Thursday, November 4, 2010

Court and Harassment

I had court today, a hearing to request allowance to get a card, and more harassment the entire day. At least I got the plate of a woman who has been a major part of things here, who keeps a low profile but has been part of larger schemes.

Out of all the people driving by and making faces and doing weird things to get notice, most of the people are just sheep, as in followers.

Among them, today, are a few who wield more power. Some of the power structure is in town today, or their personal servants are.

I went to court and was threatened to not blog about court. I was told not to blog about the person in court, Michelle Erickson, by the same Judge who once told me in a hearing she presided over re. Michelle Erickson, not to blog about anything in the hearing or the people there. This was Judge Nancy Harmon. This was also at a hearing where I was forced to go before the public without a bra on, where I was harassed by guards there. Ms. Harmon said, in court, that I was prohibited from writing about anyone there except her. She said I could write about her, but no one else. Then today she "warned" me not to write about Michelle Erickson.

I stated that I had obeyed the order, even though it was unconstitutional, to not write "degrading" things about Ms. Erickson. I said this order does not prohibit me from writing about her in general, or writing down the facts and if Ms. Erickson finds facts "degrading" that this is her own personal problem.

Erickson lied again, which is typical, claiming that since the order was in place she had not "seen" me. She never "saw" me before the order, unless she put herself into my space. I told the court that Ms. Erickson had lied again, by claiming she never saw me after the order, because she had deliberately gone into the Hastings Bookstore knowing I was already there, and seeing me, approached a table one foot away from me and purused books and then smirked over at me. I had gotten up and called this into the Wenatchee police, and the "Elk" woman who had started to stalk me, who was the one who sold NYC Broadway tickets, was the one to nod off to Michelle.

I called Hastings corporate today to see if I could get a copy of the surveillance and they said, from Texas, that they wouldn't have it, even though others said things would have this archived.
One woman of particular more low-profile interest has WA plates A47588W. It's a small camper-style red truck and the woman has long dark brown hair and is attractive. She is a part of a bigger picture. She also hates me and is very interested in seeing me dragged down.

I wrote down several plates of interest, to record later, but this is a Washington woman who at least stands out. She is also not someone who is going to be more overt about how she feels about things. She keeps important things to herself and a privileged few.

I was harassed today after court, by a man who said he was Jehovah's Witness, and a bunch of others, but really, he just works for the City of Wenatchee and half of these people are just bought and influenced to act with no mind of their own.

Nothing is remarkable in this town, or even the other towns, now that I think about it. Aside from people putting themselves in the way, and in certain positions, it is not as if I would have that many places to potentially go if I am on foot. Some things weren't working out as planned, and I believe this is why some got in the way to prevent me from leaving an area until some other group felt convinced they had made their intended point. Most things would be easy to predict based on my habits and resources, but what is disturbing is how many people are that interested in profiling me to begin with, and then in harassing me throughout. Even what appears to be "remarkable" is not remarkable when there is a natural chain of events with very limited options.

It is not as if I have a lot of things I could be doing right now, or ability to travel as I would need to.

Which may be the point of keeping things predictable for others.

However, I notice that with this, has come an interest in trying to cause me to self-destruct. I didn't self-destruct when they thought I would, and I defied their predictions. So they put a heavier hand into it, and used more money, more people, and put worse circumstances before me, to at least provoke me to greater distress or elicit the ugly from me, as it would any person.

This is what people like dark-haired princess in the small red cab cherish--The unfolding of my response to continued harassment and criminal actions. She had a part in it. Others, like I say, are followers. Their part is only to be the Greek chorus and chase around and feel "protected" for their bit parts, by others. I had a ton of people from State offices, housing, and just those who have discriminated and ensnared collectively, on a local level, drive by. They were gleeful. But they are ultimately not who I am really interested in.

They are a problem, but they are driven by others. I should say, together, they are a very big problem. However, in the whole scheme of things, they are not significant with regard to the plotting. They are significant in that they know eachother and enjoin one another to push me in different directions and protect themselves, but still, they are the bottom rung when it comes to what is behind trying to ultimately bring me down, keep me down, and harass me and my son. They are bad enough to have no independence and goodwill of their own. I view them as very weak, morally.

The Judge Nancy Harmon today (back to that) said I could pick up an EBT card at the offices, but had to do it within, she said, "15 minutes". I asked to extend this time because I am walking and I have to walk into that "100 foot radius" and then get the card, or in line for it, and then walk out of it. She really wanted the time allotted to be 15 minutes for some reason. She refused, keeping to 15 minutes and said, "You'll have to hustle then!" Then she said if it couldn't be done in that timeframe, it was just too bad and I'd have to go through Spokane.

Michelle Erickson presented some kind of authorization for allowing a second person to get a card for me, a form anyone should have, which proves what the State (supervisor Tim Baker, whom I had corresponded with by email) was telling me before, that I had to go through Spokane and couldn't have someone else pick it up for me, was to cause distress and was dishonest.

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