Thursday, November 18, 2010

Department of Defense: Wire Explosion & Call For Death

I came into Tennessee and some @#!*% already set things up. I knew I never should have bought a ticket with 7 day advance notice because @#!*% who have caused problems in NW, just flew themselves and their buddies over here or made other connections.

Mainly there were decent people on the planes but I noticed weirdos too...people who wanted to harm me and were only there to monitor what I was doing.

Going into Seattle, when I first got in, everything was okay. It felt better, and then I got off the plane and the first thing is people are driving past watching every single @#!*% move I make.

I am trying to blog this on normal Mozilla and someone is changing my swear words to the symbols that are above. I did not do this. I went back and fixed it and someone did it again.

I called for the Department of Defense after trying the fire department and then having all these guys in Army fatigues come over to where I was. This was after my cord to my computer completely BLEW up.

No, it did not "short out". It @#!*% blew up.

And the thing is, I saw a dark haired woman, white woman driving by just before I was about to plug my laptop in and realized she knew ahead of time. I knew intuitively. She knew and she was laughing because she knew what was about to happen. There were others who also knew.

I was told to plug my cord into the ground outlet. This was next to some guy wearing Army fatigues, in a wheelchair at The Indigo Hotel. Some other guy had said to go to Starbucks for internet.

Last night, someone deliberately obstructed my ability to turn my laptop on. This has happened when I was in Wenatchee, Washington and other people witnessed it.

Recently, someone was turning OFF my laptop and putting it on standby even when it was plugged in. So I had mentioned there was nothing wrong with the cord and it was fine.

It was still fine but then last night someone decided to keep me from being able to turn my computer on at all. It wouldn't start up and the batteries were fine. It was just a black screen. So then I plugged it in. I saw the light on, indicating power to my cord and that nothing was wrong with the cord.

Even thought nothing was wrong with the cord, someone was keeping me from being able to turn it on. I couldn't use it.

So I was told this morning to go to Starbucks and try plugging it in. I did, and it was a Starbucks, I guess, inside the Indigo hotel.

Which was also by a sign that said "The Seeing Eye" which some of the @#!*% thought was @#!*% hilarious.

This whole thing was a set up. I plugged in my cord, and there was nothing wrong with it, and there are 3 different wires that connect and as soon as I plugged it in, there was a huge POOF of grey or black smoke and a ton of sparks, not just small but enough to cause a fire, and all my cords were severed.

Someone had to have so supercharged that outlet, any kind of cord that was plugged in would blow up. It didn't "short". It @#!*% blew up.

It was not a @#!*% normal incident, and the fact that the guy was sitting there in the wheelchair with some kind of military thing was like a joke too.

It is the only way I am able to keep myself safe, by the ability to blog, and these @#!*% intentionally keep screwing with me.

Which basically means someone or group has so tried to @#!*% things up for me that it's impossible for me to do anything at all in this country.

I started out this morning trying to get work and haven't even had breakfast, after being tortured on the planes last night. It was the first time I've had to fly with some @#!*% using technology on me during the flights. Then in someone's car. The only time I had a break was when I got into a building and no one there was doing anything. If it was stress, it would have been worse then, but no one was doing anything there and I was more stressed by the end of the night.

There are people who have contributed to this kind of totally illegal activity that really, are asking for their own death sentence. People like this, who intentionally and continually bully an individual and physically harm people, who are not doing anything to them, give up their right to life. Why should people who torture others be allowed to live? They are allowed to just break all the laws with impunity? They have no right to live. They are not acting out of self-defense or even out of a wartime fight where one group is doing equally bad things to another group. In war, or real battles, people come equally prepared to fight. The people who have been doing this to me have continually attacked an innocent and defenseless woman and they should not live. I don't care how they die, and it won't be by my hands, but I hope that they have a quick death. I believe in right to life, in almost every circumstance, but when bullies are attacking innocent and vulnerable or defenseless people, they are the kind of people who, when they persist, have become a danger to society and should not live.

I have never in my life, EVER, physically harmed or tortured another person. Ever. I have never even had the desire to do so.

But others have repeatedly used their resources and power to do this to me and to my son, and they do not have a right to live. 1st almost decade you get grace, shame on you. Second decade you get grace, or my blessing, or my constant petitions for peace, shame on me. Shame on me for allowing you to torture me and for NOT inciting others to fight back and kill these @#!*% . These are people who should not be living when their agenda is to cause constant suffering of others.

This is the reasonable justification for war. When "peace" is not an alternative and every effort to have peace has been exhausted and one group continues to bully another group and gets away with it.

I don't care whether the people who have harmed me are from this country or another country. Anyone who is involved, should not live and I believe God's blessing is with those who get rid of people like this. You obviously cannot live and let live, in peace, and therefore, you should not be alive. The fact that you target a woman with a child is despicable and cowardly.

This little wire explosion, after being tortured on the plane (again) and then while getting a ride to where I stayed last night, is just about enough.

Someone already figured that this wheelchair guy would be there and if this happened, that my response would be to make some calls. Knowing I don't have a cell, I would use his. That wasn't hard to figure out.

So I open up his phone, after my laptop wires explode like there's been a bomb, and called the fire department. I then called 911 because the fire department said they weren't coming until tomorrow. Here I am with my cord ruined, and it takes 2 weeks to ship a new one.

It is dangerous for me to be without a laptop and I am not going to use different computers while I am here, instead.

I first told the Starbucks people and asked who the owner of the building was and took his number. They gave me a free coffee card and said to follow her, and I said, "No, I'm not going to follow you. I need his name and number." So she gave it to me. Then she later told me he wasn't in until 11 so I don't know where she was wanting me to follow her to.

She called the maintenance guy but that is not a maintenance problem. It was like a normal little "outlet isn't working" problem. It was either a serious fire hazard or someone with the Department of Defense was involved or wanted to make it look that way.

After it exploded, the 2nd guy in Army fatigues came around the corner and stood outside of my window. Which people driving by (some) thought was just hilarious again.

The fire people said they weren't coming, and 911 said they were calling fire department or marshall, and I had burst into tears because once again, I have people messing with me.

So I then called my parents, to tell my Dad what was going on, and the democratic embassy of iran but they wouldn't connect me, and the Mormon church to find a new computer person here locally since the last guy who helped with my computer was Mormon and usually got things fixed fast. When I first used this guy's phone, with the Army fatigues, the operator for 411 refused to connect me to what I wanted. I said, "I need the Mormon Church. Church of Latter Day Saints." and she kept repeating, "_________ Construction?" over and over, obnoxiously asking if I wanted a construction company when it wasn't even close to what I asked for and no automatic generated response would think this was even close.

When I finally asked for the Department of Defense, to let them "know" about someone either using their name and reputation in vain or being @#!*% who, some of them, must be involved, this guy who had the cell ran over and took it from me.

In the meantime, there were other things that were also going on, with technology, as I tried to report this incident.

Anyone who sees a photograph will be able to see this was not a normal outlet problem.

So then I asked for a coffee but I haven't had a drink of it, because I didn't watch it being made and there is no way in @#!*% I am eating or drinking anything here that I don't see for myself.

I also said the owner should be responsible for paying for a new cord as this is not an "inconvenience" but a destruction of my property that happened because of something being seriously wrong with the outlet I was told to use.

It wasn't an accident. The way people were all about for this, indicated it was not an accident. And on the building's end, it is their responsibility to pay for a damage that the was caused by their building. They should pay for a new cord and have it expedited overnight because I cannot be without a computer.

The entire point of coming here was to visit and immediately look for work, and instead, some people decided it would be more fun to follow me around and cause problems from the very start, and take away my ability to have any tools for even looking for work (my computer) and correspondence.

The people who are taking any part in harming me, in any way, when they have done this for so long, should die.

It has been several years now, that I have asked for peace and I have NEVER responded to what has been done to me, in any kind of violence nor have I ever been any part of physically torturing or harming me or my son, whether it is small scale or large, should die.

Whether that is by natural means or someone taking care of these people, I hope it gets done.

This is not incitement of violence. It is self-defense and the only kind that I have, to ask God and others to take care of these people. All of them. It doesn't matter what kind of jobs they have or who they work for. If they are a part of doing this to me, there is something seriously demented and wrong with them and simply, they had their chance to change and they didn't, so they should die. If that means some are military, so be it. Those who have taken part should die. Your job is to defend U.S. citizens, not torture them or allow others to do so and do nothing about it. If you are not going to take out the assholes, then you are a part of the problem.

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