Friday, November 5, 2010

yesterday and today & vladdie laddie

yesterday, at least nothing "technology" wise was occuring, to my knowledge. The days before, there was a lot. Nothing yesterday unless I didn't notice. The only thing is that I had a headache (tension) and at some point while walking along the road my head was hurting and I wondered about people driving by or something else. After the headache (which was a different kind). I went into a store to sit down because of it and as soon as I walked in almost, it left.

Why it would leave like that, I don't know, but it did and THEN I thought, I wonder if something else was going on that could cause this, if I was too close to something?

Then last night I thought to myself, what in the world is it with vladdie laddie? because I went to McDonalds, not purposefully avoiding, just unconsciously, I was walking by and then just took a turn and as soon as I did, I saw some guy stand up and it was HIM, in the same place where I used to always find him sitting, when I would go in. My arrivals were coordinating with his breaks for awhile and then I thought it was weird so I tried to guess what time to go in when he wasn't there, thinking I was going to look like a stalker.

So I went in for a hamburger and was on my way to a different store and I eriously wondered if he has a magnetic device with him or something. Kidding.

It was so weird to me that I couldn't help laughing. I was trying not to, but I couldn't help it. At first I didn't know if it was him because the hair was darker but it was.

He passed off a hamburger just as I was giving in to laughing out loud. The cashier was looking at me, and I said, laughing, "I'm sorry, it's an inside thing..." and then he comes around and passes off the burger.

I left, noticing something I will keep to myself.

I started thinking about how this one woman had called me "honeybun" the other night and then saw this big tear in the crotch of my jeans, but sort of the rear, and wondered if this had been why people were checking me out.

I inspected it the burger. Lots of ketsup. Nothing wrong with it. Slightly rare but, I mean, it was a normal burger. I usually feel pretty safe with McDs too but I try to be careful no matter what.

I ate it and then I was still trying not to laugh, laughing too at what I was thinking myself, and I was going to check out some curlers. I had just bought black ones and heard there were some white ones that might be a different size, at the store, so I was going to look. Noticing of course, well, of course I noticed what everyone was wearing grouped by the door next to their ringleader.

I was laughing to myself and went to the store and decided to pull a kind of gag (sort of) so I went to the section looking for honeybuns. I thought about it after looking at curlers and passing some honey remedy thing and then thought about about honeybuns and wondered if they had any in the store there.

They did! So they were super cheap and I grabbed a box and then went to this other aisle where I got a box of Botan rice candies (japanese) that I always got when I was a little girl, from this one Supermarket in Moses Lake. Frank was a very, very, nice man and we always liked to see him there. It was him and his son. We bought candy from him.

I grabbed a box and paid and then opened it up. There was a sticker inside! I looked at it and it was a cartoon man riding a bike, with an American flag attached. I sort of thought it was funny. It was printed in Japan and it's featuring some asian guy on a bike with U.S.A. flag. I stuck it on the box of honeybuns and went to McDs and said to this other cashier:

"Will you give this to Vladimir?" he nodded, and I added, "And tell him I like it raw." I meant to say rare but I used the wrong word. It was funnier this other way, but then too, I debated saying this at all bc it sounded so...bad. But I figured people would know, this was partly tongue in cheek.

And I walked out, but my psychic 3rd eye caused me to turn after I had left the place, and there he was. The other guy was explaining to him I guess.

I was only joking around, but I am really tired of things in general. I mean, the same stuff I was talking about before. I'm glad I haven't been torture the last day or two (noticeably)but that's about it.

I'm not the greatest psychic either. I don't work at it and it's just here or there unless I ask, but I am tried of having other U.S. people, in my own country, use me and my son and I do NOT want this for my son.

I was going to add something while passing off the honeybuns, like, "I didn't appreciate being fried by some of the members in your church." But I didn't.

Then, later that night, I was showering and too tired to wash my hair or anything. I had an impression of something without praying and it was of someone else praying. I am sure there were a lot of people in the whole world, praying at that moment, but it looked like someone like Vladimir. Except the hair was lighter, like before it got dark. And whoever it was, prayed with hands folded, on their knees, with hands in a kind of prayer clasp, and up higher, as if resting on a railing or bedside or something, maybe a desk, if there wasn't kneeling.

But I mainly saw waist up and thought, I think this is the way this person prays a lot of times, in that kind of posture. And it seemed to be a private moment too, not around a lot of other people but I am not totally sure.

He pretty much looked like Vladimir, I thought, vaguely, but lighter hair, blond. I felt he was either Vladimir in a time past or someone connected to him. I don't discount past impressions because I've had them before, and had people confirming this too, so I don't know.

But this was someone 17-26 years old and I felt, Protestant. It wasn't something from a church. It was in a private room, office, bathroom, I think--something like that, but the elbows were up and hands together.

And no, it wasn't the man from the movie "Thorn Birds". It was a real person and I had a small idea of why they might be praying too, but not totally sure.
This morning I read CNN first. The mosque bombing. Then I went to BBC and it was the same thing front page. I read it once and don't feel like reading it again. Even if they're different. I did notice something about a Michael Jackson new album on the lines and someone was trying to send that to me last night, and I know it was an attempted sending. I know, because I was praying to God, and someone kept attempting to insert or suggest something about Michael Jackson and it wasn't a natural train of thought and I had to stop and think, "Why Michael Jackson?" It was afternoon yesterday. Late afternoon. So I refused to think about him because I had been in the middle of giving thanks to God for things.

The thing is, this happens to others but it is a matter of recognizing that not all of our thoughts are generated from ourselves but are also picking up on the thoughts of others. So it's important, very important esp. for slightly intuitive people, to figure out what is something from themselves and what is from others, whether the thoughts from others may be good or bad. It's not for anyone else to judge either, you have to try to be open but also guard. There is nothing special about being able to send or receive messages. People do it all the time and they just don't have an opportunity to test or check that. So many times we don't even know. Given this fact, from that, it's not a bad thing, and sometimes can be good, to get positive thoughts or helpful things from others, but there are also some who would want to put ideas out there that are either a waste of time, a distraction, or maybe not good. There was nothing wrong with randomly thinking about MJ, but I was in the middle of thinking about other things so I refocused. I think, as a creative person, it is imperative to allow thoughts to stray, but also to know how to harness them. I am also realizing it is possible to trick some of the best psychics, by knowing how to redirect thoughts into a couple of different planes. I am finding it's possible for me to think about 2 different things at the same time, and I think this may be unique because I'm slightly ambidextrous so my brain may work this way (I've read about this from research). It is like whne I was little and the teacher said it was impossible to be listening to his lecture and talking to classmates at the same time. I proved him wrong. I then read in some psychology and science articles that this is a unique trait to ambidextrous. The brain in an ambidextrous person is able to do and think more than one thing at a time, which is impossible for most people. It wasn't impossible for me as a child. I could engage in long conversation and still hear what my teacher was saying and repeat it back to him. I'm not as good at that now, but it's possible. I was also able to completely tune every single word and sound out, that is around me, which is something others can do, to varying degrees, and I can still do this just as well as I used to.

The trick with misleading a mind reader or psychic of anykind, is to think what yu want to think, but allow another track over that to be running so it confuses them and muddles them.

Government psychics who know other psychics are onto them, will sometimes put on wigs and literal disguises because they already KNOW that it is very possible to "see" them, so, as crazy as it sounds, it WORKS to employ techniques which confuse the "insights" others are getting. If the psychic is wearing a wig, the other psychic will literally see this wig and assume it is, if the wig is long and a woman's hair, that it is a woman when it's really a man. It is possible to layer over and cover appearance and confuse what people are picking up on.

What is a little more difficult, is learning how to get 2 tracks going in the thought process while thinking what you want to think, and then playing another one through that, to confuse the mind reader. You can get 2 totally separate tracks going, or you can make it harder by altering some of the details just a little bit and throws it off more.

Most normal people will never do this or have any need to do this. But for those who others are trying to intercept all the time, and read, it is very important.

For example:
Track A: X was very he interested? I liked the shirt he was..."
Track B: I am going to find out if it's possible to move to Antarctica today."

This is an example to 2 totally different tracks. A way to vary it in order to throw someone off by a hair is very important as well.

It's not having multiple personality disorder either. You are cognizant and recognize and purposefully intend to employ this technique.

Track A: X is moving the missiles to plant J at 9 o'clock today
Track B: X is moving to plant J to live with his wife and he sent her a missive today at 9 o clock and I know she has really missed him a lot.

Whether it's words, thought, or mind pictures, thought, you can layer over it and mix it up. People think they know what you're going to do or thinking but they're wrong in part. They get some of it, but not all of it.

There is also the good use of mantras for purposes of only focusing on one word and giving a break from any other kind of reading to be done. Or singing a song over and over.

Another technique, not as good and easier to filter, is humming or thinking of words to a song and then allowing yourself to think about the other thing while you are also singing or playing music.

Anyway, another thing, for example, that I got the other day, was the name "Betty" and I knew it was in ference to Queen or someone rreferring to her that way. But I knew I either intercepted or just picked up on it bc I wasn't thinking about her at all. This was several days ago. Black Betty.

I also know that either Harry is extremely psychic or he is getting fed a lot of stuff from other people who are very psychic. I just know.

I have noticed some American people who are really psychic too. I don't like the fact that some of these people in the U.S. have made good people suffer over all this psychic wargame stuff. Or just mafia type stuff. People shouldn't be tortured for any reason.
I'm having beer this morning.

Not really. I'm having tea with hops. I bought plain hops at the health store, and got a little mesh silver basket thing. It's not alcoholic bc nothing is fermented. It has the same kind of effect as chammomile.
Right after my torture statement, I looked up putin news because this morning I thought about his black and white spotted tie and thought he was maybe in black and white. He was, and I guess, at a funeral.

Everytime I hear about heart problems now, though, with people in positions of any importance, I always think that it might not be natural but caused by something else, bc I know what can be done with technology.
I looked up news about Obama and lots of gripes about economy. The thing is, everyone knew ahead of time that there would be no instant recovery. What I think could have been done differently is to have put the money into the people's hands instead of banks, or at least a half and half solution where some of went to bailing out banks and then every American also received $8,000 or something, whatever the number of taxpayers divided by some of these large amounts of money might add up to.
I have seriously been recently drugged and tortured and a number of other things so I don't think my psychic stuff is very good, and I wasn't focusing and I haven't prepared with prayer at all. Haven't read scripture either bc I had to throw a bible away as it was falling apart all over in my bag. Really falling apart. I felt weird throwing it out. Like maybe one should bury a Bible, not throw it away. but I tossed it. I didn't pray at all, really, or get on my knees but asked a couple of things, about, since I hadn't gone to british monarchy page yet, what the Queen was wearing, and anything about Di and Charles' boys. I was only in for a few minutes and not focused so I think I got nothing.

I thought something pink and red with the Queen but it's probably someone else. In a print or fabric. It wasn't with any other colors. It was a very bright and bold red and different shades of pink. And a red hat. Then, I kept getting sort of weird things, but all vague. I did sense good energy when I first asked about her but maybe bc it was first time praying for a request today. Saw something like a smooth stone. But it was a plain river rock type. It wasn't really small though. It was the size of a full hand. And held up to her chest which I know cannot be the case.

Then with one short thought of Harry, just saw mucky boots mucking through the mud or something. Walking forward and through something or an area that wasn't nice cut grass or dry dirt. It seemed mucky to me.

Then with William, sad vibe. Didn't get anything else. I am trying to think, but I think it was just this sadder vibe.

I don't think I got anything true this time but I didn't do anything typical that I would usually do first.

I also thought about Vladimir and then it popped to mind maybe someone was praying over the funeral when I saw the praying hands. That's not what I really got last night, I thought it was something more local. I actually somehow thought it was even about me but didn't know what.

I got the impression at about 10-11 o clock. I think. Maybe midnight but I left the Dollar tree at closing and then went to McDs and then the Albertsons and then McDs and then home. I don't know about the time.

I can't find any mucky boot photos of Harry from any news so I don't know.

I asked my mom to tell me what kind of dish or container my dad had his leftovers in because I thought I saw something with that but I want to see what they say.When it came to me, it came as I was just thinking about my Dad and birthday and thought probably they had gone to dinner and then I "saw" this dish, and a fork and it was being raised and I saw what it was. I didn't see my Dad's face in the thing, but I had been thinking about him so I figured it was what he'd had for dinner. And I was right!!!!

I just "saw" superman symbol while I was using bathroom and some guy knocked on the door and was wearing superman shirt. I saw this before I saw the guy with the shirt.

I also forgot about something small that I saw, little spiders or insects falling out of the back of someone's coat. Something also sticking out from under it, like a hunchback or something protruding to create a distance. Someone who I have mentioned coming to mind. Maybe it was a Halloween costume or maybe it was from now. And then something very small between fingers, forefinger and thumb, a little knobby thing or then I thought maybe a zipper. And separately, something white, so I thought snow.

And for some reason, I think a small boy's, well something to do with my son. Like an article of clothing. It was an article of clothing actually, but it might not have been my son.

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