Monday, December 13, 2010

My Tests (uggh)

Well, I guess I can say I have not had much to eat in the last few weeks. And I know I've been given medication of some kind here and there which hasn't been great.

I passed a drug test that was impromtu today but it doesn't test for medications. But at least it confirms I am not a drug user of any kind.

I took some tests and the grammar was much worse than I expected but some of the stuff was more like grammar for proofreaders and not business English as I've ever known it. I think being a creative writer has pits too, because we break the rules.

On a customer service I was 90th percentile but I think I shouldn't have missed any. It's more the wording of the questions that I objected to and so chose against them. Because no, I would not answer anyone in the manner that the question was asked. I may say close to the same thing but I would word it totally differently.

This is where I get tripped up--I see too many variations. Too many possibilities.

Then on a type test it was about what I expected and no errors but I am probably faster when eating on a normal basis. Maybe. But I still feel great, in general.

The thing I want to finish writing is about the Wenatchee stuff before I lose steam, because it's important.

I did fine, in general. It was about average or above-average. I did score several points higher than when I was trying to do it at the cafe. Then I was cut off halfway through the second attempt at the offices which sort of threw me off. It just booted me out and everything was lost.

I wouldn't mind seeing where I am for Spanish proficiency. I don't think it's that good, but I might test for it just for the sake of seeing where I place.
I had a little fast food today but I think I'm going back to not taking food or drink from others. Not water from canisters that have to be pre-filled with water either.

I had my scarf over my mouth and could still smell this very odd medication-breath and it has to be from whatever I was given yesterday that made me sick or residual. I was so ill.

I think I can be certain of myself and my body, if I am going back to being cautious again and not even trusting some hot water sources (where you dump water in ahead of time with whatever else). I just know there isn't any explanation as to why I would have become so ill so many times since being here, at random.

And whatever I was given while traveling through Seattle and Walla Walla was truly heinous. I had the worst and most severe stomach cramps and it was right after drinking something.

I am not kidding. If I ever finally get discovery and ever find out any of this was official or approved by someone in any way, and was not just mean random medication for mean purposes, there will be a lawsuit for tampering with my body and my mind without my consent.

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