Thursday, October 28, 2010

Putin's Face

I checked news about wardrobe stuff for Putin and it's all about his face. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

I noticed both of his eyes looked red. Which suggests lack of sleep or being tired. If both eyes are red, he probably didn't have a KO. Though maybe he hit his face on a table while bending down to get something on one side or who knows. However, the main thing is red eyes so this is probably just that.

The other thing that comes to mind, which may sound strange but is not strange, is someone tampering with food or drink or using non-lethal instruments to effect such a thing. Which I would doubt in general, but it is possible and it can almost immediately have an effect on appearance. Maybe angioedema if there is an allergy (or something else...look up angioedema) in addition to busy schedule (red eyes).

I don't think they seem too puffy. In other photos with certain lighting, it's the same. It's more just the red eyes and this is probably from all of the traveling.

I can't find any photos for today. I thought I had an impression of something red or crimson and green, where he was, but that's it.

All my impressions very vague and haven't had time to pray really, about anything like that, and don't particularly care to either.

Maybe his wife got mad (probably not) or maybe a strongman came around to muscle and weigh in. Who knows.

I looked at yet another photo. Doesn't look puffy really. Just looks like a reaction to something.

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