Wednesday, November 17, 2010

images and impressions this evening (late)

I had several impressions but I felt a so-so connection and wasn't sure if everything was the way it should be.

I also wonder if my Mom really knows what I've been through at the russian church because it was fine most times but other times no, so I am trying to be respectful of those who are not doing wrong.

I prayed for a little bit and asked for a few things but again, didn't feel everything was really connecting the way I wanted.

1. I first was praying and not trying to get anything but just in general and I started seeing a rug. I don't know whose carpet or rug but it was very ornate and luxurious and beautiful. It sort of had peach roses like are on my scarf and also a deeper mahogany color and cream and then I think there were green plants somewhere. I didn't capture much of the carpet, or rug, but saw that it was top quality.

1.a., right after this I then saw some guy in a wig, like an English wig that the UK lawyers wear in court. I would have to say that is a first, esp. when I wasn't asking for this.

2. Then something about a red wreath someplace where Obama frequents. When I started getting more of a connection, was when I actually, at the end, asked about Reggie, his assistant (I think that's his name). I saw Obama eating with a fork, which is common, and this was an hour ago or more, so it would have been in the middle of the night and doubtful he's doing that. I didn't feel anything so clear as I sometimes do.

3. I asked who might be able to give me information or would know what is happening and I saw some kind of church or very old grand building with arches and I figured it was a church. I then wondered if it is a priest or more than one priest or some other religious person. There was one arch that was rounded and then sort of pointed and then some kind of space inbetween and then another arch just like it and that's mainly what I saw.

4. I wondered why I haven't heard back from anyone when I am considering political asylum. This is a question I had but I didn't ask anything about it. However, following this, I then was asking God, please, is it possible for me, so small and alone, to be a "David" in the sense of somehow finding something that will help me to be victorious in just one small area--just my son and a small normal life? I asked forgiveness for messing anything up or someone else's attempts to help which I didn't recognize or screwed up by mistake. I kept thinking, there has to be something and then I kept thinking how signs and wonders and no matter what I "get"--I feel it's never good enough. Like some just don't care. Or they see this all the time and why should what I get be more important, moving, or significant in any way? I still asked.

I then got something about "Pennsylvania" out of the blue. I have no idea what connection.

5. Then I got a man facing a large map. It was almost like something out of a movie but it wasn't a movie. There was a large map laid out flat and something was being pointed at or drawn and charted. A course or a strategy on a map and some other man there. I mainly saw the one.

6. I then asked God, thinking about David and his slingshot, I don't know why I asked this, this way, but I said, "What would you put in my hand?" and I saw arrows. They were long arrows and I had a quiver, a whole bag of them. I was reaching behind my back and pulling out one from a quiver (if that's what the bag is called). They were very long in body and flexible. I didn't know why I got arrows and asked the significance. I then later had this impression of a woman in drab outdoor wear, with a bag of arrows on her back. And she threw an arrow at a deer which looked like a doe, at least I didn't see horns or antlers and it went to the left shoulder or just above the breast. The deer was regular brown or tan color and was looking in the direction of the woman--saw the woman when she aimed. It wasn't a surprise. At that point, I knew the arrows were for me in some sense but then I wasn't certain about who the woman was that I was seeing. Was it me or was I seeing someone else? The second part was more confusing to me. And I don't know what it symbolizes. I've never shot an arrow in my life. So the first part at least, must be symbolic.

7. Then I shifted out of that, because it was sort of just that and nothing else. So then I was back to asking about Obama. Something hidden again I asked. But I felt I would probably get nothing. It didn't feel as clear. So I wondered about toilet paper and asked, "Well, I don't know. Could I know what their toilet paper looks like?" but I am sure I am wrong. I saw the snuggle bears and then white with evenly spaced small print of flowers but I feel I am sure to be wrong. Then I saw some kind of cylinder with objects in it, being shaken and then something thrown out onto a table. For pool or a game of some kind. I also one time, many months ago, thought I saw one of their daughters drawing butterflies but I think I am wrong about that too.

8. I was listening to music and saw all of these candles lit, floating in dark water. They were like Japanese lights but they weren't lanterns, they seemed to be candles or lights of some kind, floating on top of or in something but still above the rim, and then this older dark haired woman with her finger to her lips saying, "Shhh". It struck me as more tibetan or like from some kind of festival of some kind. But I couldn't tell. Just saw the dark waters and all these lights of candles on water and a woman shushing and she was turned to the side. It wasn't mean, it was in a secretive way. "Be careful. Shhh." I saw her from my right. I thought possibly it was just imagination from hearing the music.

9. Then I went to Obama again and thought maybe he was working on a new book. I haven't heard or read anything to the effect but that came to mind at least Then something about his teeth or jaws.

10. Someone in white boxers with pale blue and light pin stripes.

11. Then with Reggie Love (I think this is his name) I started to get a positive energy feeling but I wasn't sure why. I thought I saw that he reads a Bible. So I thought maybe that was it. I saw the floor of a car, and something about vaccuming. Like, keeping a clean car and I saw a black interior somewhere with black carpeting. The next thing was a motion of clapping hands together and then rubbing them, and I thought, does he do this a lot? A sound clap and then frisking hands together and then it made me think of football--how some guys who are in football will clap their hands together before a "hut" or whatever. And then I wondered if he and Obama ever played football, a fun playful game together, or with other flag football or something. I don't know. I didn't see him in football, just a hand motion so I wondered if it was frequent.

Ah! I just now had a look and cheated...I looked up Reggie Love for the first time ever online, and went to wiki. I saw below that link, something about him and Obama playing BB together. Maybe it's BB instead of football then. What's interesting is that I thought about basketball after I was wondering about football, but assumed it was bc I had read about him playing with his kids one day. But he did play basketball with him.

Oh, now I just scrolled past the first lines. He WAS in football! But I don't see anything about these guys playing together. I did have the impression of Obama leaning back and stretching his arm back with a football but maybe it wasn't with him.

Of all things, the wiki features a limo and it's dark on the interior.

I didn't see this "photo" of a dark car. I saw it from the inside as if I were sitting inside of it and could see the floor and around me.

Reggie, you have to talk to Obama. Or all, just talk together please. The U.S. would know whether or not I ever looked him up before and I swear to God, I am being honest. And then I checked it and it's pretty close.

I may not have the best form of presentation at this time in my life, but I am sincere and I am not delusional and I am very serious about what has happened with my son. We just want an investigation and some cause, aside from an appeal that would take years, to resolve this.

I just found this article:

I can't find anything about Reggie. I don't know if he's christian, catholic, muslim, or atheist or agnostic but the first thing I got was that he reads the Bible. And I got a good feeling when I was trying to get something.
I'm looking things up about arrows and archery. I haven't done this until tonight. It's morning actually...around 2-3 a.m. on the 17th. I'm curious about the longer bows as opposed to short ones. Most of the symbolism has to do with male children and also war or preparation of and there are other meanings too. I guess I have to pray more and get more direction later.

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