Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some Men Stealing My Son's Food (?) & CPS Theft

There have been some men stealing food intended for my son. I was spending more than half of my money just for good organic food for my son. What I didn't realize, even though this idea kept crossing my mind, was that he's not getting it.

Kind of like when the Red Cross does a food drop and some corrupt individuals go in and steal it for themselves.

No one told me this. I have been getting enough information psychicly to know.

So again, NO one in my family ever told me this and they never would either, I don't think. But I know for a fact, that because of the constant impressions I've received, men have been stealing food from my son.

I started having repeated impressions that my groceries, even when I was still having visits with my son, were not all making it to him.

I also know for a fact that some CPS state workers intentionally kept organic milk from my son. That was when it was even pasteurized organic milk, and it doesn't mattter--as long as it's organic and certified with an inspection, it's safe. So the foolish rubbish that CPS promotes about raw milk being unsafe, is very unwise. The only raw milk that is most likely suspect, would be raw milk that is NOT organic, and in that case, it MUST be pasteurized.

So I had this feeling that someone was intercepting some of the groceries for my son.

I also discovered more than one attempt by CPS workers, to hold milk that I had sent off with my son, at THEIR offices, for 2 weeks before releasing the milk to him. I also gave MONEY to one CPS visitation monitor, Anne Crane, who told me she was using the money to pick up his organic milk on the way to taking him home and she never did. This is the same worker who put my shoes on my son's feet backwards, and then lied about who did it and blamed my son, in front of my son. I asked my son who put his shoes on and he said, "Anne did" and she tried to cut him off and blurted out that he had done it himself (put the wrong shoes on the wrong feet). These are seriously the state workers who my son has had. And that is just one very small example of unnecessary distress that CPS and Washington state has put my son through. Since when do people who have the "best interests" of the child at heart, put the kids shoes on backwards, force them to walk that way into the CPS offices and then, right in front of the child, LIE and blame the CHILD?

My son has learned how to be afraid and known real fear, because of Washington State. He has learned not to trust people and that adults can and will harm him when they want to, at their own choosing, and that they will lie about a child. He has learned to be intimidated enough to take an oath of Omerta, as a toddler, because of what people have done to him, through threats and corporal punishment.

So I started cooking the food myself for my son and sent it off, and I had hoped that it would be easier for the Avilas and also prevent someone from taking the groceries, but this week, I had this impression, before I ever dropped off the second batch of homemade meals, that he was not getting them and someone else was taking them and eating them.

I then went to pick up the compartmentalized trays (rubbermaid types) that I had bought, for sending off well-rounded and balanced meals--all organic, and out of four that I sent off (4 trays with 3 compartments), I got only 1 back and I already had had this feeling that he got the fish, from one meal, and maybe nothing else. No one knows what happened to the other meals.

I also think the UK and some reporters, though not responsible in the least, know. There is more than one psychic that knows what has been going on with my son. How do I know this? I can't explain that one, but I know. And if I did know better, I wouldn't say because I try to protect those who help my son and if I don't know who that is or isn't, I say nothing and postpone judgement.

CPS state workers have pulled all kinds of tricks, on me and on my family and the Avilas, who may not always be innocent or supportive of me, and they may not ever say anything bad about anyone to me, but they don't have to, because like I said, I have a little bit of help from God now and then. Does that mean I ask to "see" into crimes and that kind of thing? No, I never do. Every now and then, I just randomly pick up on something, and it's probably natural with regard to my son.

My advice is this--Don't steal food from my son. Period. Anyone who offends my son in any way, will be held accountable. Also, don't think other people, don't assume, that they are giving me info. I just already know, because I pick up on it. So if you want to blame someone, you would have to blame me and get angry with God I guess, for giving me the occasional insights. I have no evidence and can only say I suspect this is true and don't believe it would come to mind unless it was true--at least someone was sampling it. If someone were starving and needed a good meal, I would be fine with it. I guess I will wait to hear from my aunt what happened to the other trays. I know for sure that someone was stealing the groceries, though, sometimes, in the past, and know the CPS workers kept some of the food at times. I suspected as much and then discovered it was true, that when I thought he wasn't getting his milk, he wasn't. I cannot say I am always right though...I may be wrong sometimes, of course.

I made 4 trays of food for my son:
1. wild salmon (having picked out every single bone myself) with organic lemon wedges, and fresh green salad with ranch dressing and organic mango.
2. 3 other trays with either strawberries or mango for fruit, salad or other greens, and then basmati rice with curry and saffron and fried chicken. I also sent off some fresh custard made with all organic ingredients (including even organic garlic).

Today, I made fresh, and sent off the following:

1. Organic custard with strawberries.
2. A large tub of freshly whipped cream (organic cream, lt. sugar, pinch of salt whipped on high until stiff).
3. Tub of organic raspberries.
4. Ceviche (made with fresh tomato base (stewed fresh tomatoes with onion, garlic, little bit of chili pepper, s&p and then strained for only the liquid base) and then wild caught prawns and scallops. I put this into 2 different soup bowls and then added cut up vegetables in a different bowl, separate, to add in fresh: tomato, onion, avocado, and lemon wedges).
5. 2 trays with 4 very large prawns, on spanish rice made with saffron and steeped in tomato base/spinach salad, with slices of avocado on the side and lemon wedges.
6. 3 trays with saffron rice and then masala chicken/spinach salad/cauliflower with cheese sauce and clove spiced carrots.
Then, I am still making other things for him to send off in a day, along with a card and drawings. Maybe a borsht (I don't really know how to make it with a meat base though, and like the vegetarian kind), and chicken soup and things to freeze for later possibly. I also have organic hummus and olives but someone took the flatbread, so I didn't send it off quite yet, and I will give him some spaghetti-os someone got for him and also have something to make with bacon. I know how to make good veal wrapped in proscuitto but I decided, keeping Indian stuff in mind, not to buy baby cow meat and I flipped out when someone tried to put cow heart in the fridge. I snapped I would never cook up a heart and how dare someone put that in the fridge. I didn't like it because I know what people have done to my "heart" and also think about my son and my grandfather dying of a heart attack, and no, heart is just not something I will eat (or cook). I did buy steak for myself, and ate it. I have to be true to myself, but I figured it wasn't really necessary to buy baby cow.

Just a lot of things to store so it's easier for cooking. I am not sure what I will make with the bacon yet.

I almost made creme brulee but didn't have time. I would like to make a creme brulee for him. I sort of forgot how to make it but as the edges of the custard were carmelizing, it was coming back to me. I don't have any of my cookbooks anymore but I think I can do a few things from memory.
A quick shopping tip for Wenatchee shoppers: I find many things to be more expensive at the health food store, but some things are cheaper. For example, a vanilla bean is $2 at the health food store, whereas at Safeway through a spice jar brand, it's $16.

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