Thursday, November 25, 2010

Violence At Shelter, Intelligence, #13

Some of the women who have come into the shelter/hostel where I've been staying have had an interest in me that is not a "homeless persons" interest but intel in nature.

I was also running into a lot of intel yesterday and caught them.

Last night, there was violence when I came in for the mandatory chapel service and sat down. The woman next to me began to cry and I didn't know why. She said her name was "Angie" which made me think of the one from the Russian Baptist church. She got up and moved and then all of a sudden, a few minutes later, a huge blast and warming like that of what I experienced with the dangerously strong ultrasound at the Baptist church. It was not gradual but a very strong burst and I felt it and some of the people there watched me.

Right after this, a woman in nurse pants and shirt came over and sat next to me instead of the other woman and the "Angie" woman was sitting behind me. I wondered why a woman in nurse attire was sitting by me or chose this and then the other woman on my other side wanted me to see her shirt, which was "St. Thomas Medical Center."

After I was blasted with the technology, I knew it was some kind of joke and point, to then have a woman in nurse smock and attire sit next to me.

They didn't even have a full service but it was so strong and so bad, that as soon as I left, my lower back and pelvis were in extreme pain all night. It was the same thing that happened in Russian Baptist church the one time and also that happened to both me and my son for months when we were in E. Wenatchee.

My lower back hurt so bad I couldn't sleep in my normal position. I had to sleep on my side curled up, which is not how I usually sleep but it was the only way to alleviate the pain.

It had nothing to do with my fast, which I wouldn't broadcast except to point out that when I have noticed medication, I noticed exactly when it happened because I was otherwise fasthing. Secondly, I have been fasting for 3 days now. Maybe more like 4 days. I've made some adjustments to it, having only something to drink (tea, water, or coffee) and prepackaged granola bars only for energy if I feel fatigue. Yesterday I drank tea and watched where all my water came from, and had one granola bar (Nature's) for lunch and that was it. I have had ZERO stomach cramping since I quit eating food from that shelter.

Someone had tried to say it was "the water" when it wasn't. Someone was putting medication or drugs of some kind, in the food and/or the drinks (orange juice and milk in cartons). I quit taking any of it and had zero problems with the bleeding and stomach cramping.

My health felt very good and better, and I've had no problems at all. My strength has been coming back, not getting depleted, and this is what makes it easy for me to tell what happened last night was isolated incident and is bad enough to cause symptoms almost immediately.

I am 100% positive that I was medicated. 100%, no shadow of a doubt. And heavily medicated. I believe I've had a number of medications tried on me over the last 2 years. I have no mental illness, but the use of technology and then medications and eliminating or adding certain factors has been used to try to prove or make it appear that I am mentally ill when I'm not. It has also been done to interfere with how I'm perceived by others.

I had zero stomach cramping or hair falling out when I quit taking prepared food or even the milk or orange juice. That stuff was even in cartons, and sealed, but I have realized this does not mean it's safe.

I had all the symptoms of being medicated. I had severe memory issues, severe stomach cramping that was abnormal for me, hair falling out in clumps for extended periods of time, and at different times, a bizarre sensation in the head or tingling thing and just weird taste in mouth and other things.

As for the lower back pain, I have had zero back pain until I sat in the chapel service last night. I then went from completely strong and healthy with no aching bones to severe pain within 10 minutes and it lasted all night and this morning.

I know it is from technology because if it was something "wearing off" it wouldn't "wear off" all of a sudden, in just 10 minutes. Nothing wears off that fast.

I've been fasting for 4 days. There wouldn't be a sudden onset of excruciating pain in just 10 minutes. That's impossible with medication. Medication gradually wears off and then if there is underlying pain, this worsens gradually. Unless you're on narcotics and in that case, they wear off in a few hours and all the pain is back suddenly.

Actually, since I've been in Nashville, TN, I have fasted in some ways, since I got into town. I can remember every meal since I arrived. But in the last 4 days, I really watched where even my water from tea was coming from. When I got water from behind a counter yesterday and I didn't see where the guy brought it from, I dumped it out in the bathroom sink, filled it with bathroom sink water and then walked to a microwave store, where there was a microwave, and heated up my water.

Since I started doing this, zero health problems. None. Except for maybe getting a little tired here and there or fuzzy minded for a short time because of my food fast.

I have had only one full meal since I've been here, when a man invited me to sample southern cooking at a restaurant and I had a round course. The rest of the day I fasted with liquids and maybe a granola bar.

Aside from this, the only other place I've had food given to me or prepared for me, is at the shelter and I only ate there twice. I had from their breakfast on the first day I ate there, only wheat corn chex, a milk and an orange juice (they were both sealed). The second time I had breakfast there I only ate the oatmeal and nothing else and it had been pre-sweetened, and I had a carton of orange juice that was sealed. I had breakfast there 2 times.

Oh, I also had a hamburger at a McDonalds and that's it.

In the last 7 days the rest of my intake has been only tea, coffee, water, 1 V-8, 1 green food Naked juice, oatmeal granola bars, and a small package of carrots. I had one full square meal since I've been here a week and that was at a restaurant. It consisted of BBQ pulled pork, squash casserole, baked beans, and green salad with balsamic vinegrette. I only ate half of everything that I ordered. Half of the pork, I guess all of the squash casserole, half of the beans, and half of the salad and I had a lemonade with it and then a glass of water.

After fasting from food this much for an entire week, I am very acute at picking up whether something is tampered with or not. And I know for a fact that there was some kind of medication in the shelter food I received. Then, I felt I had been given something in possibly my hamburger or even coffee or water when I wasn't watching so I just cut all opportunity for mistakes out entirely. I watched every single thing and that's been for at least 4 days. And my health has been getting better slowly.

Until, like I said, I was sitting in chapel last night after feeling great all day and then someone did something there and about 20 minutes later I was almost incapacitated.

I was fasting for spiritual reasons, not any other reason, and I don't need to lose weight, but it was spiritual and for work and my son, but it ended up helping me to figure out other things that are going on. I have been able to pinpoint times I've been given medication or drugs and this is true too, in general of my trip to Bonner's Ferry though I took more risks then and I wasn't fasting like I have been now.

My tea has been from monitored water sources and I bought a large box of Twinnings Earl Grey (50 bags) and before that, I had other Earl Grey tea I used when I first came into town. I have only gone through 8 granola bars total (Nature's Valley oatmeal bars) in 7 days. I guess 8 days now.

I can pinpoint exactly when something has happened.

Since I came into Nashville on Nov. 17, 2010, 8 days ago, I've had the following:
1. about 8 oatmeal granola bars,
2. small package of carrots,
3. 1/2 cup of oatmeal,
4. 1/2 cup of wheat chex,
5. 1 double cheeseburger from mcdonalds,
6. pulled pork, casserole, beans, corn bread, and salad from Mc.Clouds,
7. very small tray of corn chips with salsa and guacamole (about 2 handfuls of chips and a small condiment cup of salsa and guacamole),

and that's it. Otherwise, juice and liquid and some of it from others and then I quit that and only monitored where my water was coming from and quit taking even carton drinks from the shelter. In 8 days, I have become attuned to exactly what SHIT some have tried to pull.

I've also picked up on intel during this time. I'm sure I haven't picked up on everything, but some of it I have, and I have been able to confirm. Aside from being blasted by some kind of non-lethal weapon technology at the church "service" last night, I had someone last night use something that affected my heart. It may have been from someone outside, but the man I was talking to, I picked up on and I knew he had some connection to someone in England. He may not have been the person who used something that affected my heart though. I don't know who but he averted his eyes and that's not the confirmation. My confirmation came from him in a sense. He came in and sat down and before I talked to him I picked up on: "He is from possibly the NW and is connected to someone in England". Then I was talking to him and told him this and he denied it and said "West Africa" and that his parents had been missionaries there and he went to a boarding school there. He had zero accent. But then, he looked at me intently when I said England and as he was talking I got the name, "franklin" coming from him. I said nothing. He then handed me an address to a church in "Franklin" and I said, "You have some psychic abilities, don't you?" He said why and what did I mean and I said, "I was picking up on franklin before you ever wrote this down. I also picked up on the fact that you are connected to someone from England but you denied it but now I know I'm probably right." I told him either he or someone around him was psychic because I wouldn't otherwise get this before he told me.

Concerning is a woman named "Armor" who has a British accent or fakes one. She saw where I was sitting and was very happy about it and then moved. She has been watching me from Day One even thought she doesn't share a room with me. She is white, pretty, in her 30s or 40s and has a post punk hair mullet cut. Something one could dress up or down. She wears plain clothes and cardigans but all she needs is a black jacket with zippers, striped stockings and Miu Miu. I suppose it's modern. She looks like a Londoner. I thought she was English before I ever heard her accent. Her features are delicate, and she wears no make up. I'm sure she's a knock out in a suit. She might not be English though and just faking the accent but this is what I thought and she has been using some kind of british accent.

What happened last night was straight up violence. It is not visible, but it is violence. For some reason, this woman "Armor" was happy it was happening. So I question where she is from and what her connections are. I've never seen her before going to this shelter.

I am also wondering if the woman below my bunk was also using this weird technology, or someone in the room, because even though I did notice how bad the heating was in the chapel service, the pain is so extreme still, that I really wonder if it was just that really serious blast or if it was also overnight. Usually though, the heating is felt and then no aching until after the heating source is removed. It's serious and it's real and it's violence and I believe, given to poor and corruptible by rich, to carry out their deeds. I am in a lot of pain this morning. I obviously have to buy ibuprofen for it but that anyone did this to begin with is sick. And this is not the first time.

When is the U.S. going to step up and put an end to this and TAKE OUT these assholes?

Then I walked out this morning and some were watching me, suprised I was walking normally and that I was going out. Then I had several persons of african-american background, drive by me and then one latino in a van, all saying "BYE" as if THEY knew what had happened. I wrote down some of their plates and will post them today along with the plates for the woman in the black mercedes prowling around the other evening and some other things.

Last night was odd too.

They've put me on bed #13 from the first day.

At this shelter. They assigned me to bed #13 which has a mattress that doesn't even fit on the bed because it's too long so one side is elevated because it won't fit down on the springs. There are all these other beds with mattress that fit fine. I didn't complain and I said nothing. But then last night, just some really weird stuff.

Last night I asked for a Bible again and the woman said I could only have a New Testament and that's all they had. Some of the staff is a trip.

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