Friday, November 19, 2010

Theft At Library By Professionals & Church

I just had someone steal $3 from me, and my library card ticket.

I had the password memorized for some reason so I tried to type it in but it wouldn't let me get on. The password number totalled 9 and was either 0603 or 0306 but I didn't remember the other part bc it's just a one-time temporary pass. It was for computer 42. There were 4 tickets laid out on the counter and I just grabbed one, glanced at the passwords when I typed them into the que and then remembered part of it an hour later. I remembered half of the first part but not all. Most of it.

I should have been able to get on that computer before 11:30 a.m. and had an hour set aside, but then I found someone stole this money and my ticket. I know exactly how much was stolen because last night before I went to bed I counted out what I'd spent.

It was stolen from me when I left my coat unattended in the poetry room for only a few minutes.

There was no one there that looked like they would steal from me. It was a tiny room with only 4 tables and poetry displays.

The librarian told me there are no cameras in that room and someone must have known this. More than one person, because one had to keep an eye out while someone else did the stealing. There were 3 people in the room when I left it and one stepped outside the door as probably one of the women stole the ticket and money. All were professional looking. The one outside the door with his cell was a professional looking black man. Then there was a black woman in a coat already there when I walked in and then this other woman who was white with dark hair. I believe the second woman came in after I was already there, I am positive. So two women had to have been in the room as the black man stood post. He said maybe I could have the cameras checked but when I found out there were no cameras I realized they must have already known this. it is a poetry room where the books are under locked case and there are no windows. It's a small study and no one could steal books in there so I guess they figure they don't need cameras. I figured, on my part, that they all looked like decent people and that there were 3 of them so someone would have to witness if there was any kind of theft.

3 well-off, professional individuals fucking went out of their way to heist my money and computer ticket. They were in on it and the person who actually did the stealing was a woman.

The fact that they were not bums by any means, or even on the poor side at all, is what concerns me.

It was also strange because a couple of people were very interested in which ticket I took when I went upstairs to get on a new computer with more time, and one watched as I typed things in. But one of the interested persons was a 40-50 something woman who was white.

I typed a response to a comment on my blog, from a different computer, at 7:48 PST which is 9:48 CT here. I don't know if the blogger clock is right, but it's still going by Pac NW time and my response published at this time, which meant it was 2 hours ahead, at 9:48 over here. The ticket said I had to wait 50 minutes so I did. In that time, I was robbed.

After I published my comment, I went upstairs and instead of going straight to a computer, I went to the poetry section and looked around, noticing Rimbaud and how much I liked his poetry. One in particular, struck me with its beauty. It was displayed under a case. I also looked at titles of books locked up. There was another I liked as well but I read it and then 2 by Rimbaud and then I left. I went to a different section that had just one Bible there, which was a black Oxford study Bible and then got a James Strong's Concordance and a "Women of the Bible" book too. They were all in the same section and this is where I first sat down. I read different things and it was weird because I, for some reason, wanted to see how many unicorn references there were in the Bible so I looked in Strong's for that. I think there were about 6 listed. Then I went to the book about women in the Bible and randomly ended up on "Virgin" and it was some section about the definition of a virgin, how it does not always mean what one thinks it means. So I pondered this and it was a really short section. After that, I thought, "I don't know what I'm looking for here" and I didn't have time to study so I then put the book about women in the bible away and just had the other 2. I put them away. I looked around more, and went to the computer station and got the number. At least a half hour had passed and probably a little more. It was close to 10:30 a.m. here when I picked up my ticket. After I got my ticket and registered in the que, I found where my computer would be when it was ready and then sort of browsed stacks. Then I went back to the section where the Bible and concordance were and I decided to look up the four angels of the wind which I had referred to from memory the other day. I wanted to read more of the context so I did, and I then went to the other rooms i'd been to before, looking at the fine arts section and then poetry. I decided to grab my books and take them to the Poetry section when I only had 15-20 minutes to spare. So I set them on the table and took off my coat, which had pockets where the ticket and some money was, and put it on the back of the chair. Everyone in the room "looked" decent. One woman got on the phone and was talking to a "Gannon" and Gannon was the name of my parent's first child. My brother's middle name is also Gannon so I remember this. I was hoping it was a good sign. I took my bag with me but left the coat there.

I then browsed the literature section (which was in the adjoining room so I still had an eye on one of the doors and 3 of the people were there) for this time, and ended up in different sections...and then I went back to that room and looked for my ticket bc I knew it was time to go to the computer and then found the ticket was missing. It was after I was searching for this ticket that someone was on a cell talking to a Gannon, or about one.

Instead of just getting a new ticket and going to a new computer, I went back to the computer and sat there and tried to remember the numbers to get on. Then I was out of time and someone else reserved it.
When I looked at things in the literature section, I was sort of looking for poetry but went down random aisles. I first saw something about JFK for a moment, but left because there were no poetry books and then I was down another row where I stopped and found myself facing "The Queen Mother". I just stood there, wondering why I had stopped there and below someone had selected a book and laid it at the bottom, which was a match of The Queen Mother. They had the exact same title but different versions. It was Elizabeth's (current one)mother. The Cookie Queen one. Then, I went all the way down the aisle to almost the end, thinking there would be something different and went down and aisle and stood right in front of "British Castles" and books about them and then at the bottom (at the bottom of the stack where someone had laid a book) it said, "The British Inheritance" (which made me think about the Howards and some claim there was once in our family).

Then, I ended up going back to the front and was next to a bunch of books about mysticism and philosophy. Aristotle to new age and mystics and at the bottom was a book about yoga.

The only reason I noticed was because I kept ending up on british things. Oh, the very first thing I got though, was ha! a woman in turquoise who was American and the name of the book was "A(or "The") Woman At The Well". Before I went looking I asked to find books that were sort of about my life or who I would be like or what my life was meant to be but it was just random. I think I passed through a few other sections but didn't stop to look so much.

Maybe interesting random, but random.
This morning I went to morning prayer. Some ups and downs with it but I sensed the presence of God or someone else good who was praying. I also sensed something not right, in some way, but put myself and my focus on God and not others. Maybe someone praying because they knew I needed it.

The other pastor's sermon was about healing and resurrection of the dead and things and I closed my eyes and focused on prayer and this sermon and I felt very good energy. There are people trying to trip me up and doing not-so-good things still, but I can think of the positive energy I have had from the Holy Spirit. And just when this one pastor was talking about healing, before he even talked about it, I thought about the power of touch to heal and I had been praying for this woman, that she would be healed and then he started talking about this same thing.

He also referred to something about a man who fell down on his knees in prayer when he was told he would be freed from jail and later he was freed from this and brain cancer too. Some man told him he had a vision that God was going to free him from jail and he didn't believe it. He got brain cancer and they freed him when he had a life sentence. Then, unexpectedly, he made this full recovery from the cancer and he'd already been released so then went out sharing his testimony.

Either it was him or the messenger, with the power of prayer. And it was different but it made me think about the first time I went to that church to pray--and for some weird reason when I went in and sat down in the chapel, after standing outside of the main church hearing organ music for a short time, I saw someone, a man, falling to his knees. It was very fast, and maybe someone tried to send this impression to me, but it was almost a collapsing or instant fall to knees but it didn't seem bad (I didn't think). I think it was separate from what the pastor was talking about, but I remembered this. It was the only image I had and it was right after going in and seeing these weird weather beams of light. I'm not kidding--that was really weird.

There is a huge difference between things that others can do for you or even sort of trying to manufacture a good energy and then the honest-to-God real thing that is not even possible without God, and is despite my wrongs and others too.
I guess I can write about some things I read too, more at some other point.

One thing I read this morning, after reading the Compline before the morning prayer today, was I went to a couple of books and one was a philosophy book and I'll have to remember the name, but it started with an H, and they were christian and I read about the oneness of the universe...but will have to find the passage. The other book I grabbed was one about a protestant's guide to saints or something--can't remember the title, and I opened up to some part about Franscicans and how they initially started out as homeless people. They deliberately begged for bread and slept in the streets, as a practice of humility and people threw things at them and called them lunatics. One of them was called "the flying friar" because he levitated. But this excerpt only made me think about homeless and not to look down. The very next man I talked to, outside of the church, was a man born in London, living in Nashville, who looked homeless but maybe he wasn't. He was walking on top of his shoes, without socks and I asked if he played guitar after we were chatting a little bit. He looked homeless at first, and then he said he came to Nashville for the music.

The day before, I read some great things from the Prayer Book and included psalms. And then this morning it was good too. It was good because of the presence of God in prayer and no other reason, is what I mean.

I went to a random verse generator but I never know if these things are random; "3:1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

The verse that comes to my mind, is the one which is sort of:
"We know in part so we speak in part. But one day we will know fully." I Corinthians 13:9-12.

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