Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Overheating of Laptop (for last half hour while at Safeway)

I had no problems with my laptop earlier while I was at a cafe.

Ever since I've been at Safeway, there has been the overheating. For a solid half hour or more now.

I didn't have a problem with it all day, until I went online here and it was immediate. It once or twice sort of started up at the cafe but quit and it wasn't noticeable. Here, it was instantly noticeable.

I would like to know where the U.S. is on this and if you can't do something about it, then I and my son deserve to be allowed to leave this country and go elsewhere where they don't do this to people or allow it to continue to others.

I guess this is further incentive to finish my report and send it to the President and the AG.

I am also suspicious about what is happening with the custody matter involving my son. My son has not been allowed to even SEE me, because of what corrupt Washington State assholes have done.

I have had no word on the ruling about injunction and there is no valid reason not to honor my pro se attempt at filing an injunction to state that I needed and asked for, but was deprived of a public defender for termination proceedings.

If the U.S. cannot take action and keep me and my son safe, I would rather live in Iran where at least they are shocked that this kind of thing is allowed to happen to U.S. citizens.

If you have military that is back from Iraq, and good ones, not bad, then they should be sent over to keep peace and investigate.

I am tired of this and so is my son.

I want someone who is outside of the bad group of CIA and U.S. and Washington state persons, to get involved.

Since I've written this, I've had about 10 serious assholes, come in and just smirk about things. These people are messed up. They look normal and they are mentally and morally ill.

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