Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Theo's "Note"

I just wrote an uncomplimentary paragraph about Theo and someone erased and edited the whole thing. He wrote to me with a note saying "hail to the king baby xo" and he was one of the people who deliberately tortured me. I even heard him doing it when I had to stay there bc I had no other place to stay. I have had to STAY with these assholes because someone got the few shelters to BLOCK me from staying there. It's not like I stayed with them by choice or that things really were not that bad. No, I stayed through torture because I couldn't move when I was trying to visit my son and get him back. I had no other choice. Many of these people have been connected. A painting from Theo's house is in the house I have been in now. These people all know eachother and have somehow been paid off.

Theo is connected with police in town and also with military. So is the guy I stayed with next. This one man, Steve May, was also connected to police and he tortured the living daylights out of me and had mafia stuff in his house. I mean, like the triangle with the 3 dots for eme. He and housemates stole everything I had left from me, including all my personal photos, and they tortured me. May or a different guy staying there stole my paystub so I couldn't prove my income for getting unemployment and then May lied and told Community Action things about me and this organization forced me out of a housing program. That was when my legs were swelling up and my heart was being affected by the technology. Chris Rozollo was a fraud. Maybe he or someone cared about my son but not about me. He was part of a team to notice how I would look around the corner and then some airplane turned on it's lights and fly out. He was basically monitoring me and what I did.

I think Rozollo has military connections. I am not sure. I know that Theo does. I also know the police must be corrupt if they knew all these guys.

There were 3 Wenatchee police officers following me around on the morning before they falsely arrested me to prevent me from going to training at a new job I was hired for in Seattle. 3 Wenatchee officers and 1 Chelan county officer car. That was when I was asked to watch "Let's Go To Jail!" by some guy and I hadn't done anything wrong but I knew there was something off about what he was doing. He went to Blockbusters and got the movie after I had to stay a night because my things were in Seattle and I got dumped by some professional guy from Seattle, in Wenatchee with no ride back. So I was going to go on the bus the next day and instead, this asshole says to watch "Lets Go To Jail" and I intuitively knew something was being set up. He told me I could borrow his car again and I did and I was followed out by 4 smirking officers who, hours later, were "called up" to arrest me. As if they hadn't been already tailing me and wanting me to see that they were tailing me. I was arrested even though the story didn't line up. That false arrest directly interfered with my training and I lost the job. It was a set up. The man from Seattle....description later.

I had people like THIS obstructing me every time I turned around, and then people wonder why I couldn't get a job or get things together. Every single time I was just about to make it, someone did anything in their power, even using extreme means, to set me up and make sure this didn't happen.

There were a couple of places, here, where no one used technology but they did other things, like stole a few things or acted suspicious about something.

I have noticed some of the other guys who have done horrible things to me here, showing up out of the blue.

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