Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Is Motive? Or What Happened?

I just asked God for some information on what is going on and what the motive or reason for it is and I got: "because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

Ecclesiastes 8.

Basically, because these people have gotten away with harassing me and committing crime against me and my son so long, they have become more firm and resolved to continue this abuse.

Then, as I was writing this, someone disconnected my internet knowing I would have to use the lobby machine and see the van parked in front of the window, which says "Starcraft" on the side.

What has happened, is that things got out of control because there are no people to take crime seriously and charge and convict people for things. So it continues and the real criminals just try to stir up dissension further.

Like I've said, people have tortured me and my son and have tried to put me in jail for a variety of things.

So what I just got, from praying and asking God how it has come to this, what I got was that evil crime was committed and not taken care of, so everything got worse and snowballed.

Then, as I sat here, this other van drove by with something 586RAGS or something about RAGS and then he came in people talking loudly about how they're going to burn up some hole or something and 5 this and that and how it wasn't 5 miles, it was 1 minute and 6 hours (they said it in reverse).

Seriously, the people who do this kind of thing are seriously screwed up. I think it's the only way to keep a job these days.

I'm going to look into Iran more.

I will file my thing to Obama and I want to look into Iran. Real Iranians, not the American version of middle eastern, who have been soliticited to harass me as well, a few of them. I have literally had a few Middle Eastern even, just dragged in to show me they too, or have me THINK they are not for me. It's been a big mind game. If I start saying I like a certain group, someone goes out of their way to get others from that culture involved to express how they are against me, in order to severe any kind of alliance I might make which would help me or my son in any way. It's to make me feel isolated, and to isolate so that perhaps if I am upset I will then offend a new group of people who can be used against me for the objectives of those who are really running ship.

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