Monday, November 29, 2010

Mor Problems With People Coming Into This Town

I not only have never had so many problems with maps online and directions. On the East Coast, or in general, I never had a problem.

I have been so turned around bc of what some of these idiots are doing, with even my maps online, that I can't go even a few blocks without problems.

It is really sad, because today was about my getting work. And so many people came out to intentionally interfere with this, it was ghastly. Some of the people are even locals. One woman who was a real bitch, laughing over my being lost, had TN plates DFNDR. It was only letters and made me wonder if she's connected to the justice system here. Why else have "DFNDR" on her plate? She was white. But there have been people from all walks.

I literally walked out at 6 a.m. when it was still dark, to be at a business at 8 a.m. and I shouldn't have had any problem with it.

But the map and directions I carefully checked several times, were totally wrong. I thought maybe it was my mistake but then when I stopped at this other place I asked the woman to zoom in to see if the same streets would even come up. They didn't. She was pulling up a different map than I did. Most of it was the same, but not this one little section, which is where I got confused and lost time.

So I figured the good people around could give me directions and help out.

But no. All the good people were replaced by assholes this morning. Most of them were assholes. And people KNEW I would be in THAT area so it was like every asshole who could be relied upon to mislead me, up to 10 blocks here and there, was out waiting for me. 2 men went into this symphony place. I knew, even last night, avoid that area. Somehow, I knew. But I had to go near it to find the road I needed and then that's where all the fuckers were.

It was really horrible. I mean, these were people who had nothing better to do but to be in my way.

There was absolutely NO reason for me to not be at this place of business at 8 and start working, but it didn't happen and I cannot blame myself at all. I got up well ahead of time, and I planned it out with care ahead of time too.

It was very disappointing because a lot of the good people are just at work at this time, doing normal things, and there were only a few decent people out and about for me to run across today.

I never had such wild directions in my life. As if they never lived here.

So I finally got there, but before 10 and when I did get there, I found out I'd been lied to over the phone. It was good that I went in anyway, late, in person, because then they couldn't lie over the phone to me.

Everything changed when I was there in person. All of a sudden, I was getting, with other people around as witnesses, correct information about what time to be there, and what days.

I also noticed at least 3 or 4 police in patrol cars who went out of their way to be around me and just be a harassing presence.

I noticed tons of police when I came into town but didn't feel they were trying to stalk me or part of the problem. However, today, 3 cars and then a day or two ago, there were 2 men in one patrol car that were really "off".

I finally got accurate and honest information from this temp agency where the story kept changing all the time over the phone. It was really sad.

So then I went next door to a donation place to do blood donation and as soon as I walked in the nurse said to me, "We just filled up and won't be taking any new applications".

I said, "Oh?" and she said yes, that their corporate people were in town having a meeting and they had just filled up and there was a freeze now and they didn't anymore people. They made it sound like forever and then it came to mind, and I said out loud, in front of everyone:

"So tell me, how is it that you just "filled up" 20 minutes ago?" Everyone stared. I said, "Well, you're telling me you filled up but why exactly did you suddenly fill up just about 20 minutes ago or so? Did something happen? someone called in?"

And they said, "Well our manager called and said not to let anyone else in about 20 minutes ago."

That was when I was walking past their place, on the way to the temp agency. They were all marking the sign up sheet with blue and pink highlighters and had left off with some guy named william or williams and that was the cut off. Then a few others came in and signed up.

I asked to speak to the manager and they wouldn't let me, saying he was in a meeting.

So basically, someone didn't want ME to sign in--it wasn't about anyone else. It was about ME.

I just I am really having a hard time justifying others at this point. I shouldn't have this many people keeping me from getting work, or even from donating blood (which would make a measly amount of money but be a little bit).

I have some corporate people putting a whole "freeze" on their entire business for blood plasma so I can't donate? There were all KINDS of people in there, but they were discriminating against ME.

It is MORE than bizarre.

I don't know if it was more about not allowing me to donate blood, or about not wanting my name next to some "william" name because it would ruin someone's bet over something.

It was totally and completely nuts.

This whole thing. And I feel bad for whoever was rooting for me this morning because I did all that I could and I do know some were rooting for me to get in early and get work and a massive amount of people bullied me and acted like total fuck ups.

I know that there are supposed to be very good things for me and yet I have really horrible people paying everyone off and giving them peer pressure like this is high school, and incentives and bribes, to do shitty things to me.

Obvsiously, they're the ones with no lives or too much money to have normal lives because they were following me around between 7-11 today. The normal people were working.

Maybe a few good ones who have felt they have to go along with this for some reason, were out and about, but just a lot of assholes and assholes trying to keep me from getting to a TEMP agency so I could have even 1 day of minimum wage work.

I think it's time to BUST ass.

These people do not deserve freedom as "Americans". If these are the people that are running the roost in the U.S., there is a very good reason Korea is thinking of war. So I write this and those who want me to sound like a total freak and anti-American nod their heads affirmatively as if to encourage me. These are the ones with more money. The ones with more money are those who try to get others to incite someone to such distress that they even say such things.

I came to Nashville and found out a lot of people who frequent this area are from the NW. The Pacific NW which is the same area where I had problems to begin with. So having these people traveling in and out makes it easier to spread problems. I had someone tip me off about that, saying they come in from CA mainly but other areas too.

Then, I found out some of the peope from the more extreme religious groups that haven't liked me, are concentrated in Nashville too. Which makes it easier for them to mobilize for harassing me and making it seem like a bigger deal than it is. The everyday Protestants and others are out in the suburbs. In Nashville, you have fewer sincere Protestants maybe, and different people in and out from the rest of the country. There are not many Catholics or Jews in TN but the ones who are here are in Nashville. Then, of the Protestants, you have the less religious or sincere ones around in the area. And you have a lot more non-religious because it's the Hollywood (in a sense) of the South and people are not coming to Nashville for church. They come for entertainment.

There is not as much military which helps me sort things out, about where some of this is coming from. There isn't such a large base here of military so it's easier to pick out who these people are and why they hate. But some of them have come over here, even from out of state.

I've met several international because it's just an international area in general, right now esp. Some have been great and others so-so. Not too bad really, but some of these religions, I've noticed, even like to use people of other races to make things appear worse than they are for me, as if it's the whole world, or international people when it's really not.

I am at least making better discoveries.

I am figuring out more.

I would have thought that the smart thing would have been to just stay out of my way and HOPE that I DO get some kind of small work!

This is what seems sensible to me.

That's all I have to say at this point.

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