thought, "maybe that's punjab indians only? or what kind of east indians wear the turban?" and I got that just passing through mind several times last week. Aside from this, I can't say that I recall. I noted that Camilla loooks really good in turquoise, and the Queen still has good legs (like my Granny) and Princess Anne looks very healthy and really stood out in her blue and yellow suit and hat. The colors or how she was feeling that day--it's a good photo of her. Maybe not my style, for me, but she looked very pretty. This time I thought William's hair looked reddish? I don't know if he has blond, red, or brown hair. It's probably the lighting. Usually a dark blond maybe. I have no clue. Haaaay lilo. (just kidding)
I don't know what Obama is wearing. blue tie day? I have no idea. Can't find any photos either.
Moving on until tomorrow.

This is really sad. My days are turning into a partial "Psychic What Are The Stars Wearing?!" episode. Some Nostrodamus.

"Ms. Garrett, we'd like to hire you for psychic spying."

"Sure, that sounds great. However, I only do remote viewing for hair and wardrobe. Make-up is an extra $100 per head. But don't worry, I might throw in a bone now and then." "Oh, and if I get a word like "bruska" don't expect me to know what it is. I charge an additional amount for researching & checking my own work."

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