Sunday, November 14, 2010

images and impressions for evening

I looked up the british monarchy site since I didn't look at yesterday and sometimes only glance and never click on anything. I see, after picking out this book "Born to Rule" that it has the Queen's colors from yesterday. At least, in her hat, are all the colors that I admired together when I picked out this book (not random) this evening. I didn't pick up that she wore these colors though, yesterday. I haven't asked God for very much at all lately. Just that someone would give me information.

I know I saw a masked man (very good mask by the way) yesterday and that was interesting, having just read about the old man mask this one guy got away with. I think I know who it was too but won't say. Very good performance. I don't know what anyone would expect me to do--I try to treat everyone naturally I guess. I wish I could get away with such a professional mask that I could be or look like a whole different person and notice how refreshing it is to not be followed, poisoned, targeted, or noticed at all.

I've never done the mask thing. I did once pad my bra with toilet paper when I was applyign for a waitress job at a pub. There are men for all kinds of women, and I hear that in France, the desired bust size is a 32 B whereas in the U.S. WE LIKE THINGS BIG so I heard the supervisor was a lesbian, and a U.S. lesbian, and I padded my bra out until I was a double D. I got more comfortable with my job and started losing the toilet paper. The art of deception is sometimes very beneficial. I got the job. With my AWESOME DD rack (maybe). Hey, I couldn't afford to not get the work, and in that kind of business, looks sell more drinks sometimes and if men like big boobs, well, give em the illusion of big boobs. I had taken out my real tongue too, but I put it back in just in time for going back to Wenatchee (just kidding).

I need one small piece of information and that is it (with regard to getting my son back). I was thinking, how does anyone even do this? because really, who could anyone even trust? With me, of course I would use the information to share the kind of technology to at explain what caused symptoms. I don't feel it's essential to know "who did it" if that makes it easier for someone. I just need to know "how" and I feel that is good enough. It still protects others, but it gives me what I need for just getting my son and not sounding like a total lunatic. But I was thinking, I don't know how this could be done and probably the main concern is that I would say something (or even think something) which would be traceable back to the person. I don't know. There are more ingenius minds out there than mine and I hope someone has a good idea.
Well, back to the Queen's photos, I like her hat color with those feathers. I really do, and that little pin I like. I don't know what it is though--it sort of looks like a miniature gold arrow. I like it.

Now to the other news. Oh wait. Save me because I just found the "remembrance photos" from that same site, and now I want to analyze the handwriting. Help. I am laughing because it's sad and true.

I refrained myself from analyzing at this point, and went to look up Alexandra of Romanov or Fedaranova. The wiki on her, out of curiosity. I read some mention of Crimea which I thought was interesting bc today while in russian church the word "crimea" came to mind. I found out they sponsor a family (I think) from Bruska (not bruSHKa) so maybe that's how this word came to my mind. I wanted to give something to tithe but I am barely subsisting so I hope in the future I can do more. But crimea, for some weird reason and then I read a note from crimea on the Alexandra wiki...maybe it is coincidence or something I picked up from the other wikis I read recently. Will go back to handwriting later. I guess Harry did the remembrance while in duty or separately because I was wanting to find a note from him as well but might have to go to the other links.

You know what...I typed in Alexandra Romanov this evening and this new photo came up with her, in a lavendar hat and this crazy-amazing elf ears. BIG EYES (from me). I mean, look at those ears! I guess I might identify with her ears. I was looking at this profile photo of her where her face is in an oval cameo type frame and you can see her ears. The other thing I noticed with the other royals from this "Born to Rule" book photos, is the thumbs. LONG thumbs. My goodness.

I want to find a sample of Harry's writing before I look into the other Charles' and Wills' samples. Maybe I won't make any guesses at all. If I do, harmless ones.

I am now reading about Nicholas. The tzar guy. oh, no, it's the "Canonization of the romanovs" wiki page. What is weird is how much he looks like my granny's father. I went back to the house with my ex and half the photos were missing and I don't know who has them. He was very handsome, with a beard, and had some kind of a pin on with insignia but he was "Luxembourgish" and spoke that language. I was hoping to see the photos again when I visited with my Ex from Colombia but they weren't there anymore.

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