Friday, December 31, 2010

overheating of computer today at Panera near Vanderbilt U.

I am at the Panera off of 21st by Vanderbilt University.

Since this overheating has continued at this location (off and on), maybe someone who is normal and decent could look into this.

This is the first time I have been to this coffee shop and yet I cannot go anywhere without being followed by a lot of people.

And I am not joking when I say "a lot of people".

There are other times I have gone to a new spot and had absolutely no problem at all. Like I said, it's been better here, but some group has tried to amp it up recently and stalked me at new locations even. And I'm tired of it.

So if I have bad people stalking me to a location and this occurs, I will be giving out the location so someone decent can check into things.

And now since I've written this, it has quit. It's 2:01 p.m.

I came here a couple of hours ago and after I got here, by foot, with people following me around, the overheating was going on. Then it quit for about a half hour and then someone decided to do this again. So from now on, if this continues, I am giving out precisely where I am located so someone normal and good can get involved.

And believe me, if you don't think anyone notices, I have realized there are "other" devices that pick up on this kind of thing and they are far more powerful than what you have. Someone could be using something to cause problems for ME and then I found out, someone else can be in the same room and have a device that is able to pick up on what is happening.

So watch it and if I were you, before you are arrested and hauled into court, quit. For the sake of your own family and children, quit while you are ahead, because I promise you, I am NOT "alone" and others are watching you and figuring out who is involved.

I am not even going to get into how I found out about the other devices and ways to detect what is happening. Let's just say, I got tipped off on that one. I even held it in my hand (this was in the last couple of weeks but I didn't write about it until now). This is all I will say.

So I know without any doubt, some will be onto you and writing YOU up for humanitarian crimes.

If you so much as try to harm my son with similiar technology, this is also being written up. Cease and desist and do not be fooled into participating.


  1. Cameo,

    I do not know you but I feel horrible that you have lost your son. We all know how unfair and corrupt CPS in Wenatchee can be. Have you thought about writing to talk shows like Steve Wilkos, or other media places like CBS, ABC, or Good Morning America?

    If CPS is playing the mental health card against you and that is their reason for preventing you from having your son then embrace it because its a proven fact that just because you do have a mental illness or disability it does not mean your a bad parent. I advise you to play their little game. Go to their psych evaluation regularly pick up your psychiatric medications and then dump them down the toilet. How are they going to know you take them or not? Its a game a sick and twisted game that they play. Embrace NAMI go to their classes play their dumb game and know your smarter for it. The first time they say that you cant be a mother and your unfit because of a mental illness groups like NAMI and other people that rally for the rights of people with mental illness will be behind you 100%

    It is a proven fact that the public defenders (I call them public pretenders) set you up to fail each and every single time. They are NOT interested in defending your innocence. They are interested in getting you the best plea bargain. Time and time again they refuse to gather information and request funds for discovery and documents and interviews that prove peoples innocence. Once they make up their mind they are not going to defend you they will not defend you or prepare your case for trial even though you request it. Why bite the hand that feeds you. These public defenders get paid an exuberant amount of money and take on to many clients. Unless you have money for an attorney you are screwed in Wenatchee.

    This stuff needs to be exposed.. Your injustice needs to be exposed. Your son deserves to have his mother in his life. You should be able to have some form of contact with him be it letters, cards, sending toys. This child deserves to know he is loved and that he has a mother. Toys and letters that are sent back to you please keep them and box them up I know your son will be looking for you once he turns 18 and he has the ability to know who his biological mother is. What CPS did and what the foster family has done is wrong. It is obvious you love your son beyond anything in the world and it pains me to see that you have been shafted by the system.

  2. if CPS is playing the mental health card against you and that is their reason for preventing you from having your son then embrace it because its a proven fact that just because you do have a mental illness or disability it does not mean your a bad parent. I advise you to play their little game. Go to their psych evaluation regularly pick up your psychiatric medications and then dump them down the toilet. How are they going to know you take them or not? Its a game a sick and twisted game that they play. Embrace NAMI go to their classes play their dumb game and know your smarter for it. The first time they say that you cant be a mother and your unfit because of a mental illness groups like NAMI and other people that rally for the rights of people with mental illness will be behind you 100%

    It is a proven fact that the public defenders (I call them public pretenders) set you up to fail each and every single time. They are NOT interested in defending your innocence. They are interested in getting you the best plea bargain. Time and time again they refuse to gather information and request funds for discovery and documents and interviews that prove peoples innocence. Once they make up their mind they are not going to defend you they will not defend you or prepare your case for trial even though you request it. Why bite the hand that feeds you. These public defenders get paid an exuberant amount of money and take on to many clients. Unless you have money for an attorney you are screwed in Wenatchee.

    This stuff needs to be exposed.. Your injustice needs to be exposed. Your son deserves to have his mother in his life. You should be able to have some form of contact with him be it letters, cards, sending toys. This child deserves to know he is loved and that he has a mother. Toys and letters that are sent back to you please keep them and box them up I know your son will be looking for you once he turns 18 and he has the ability to know who his biological mother is. What CPS did and what the foster family has done is wrong. It is obvious you love your son beyond anything in the world and it pains me to see that you have been shafted by the system.
