Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ring News & People's Reactions Here (my image of the ring)

I just got into a cafe and looked up cnn and saw the ring news. Which didn't surprise me. And then I went to bbc and it didn't surprise me.

I have a feeling I will continue to be tortured, regardless.

In some ways, I feel more free to just express whatever I want, so this is good. I don't have to cover for people who have attacked and tortured me.

I also prayed this morning, and felt very good energy and connection. I forgot to pray this morning at home and then did in a restroom and I prayed for my son and for someone to come forward.

I have to say that there was weird energy yesterday (very sad actually, at one point, for William and now I can say why) and then this morning I woke up and there was a very bad feeling.

I had to go back to the house 3 times today because someone had taken something out of my purse. Last night someone was upstairs but trying to be unnoticed and there was some kind of technology stuff going on again.

I guess I feel slightly more released to just say what needs to be said and I am no longer worried about it. I don't feel like I have to hide, at least, some of the people who have tried to ruin me or track my every movement for purposes of keeping me in the zone they want me to be in, and making me look like a crazy person.

I am also hoping that someone feels free to share with me what I need to take to someone about my son.

The weirdest impression that I had this morning was when I left the cafe to go back to the house a 3rd time. As I was walking back to the house, I knew something was off in that I even had to walk back to the house again. But I had, it must have either been God or someone else, I had an impression of a ring.

I had not seen any news.

But I saw the ring.

This was at about 10 a.m. or so. I saw the ring but I was confused because I thought Harry had the ring. I had thought Harry had been the one who chose his mother's ring as something to keep.

So when I saw this ring this morning, I thought about Harry.

It was just before I was about to pass by a park. I remember exactly when I saw the ring in this image, and the impression I had. And I saw the saw the ring, thought about Harry, and then thought, "The Hope Diamond" and wondered if he or someone would be able to have good associations with it when it looks exactly like the Hope Diamond which is associated with a curse. So I thought, "I wonder if Harry will want to cahnge it or something, like make a couple of alterations to the ring" and I was literally thinking about how the ring might be unique and still beautiful but changed a little bit, with some kind of alteration so its not tied to both the unhappy marriage between Charles' and Diana and the Hope Diamond curse idea.

It is really strange that I actually thought about this, and had this image, before even knowing about the news. I completely associated it with Harry though, not William. Kate didn't enter the picture at all, in the image I had.

But THEN, I think someone else or everyone else had already seen the news, because then I was in this cafe and this woman was sitting at a table. There was all kinds of military here at the cafe and this man who was and has been a part of the problem here, and connected to Seattle.

So anyway, this woman was sitting here at a table and started talking about things and I knew she wanted me to make a comment about her ring, which she kept flashing at me. Deliberately. So I didn't make any comment. She WANTED me to bring up her ring. So I didn't give her the satisfaction and said nothing. And I remember wondering why she wanted me to comment about her ring and then later I saw the news.

So she told me she was adopted and then said she was from D.C. and lived in Virginia first. After I realized she was wanting me to mention her ring, and I said nothing, I started typing. She said, "Are you a writer?" and I said, "I just journal. Are you a spy?" I looked at her hard. She said, "What? no." but she looked to the left so I said, "You looked to the left so if you are a spy, they didn't train you very well." She said, "I asked if you were a writer bc you live in Wenatchee" and I said, crossing over her own words, "I asked if you were a spy because you lived in Virginia."

When I said this and got up, she said, "I am military". Then I was walking to the restroom and this jewish guy who had been sitting at a table in a black and white shirt, whose group got a nod from the woman I asked about being an "assassin" got up to leave.

I am not sure about this ring thing because in one way it helps me figure something out and in another way, I am still perplexed. But at least I am able to saya few things I might not have said before, which I deliberated about last night, because I didn't know if it would be helpful or not. I thought what I had already written wasn't exactly an ego boost, but I wrote it honestly. And I wanted to write more but I couldn't.
There are several people who are no longer around, feeling better at some point and then others who have always been around me, trying to keep tabs. One walked out and I will get his plates later. Another guy comes in from the bus all the time, and he is jewish. I think he comes in from out of town.

I wrote down the plate number of a woman who was monitoring what the one guy who left was doing...Her plates were 004 XIR.

Anyway, I had always thought William took a watch for himself from his mother and Harry took the sapphire ring. I think I had just read it one time in a magazine. So today when I saw the ring in an image, I thought about Harry because that is who I believed would be associated with it.

As for William of Wales and handwriting...and then some other woman I met in a different cafe, I will make my post next.

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