Saturday, December 11, 2010

Brad Uhl with DEA

I went to the federal building thinking there was a post office and found the DEA there and thought I would ask about what to do because of the few incidents I've had recently, involving use of military technology.

The thing about fasting is that everything becomes clearer and I am a little more perceptive about things.

He was trying to discredit me and rolling his eyes to the secretary from the moment he met me. There was another guy there too.

I didn't have any drug info--I just told them I figured they had knowledge about the kind of thing that is used these days, to harm and intimidate people.

He wanted to call my parents. I thought this was very odd. I was having a supposedly confidential meeting with him and why would anyone say, "Who is your Mom and Dad? I'd like to give them a call." Like I'm 5.

I started to get a really bad feeling.

He then came in and said I needed counseling. I said "For what?" and he said, "For your paranoia."

Little did I know, or even realize, was that this building is directly across the street from the church I've been attending. I had no idea or just didn't notice before.

I said, "You're not a psychologist or psychiatrist and you have no right to make judgement calls on anything."

I tried to leave the room and they kept it locked.

Oh, and by the way, this guy wouldn't even allow me to get a pen and paper so I could make a note or two about a few things.

They said, "He IS a psychologist." and then told me he had his degree.

I looked at him, and this is the same guy whose cheek on one side keeps twitching, and I knew it wasn't from meds.

I said it didn't matter, that he'd heard me talk for 5 minutes and was jumping to conclusions. Anyone who does this is being dishonest. Why would he want to say this unless he was trying to discredit me and cover for others?

I went to the Panera cafe and I was thinking about him or pulled out his card and suddenly, someone else popped to my mind: Chris Rozollo. I didn't know why and then I was picking up on a connection. Chris R. was from Florida and I met him in Wenatchee.

I looked up "Brad Uhl" and found an article about some female runner who was married with 2 kids and had recently had to relocate to Nashville with her husband. They had been living in Florida.

Chris Rozollo had not been trying to help me.

He was a part of ruining my life and having me dragged through the mud and I had noticed he WANTED me to go to jail. He didn't care about my son being with me, or my personal reputation. He was part of the group that wanted me out of their way, or out of the way of an agenda they had.

After Brad said he WAS a psychologist and I wasn't able to leave the room I said, "I don't care. You talked to me for a few minutes and make snap judgments...And that twitch on your cheek there, I've seen that before and it isn't from meds. It's because of your exposure to things you shouldn't be around--you need to go to church and do some fasting."

(I actually don't think it has to be anything he did or was around necessarily but it can also be an attack from an undesirable source when you didn't really do anything wrong. Either way)

He asked if there was anything they could "do" for me and I said, "Yeah. If you could hook me up with a lawyer, that'd be great."

He was saying it might be possible to start things over here, and I think this is true, however, the way to go about it, is NOT to tell ME that I need "couseling" for my "paranoia" when he knew a lot more than he was willing or wanting to share.

I don't need to have certain people infiltrate the justice system over here in Nashville, for purposes of discrediting me again and blocking me from getting things done.

I need people on my SIDE.

I need people who BELIEVE in me.

I do NOT need people to ruin things for me here and defame me for purposes of keeping me from getting anywhere and making a new start and being able to show neutral people that I and my son are victims of corruption.

Despite himself, I was actually going to church this morning to pray for his twitch. I figured if I can fast and pray for myself and have good results, maybe I could do it for others and I was going to try.

But the church wasn't open and as I sat there and tried to find another church to go to, that's open on Saturdays, I had my laptop there and someone started the overheating or burning sense of technology. I was sitting on the bench next to the church door, the one that says "Order of the King's Daughters" or something, not one by the sidewalk and it's next to the church. Across I could see the federal building and then behind was Holiday Inn. It had to have been someone nearby.

I had a feeling it was gang connected. I heard someone inside the church or something fall, but it had to have only been the janitor. It could have been someone from the hotel or federal building too I suppose, but it had to have been someone nearby.

Then, I tried to make a call from my cell phone while sitting there and the connection was bad. I couldn't hear the person on the other end and it kept cutting up. I walked away and was trying it again and the features on my phone weren't working. After a few blocks, the features began to work again and I got through.

Once I got to a cafe I wasn't having the overheating or burning sensation or anything. So far, right now it's not a problem.

But this guy Brad said maybe people were just testing me or figuring me out and if things were better that's good. I said things were much better and that surveillance or harrassment is not my main concern--it's use of technology to cause harm to me or my son.

Those people need to be rounded up and I do not need to be called "paranoid". That is not a productive way to go about anything. It's not going to help me get my son back and it's not going to move me forward. It's protective of corrution and those who have lied and done horrible things, and that's it.


  1. Uhl is married to that girl and when to William and Mary College. Not a very bright man.

  2. he is NOT a psychologist!!!!!!!!!!!!
