Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quelling Sickness/Disease with Whole Foods--Habanero Cure Links

I think I may have done it again. I might take a little longer though. A ton of people are sick right now and they've sat next to me in services and I shook hands, etc. I started to get sick and had a chest cough a little yesterday. But I went out of the way, walking for an hour and a half to get to a Whole Foods market to find some habaneros.

I found Whole Foods and bought the habanero and by last night, I slept through the whole night without a cough. It really does something to you. Then I had a little bit left and had it first thing this morning, with tea and water and my stomach was burning a little (made my nose run as well) so I decided to have an everything bagel with it and things are fine.

I think I will be able to kick it.

I have to go to the Whole Foods again and get more, but it's the best and most powerful remedy I've discovered, for killing colds and chest colds even.

I also decided to eat another full meal yesterday to keep up strength.

What was strange was that I was really craving raw salmon. I wanted sashimi but I thought maybe I could buy salmon myself, if I could find out if it was safe, and just eat it raw.

It was yes, a little strange, when I got there. First of all, it was heaven. I really love the foods they have there. I found myself landing in the international aisle in front of canned salmon, herring and "sprat" and behind me, the same, from the U.S. That's when I thought why buy canned if I can buy fresh? So I went to the fish counter. I asked what "fresh" meant and they said not frozen and I asked, if not frozen, how long in the case? and the only one was UK salmon. Maybe Canada too but I can't remember if he said it had been frozen. He said the UK fish had been there since that morning. "That fast!" I said, surprised fish from the UK was being flown in overnight express. Then I asked if it was sushi quality and could be eaten raw and he said no. But, he said, he was glad I asked bc they were getting sushi quality in one month and it has to be stored separately.

I then found the sushi counter and picked up sashimi. This was after I got my habanero and divina dolmas. Divina Dolmas, the kind I had, are rice wrapped in grape leaves. Why pay for this? I sort of wondered myself but it looked and sounded good to me.

The cashier said it wasn't possible to get sashimi (I got the tuna and salmon tray) with my card so I put it back and got the german salmon in honey and mustard sauce. Then this cashier was really nice and said he could ring it up differently and I could get the sashimi. I said that's alright, this was cheaper anyway, and he said next time. Said he could show me around town and was generally a pleasant person.

One thing I noticed were these small little rounds of honey and seeds snacks. I stood there thinking, "Ohmigosh, I was making this very thing in the kitchen a month ago." When I was making honey and sesame seed circle candies by pouring them into little rounds. Then I saw the exact same thing for the first time. That was weird and made me wonder if someone I'm connected to buys those and eats them and somehow I picked up on the idea subliminally. It was the first time I'd ever seen anything like it. I thought, "That's what I was making!" I'll have to look at the brand next time I go there.

So I got german salmon in honey and mustard sauce, for protein and omegas, and whole milk for collagen and D and protein, and the divina dolmas for lunch. I ate the divina dolmas last and why I'm writing this in detail I've no idea, but they ARE divine! They are so simple but it was SO good. Really suprising how good they are with so few ingredients. I didn't know what they were. I just saw them on the shelf and grabbed them. Thought they were spinach rolls of some kind but then found it was grape leaves.

I got granola to go.

Other than this meal, I had tea or water. Oh, and then I had 2 small cookies at a bank I went to afterwards.

But I think I am going to beat this cold and I am trying to keep a fast of sorts too, with moderation and reason. I can't afford to be sick right now.

The fast has been very good for me, although I think I maybe accidentally didn't watch one drink being poured but I threw almost all of it out after I had one sip and something hit my stomach wrong. I had one or two sips, and while fasting, the smallest things are noticeable and I tossed it all out.

This morning I bought 85% dark chocolate for the antioxidants. Just had some habanero, a little dark chocolate, and an everything bagel and the tea. Oh, and I also bought a few small sticks of licorice, the real kind in stick form and chewed on it.

Also, no other military, gang, or technology violence. Nothing yesterday or that evening and a good service as well.

My favorite part of the entire day was that this little boy came in crying with tears streaming down his face and I tried to distract him with his Cars backpack and talk to him and that didn't work so I gave him a hug which helped and then I lifted him up and he quit crying. He was about my son's age. Put his head on my shoulder and then even when I had to set him back down, letting him know first, before putting him down, he wasn't crying anymore. That was probably the best part of my day.

I haven't thought about too many people from Wenatchee. Too busy. But yesterday morning or afternoon, as I started out on my walk to the Whole Foods, I intentionally purposed, "Vladdie...! oooooOh Vladdie! Vladdie laddie!" to see if it was picked up on or if I noticed anything. I did sort of pick up on something but I swear it was my imagination. All that I got was vladdie laddie's head raising or perking up. Like it was bent a little, over something, and then raised. That was it.
I thought good things for and about my family and then also had some weird idea come to mind about some rich person who lost a lot of money yesterday. But I didn't know who. I don't think it was a bad person either.
There was a lot of odd gaming and harassment and I felt, definitely, that along with fasting I need to pray more, because there is still something or some group that doesn't want to let go of me or quit influencing my life (in a not so good way I think). So I think this is going to take some work.
I've prayed for the women I stay with right now too, that good things will happen for them.
My first news item to read was that Obama had a split lip. Then I read about Korea because I did read about them yesterday. When I had picked up the little boy, and then set him down, I wondered if he had had something happen with his lip. Something came to mind about lip but I guess it was Obama or a coincidence.
I was just joking with this guy at the cafe here about the habaneros and he said, yeah, maybe with the gel-caps and I said, "That's a good idea! you could probably market that" he said, "I might have the million dollar idea" and I said, "No! it's mine!" we laughed. Seriously though, I am looking up habaneros

Oh here we are. I really AM an Estah! Look at this. Habaneros make prostate cancer cells commit suicide, from "ester":
NaturalNews) Hot peppers are great for spicing up food. They may be even better for keeping the human body feeling in the spice of life.
Capsaicin is the active ingredient in hot peppers and the one that turns up the heat. It is a compound useful in nature for preventing pepper plants from being eaten by insects and animals. When capsaicin is consumed by humans in the form of hot sauce, chili peppers or cayenne pepper, it offers a wealth of health benefits. One that has received much recent attention is the ability of capsaicin to make prostate cancer cells commit suicide.;wap2

It claims habaneros get about 80% of prostate cancer cells to die. And then it also compares the capascin (?msp) of jalapenos to habaneros. Which is why, I think, I knew intuitively that buying 3 jalapenos was pointless for killing my cold. I had to walk an hour and a half to get to the habaneros. They are significantly hotter and the heat comes from increased levels of capasicin. CAPSAICIN. I have to know how to spell it to write about it. I guess it's good for all kinds of cancer and tumors.

I believe it, because it kills my colds so well. I ingested about half of one at one time, diced up and just swallowed, and my ears started popping, my nose was running, and, oh believe me, you feel it. Last night, after having ingested the pepper, I went to bed and, I don't know how to describe it, but I do think it has something to do with heart and oxygen too, and how it comes in and out of the body. I can't explain it but I had these small bursts of almost air or a short cessation and then air, but it wasn't burping, it was different and it came from my chest. I really believe in habaneros. The first two times I tried it, it was when I felt a kind of head cold or congestion coming on, and aching and something people were getting that last for two months. Yesterday, I fully had a deep chest cough but didn't need to cough hardly at all and it felt "too late" but I decided to try it anyway and it still did something, but I think it's necessary to use a larger dose. I guess I'll get more.

Here's something not very scientific but may be true, and by a doctor, about effects of capsaicin on oxygen and even bleeding: and from 1996!
Here's something about liquorice or the kind of root or wooden licorice sticks I bought and then chewed on yesterday. I chewed little pieces until the sweetness was out and then threw out the rest. I found today the Chinese use it to suppress coughs, so maybe this helped my cough. It's good for other things too, but there is always caution to be used. Probably not good for pregnant women.
Now I'm looking up chocolate. I was wondering this morning, what the difference is between the dark chocolates? Because I went to the store and was comparing Lindts 85% dark chocolate with Lady Godiva's 85% dark chocolate. The bars were both 3.5 ounces and a few nutrients were different but I went with least expensive--Lindts was on sale. $2 as opposed to $4. However, I noticed with Lindts the calcium or protein was 4% of the RDA and LDs was 2% which made me think there was less milk and more actual chocolate in LDs. The other thing was the difference in iron. For the exact same amount, Lindts had 15% RDA for iron and LDs listed 40% of the RDA for iron. 40%! is a lot of iron. So what does this mean? I noticed Lindts has cocoa powder listed instead of just "chocolate" so maybe the powder is? I don't know.
I tried to get work as well. I asked around and called but it feels like a game. A game in the sense of people wanting me to contact a particular place just to win some bet that I would contact them, with no intention at all of giving me work. There are not quite as many like this here, but I noticed that RIGHT after I blogged how it was better here or good that I came here, someone or some group totally RAMPED up the harassment and sent their minions out. I'm not kidding. I don't know who is SO literally terrified of me, but it was ghastly. And I know, too, that this is not representative of most of the people but there are some who seem to have people to send out who have time on their hands to be terrible. When they go out, they have always gone out in large groups, to make it seem much worse than it is and since I'm walking, it's easy to concentrate in one spot. Sort of like a media rush but a little more like a "n'er-do-gooders' rush. I feel that at least I've recognized this, and I don't have to feel or assume the entire world is against me. It's just a very monied group that has some bizarre interest in doing harm to me but they are not everyone. They don't speak for everyone either, though they'd like to and would like to have me believe it's everyone. It only "feels" this way because when it's concentrated, it's overwhelming. I think there is some blacklisting with and among them but again, I do not believe this is everyone either. It's just beating or getting around the brat pack when they mobilize whenever someone worries I might end up in a normal job or back in college. I really do think they believe I am "the beast" the way they behave.

I noticed this last night, because they were all mobilized in a certain area and then I just took off, not knowing the area, and cut through all kinds of uncharted local territory: parks, lots, cross-streets and when I came out in a different area, the assholes were gone. Most of them at least. Not having a vehicle makes me susceptible to being easy to follow and encircle. As soon as I get outside of their brat zone, things are fine.

There is a temp place open on Fridays usually but they said not for Thanksgiving holidays. But I have made an honest effort and volunteered for chores at the place I'm staying at as well. I tried to volunteer to clean the bathroom when it wasn't my turn but someone spoke up more loudly. I just raised my hand.

There is no reason why I shouldn't be employed with work. In Washington, impossible. If I got a job there, I was then getting arrested the next day on false charges, just to keep me out of work.

I have a few more people to contact, who gave me their names.
This is strange but I think I am close to cured of the cold already. A few heard me cough yesterday so they know it was chest cough but I had the rest of of the habanero and about 6-8 tea bags of earl grey and the bagel and I am actually not even feeling it in my chest anymore at all. I also ate half of the bar of dark chocolate.
At some point in the cafe someone nearby was doing something with technology but it was for a short time. They must have come in and sat nearby. I noticed something speeding up or overcharging my computer at the same time. But they are gone or not doing this now and overall, it's not as bad here. When this starts to happen I always wonder who is reading my blog or who is interested in what I have to say, or what is so challenging, that some group feels it's time to zone in on me and do something.
random impressions (novelty): when I was thining vladdie laddie, yesterday, I sort of thought vladdie laddie himself picked up on it but then the other thing was of a blonder man (?) maybe, with a very pale light blue shirt on. Long sleeved very pale blue shirt. Maybe a juxposition of 2 different people. He got a smirk on his face. he had this slight smile and then I smiled or smirked to see this, because I knew some man picked up on it and was amused. I sensed good energy with it but not sure who it was associated with.

The other impression was when I was in church. I really don't know who this man was that I "saw" in the minds eye but he was handsome and youngish and he was either copying what I was doing, or something. I don't know if he was a deliberate psychic type because I didn't see him in the church and it was for the Kings Feast service I attended. When I was sitting and bowing my head with my hands clasped in front of me, elbows on my knees and arms straight out, I saw some blondish man with curly or wavy hair. It wasn't long but not super short either. It was not slightly wavy but a little more than this and he did the same thing at about the same time.

Then, I forgot to mention and it's not an impression, but this man who stood behind me at church had a really beautiful singing voice but wasn't singing. He only sang a little bit like he wanted to be singing but wasn't going to sing intentionally for some reason--he was very weirded out by me I think. I don't think he knew what to think but I think I freaked him out a little, like he hadn't wanted to like me but couldn't help but see I was halfway normal or some kind of conflicting feeling of reality in something.

Then, sort of fun was this one flapping free wheeling-reeling dervish man with a british accent who I recognized for some reason, and he had a nice family and I could sense whenever he was looking at me and sometimes, what he was even thinking about. Which was sort of strange and then I knew to expect him coming out from behind this one pillar and he did. It was strange in the sense of a pretty sound "psychic" connection in just a sense of awareness. Very deja vu too but not sure why. Accents maybe faked but if so, done very well, by the entire family. It was too good to be fake I think, but who knows. It was the day of feigned and heir-apparent accents. Here you go Chicago Brit:

I've also noticed a few psychic kids too. That's kind of cool.

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