Wednesday, November 24, 2010

good energy this morning

I woke up and there was good energy that started to fill in at chapel at this one place. A different place for chapel today but I felt it.

It was very short but in that time I still sensed it there and it was a very good way to start out the day.

Thinking of my son a lot. It's all I want. What is my right to begin with. Last night's service was good as well. With all of the other really crazy things going on, I think about what is the one thing I want and it's what God me as my right to begin with--my son and just some kind of work and getting back into college. This isn't impossible.

I then went to a cafe and the song that first started from the beginning was my son's favorite, "jingle bells" and then one I like "Santa Baby" and then another one he really liked, "little drummer boy".

I am getting a lot of harassment, in ways you could not imagine, on top of seriously being medicated and everything, but my main wish is just to focus on most importants.
I guess I'm getting married sometime in my life too. Who knows when that will be but I got "I'm in love with a homeless woman" or "I'm marrying a homeless woman" I got it more like "I'm marrying a homeless woman" as this man was saying it in an aside to someone like he couldn't believe it himself. All I know is that he's not homeless. It was said sort of as an aside, in an almost sarcastic or dry sense. Sort of disbelief but pretty sure and realizing it. All I can say is, I hope you never told God "I will NEVER marry a homeless LADEEE!".

I thought to myself, "yeah, if I can agree to have my mug taken for a frickin' shelter you can be humble too."

The problem is, I don't even know who this is. I have NO clue.

All I know is that some guy can't believe he's going to marry some "homeless woman". It was sort of weird how I got it. It was last night I believe, and I was sitting in chapel for the service. I know it's no one I've ever lived with in Washington state, for sure.

Anyway. It was very embarrassing but I ran to the place after being harassed all day. Thinking, "I would rather stay up countless nights without sleep than be photographed and memorialized as having to be in a shelter at some point while looking for work." But I swallowed my pride and went back and when I went in, the woman said in shock, "You're here!" and I said, "Yes and I'm ready for my first official and formal portrait." She said, "Are you okay?" and I said, "Yeah, but I ran here because I had to sweat it up before the photo was taken."
I just pulled out my old cord and someone did something else to it which is really strange, especially since it had already blown up the cords. But I looked and someone cut them all off. Why in the world. It was still attached but since I've had someone take out my forms and take my scarf out of my bag, I guess someone wanted to severe my cord?!!!???! further. Then I looked at the wires more closely and what's weird is that the wires for the blue cord had black on them. They weren't new copper wires like the other ones were new. I twisted them back together but then just used my old cord. I thought my other cord had broken because the first one had not completely broken off. But then I realized I had a new one and then I still have my old one too. But someone went into my bag and twisted the red and green wire together. I have no idea why. But at any rate, there's not a problem.
Here is something very strange...Seriously.

I just looked up the Episcopal liturgical calendar because I am doing work instead of mid-day service today and what is really odd (!) is that on the day I went for service, yesterday, and it was for "Clement", well, I looked at the calendar and yesterday was for C.S. Lewis! What is even more bizarre is that I had gone to the church bookstore after service, and I went to the C.S. Lewis section (I think, or was it the day before? maybe the day before). At any rate, I pulled out some books of Lewis.

Oh i don't know. Who cares. Some churches have a slightly different schedule than the main. It doesn't matter. Oh who cares.

Today is a day to keep God in prayer but be looking for work and getting things done. A time and a place for everything.

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