Monday, November 15, 2010

interesting church stuff

I looked up church sermons randomly online from nashville and found all kinds of interesting excerpts.

I looked at 1st presby, southern baptist, and some non-denominational and anglican. First it was a lot of stuff about 2 from the anglican churches (mainly from the bishop one, the larger one and then also from a smaller advent anglican one with purple and yellor...oops not yellor (not in nashville yet) yellow. About praying before starting anything, even prayer book, on ones knees, and then about being a servant in keeping with calling of God. Then from an episcapol thing, about opening the eyes from luke (random verse for the day) and then I looked up s. baptist and got gray church so then was at a minstry called zetify with a fushia page and then some other ministries that are unified. Then, I went to 1st presby and the last one i read I have to end on bc it made me laugh out loud. There were random sermons and I didn't pick specifically. just went with what i scrolled to. so I got both sermons by a guy named pastor stuart gordon. one about the "emperors new clothes" and it was kind of weird bc he talks about getting a new coat and that's been a theme lately (for me). then i ended up with "The eccentric church" and when i got to the part where the sermon says Jesus' own family couldn't eat a meal in peace because of the throngs had to "restrain him" and said "he's gone out of his mind" i just started laughing.

It says at the end of the "eccentric church" one:
"That is how we end up eccentric, how we end up loving like crazy."

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