Monday, November 15, 2010

Heidi Myers of Wenatchee (bitch)

This woman comes in for the purpose of insulting me. I asked what her name was and said, true or not, heidi myers and then claimed to work for a bank.

I looked her up and the only connection I could find was that she is directly connected to the Cowell family.

I guess she meant to be so insulting so I would look her up. There is some idiot named David Hamilton with thumbs up and I see she is also connected to the Scanlons. Marie Scanlon was the first social worker on my case with my son. She has them listed as friends. Marie Scanlon is also best friends with Justin Titus's wife, and Titus was the public defender who deliberately obstructed evidence in my case when he was supposed to be representing me.

There is something seriously wrong with Titus. Every time I've ever seen him, it's bad energy. Something tells me he knows the David Hamilton that this woman Myers has as one of her friends. I dunno...a pretty good hunch.

I wouldn't post but to have her deliberately come in and try to address me in the manner in which she addressed me, she wanted the attention and in this case, I am giving her the attention she wants. I hope she feels better about herself. If you look her up on facebook you know why she's a bitter woman.

She works at the Ncw Community Bank. All you have to do is find other small links to people who have conflicts of interest with me, my son, and my life.

For example, Children's Home Society in Wenatchee has mainly medical professionals or wives of such on their Board of Directors. Well, their VP is on a Board of Directors with an organization along with the Treasurer for Ncw Community Bank. Children's Home Society produced the atrocious visitation monitors who lied about everything in my case.

Since Ms. Myers is VP of NCW Bank, and lists the CPS social worker Scanlon as a friend, has some asshole also as a friend who is most likely buddies with Titus, and then she works with the Treasurer of NCW who is also on the Board of Directors for some technology group that has the VP of Children's Home Society on the it any wonder?

People think that I overreact or that it's really not as bad as it is. But oh yes, it really IS as bad as it is. And this woman stands in front of me with a cross pendant on a chain around her neck. I asked her where she worked because she stood there and "state", "connected to the State workers" kept coming up. She IS connected to state workers.

These people are so inbred and unable to be independent about anything, it's not funny. This is what makes it easy for a small town to collude. "Do you want to discuss matters at lunch, church, PTA, Ncw, Children's Home Society, police station, or the Glee club?" (Let's not forget about the wonderful "Land Trust" people that support all the doctor bicylists and want to take the land and property from the elderly orchardists.)

Actually, now that I've found this "technology" organization, it leaves room to wonder if someone in their organization has been partly contributing and profiting from what has happened to me and my son.

I take it back, to vent about all of Wenatchee. I have to remember that there are decent people here and not everyone goes along with what some do. It is hard to remember when I then just look up a couple of things and find about 3 instant connections to state workers who are directly managing my case, which never should have been a case to begin with.

I have not heard a single thing back on any of the recent reports I made. So I am not sure what is going on. I haven't heard anything from the Judge who should be granting an injunction in my case either.

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