Friday, October 29, 2010

Migraine Disability & Reports to U.S. & UN

I have gone on disability for a few more months, for migraine, because I have been forced to do so. I have people claiming I cannot work because of stressful situations but this is not true. I cannot work here because of politics.

I feel now that I should have continued with my application for political asylum with Iran.

If I had, I could have received an objective physical evaluation and report made about what was really happening to me and my son. Instead, I had others who maybe didn't like this idea, suddenly coming in with what appeared to be another solution. I think now that it was only to buy time for themselves, and delay and keep me from actually getting ahead.

I think it was to avoid embarrassing some who are in the U.S. who refuse to hold persons accountable, who should be held accountable.

If I had others who were objective, helping me with getting and keeping safe my medical documentation and testimony, this was going to be very adverse and potentially very powerful, for some who were corrupt and who had engaged in criminal activity against me and my son.

On one hand, I delayed because I wanted it to be a good decision for me and my family. I wanted to be on good terms with Iranians I knew and wanted to end up asking for asylum from the right country. I had a few others in mind as well but the first one I went to, imagining at least that there were no political or religious conflicts, was Iran. I also thought about some middle eastern people I'd tutored and the Iranian man I had talked to, who believed what I said about what was happening to me and my son.

I had considered this with Canada but the Canadians I ran into there, were too tied into what Washington state wanted to do and they colluded with eachother, in a way that caused immediate and permanent damage.

Those specific Canadians and U.S. employees were not good people. They were corrupt. My son and I have been hostages ever since.

I also could not go along with any group that pressured me or tries to trap me into a corner without letting me know what's going on and while I haven't given all the details of what's happened since, I wonder, with all of the harassment, if it's even possible to ask for the right thing to be done.

I have decided that since I've mailed my notice of a report to the U.S., to 3 different branches, I am next preparing, during this 30 day period, my complaint to the UN. While my complaint to the U.S. is to get their attention and request someone contact me about my report so I am able to give further details, the one to the UN will be more complete and written with more of a timeline and information.

If I don't have a response from any U.S. party within 30 days of confirmation of receipt, I will submit my legal case to the UN.

My lawyers told me they checked with Canada and I am not barred from entering, if necessary, to obtain records, with what I signed for a continuance. It's a continuance of something and not a conviction or plea, so it's sort of like nothing. From what I am told.

I don't have time to wait longer than 30 days.

For some reason, the Spokane courts cannot even honor my attempt to make an emergency injunction to protect my and my son's right to visitation. By law, what they are doing is a further violation of my civil rights.

I filed an emergency injunction and stated a clear claim that was federal and it should have gone to effect immediately. Instead, a dozen excuses made and it's still "under consideration".

Who has taken this "under consideration" for months? and who is now considering this injunction?

It would behoove someone from D.C., a Judge or AG perhaps, to take an interest on what is happening with the judicial system over here.

I do not believe it is right, moral, or lawful, to have done this to me and my son. I had a few lawyers over in Oregon tell me to stay away from certain Judges in Spokane and now I am wondering if this is why. Endless excuses on a matter that should have been decided fairly within days, and stalling.

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