Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This Morning & Impressions

After something very good was happening and I could feel it, something else or some group, just started the same stuff.

This morning, nothing. All peace. But yesterday morning, when something happened, there were a lot of cars from TN, a worker who has made some odd comments here and there, and then a lot of vehicles from out of state.

Then something happened at the American Red Cross while I was inside. It was another day where I was being targeted.

I called my father and said "What is the deal with the Red Cross?" I first had a weird problem at the Wenatchee one where they were doing weird stuff with my blood or giving me a different number after not wanting to take my blood and then at this other one, something else happened (documenting privately). It is probably just that I was on foot and someone knew it was in my path and they figured I might go in so they were there.

I called my cousin though, to try to find out how my son was doing and told her about the good energy I'd sensed. She said her boyfriend had stayed at the house and Oliver was having a great time. I guess her bf is playing with Oliver and others too, so I wondered if this is partly why I started noticing such good energy off and on. I think it was something local though, too, but hearing that my son is having fun is nice. I asked what he'd been doing on the night I sensed such powerful good energy and she said they'd all watched a children's movie called "Wally".
Then I went to an appointment and later bought some multivitamins and supplements and started taking them. I might quit taking something though, if I check with a doctor and it's recommended to quit. I bought almost every single thing I ate and watched my drinks and then I woke up in the middle of the night with my sense of smell restored.

I couldn't believe it. My cold has been over for some time but all of a sudden, I could smell things again. Which was shocking because I then noticed how badly this one sweater smelled. It wasn't BO, it was something else and I have no idea WHAT. Like a really weird smell. Like flame retardent or soemthing chemical-like.

I looked at my eyes and they're normal too and I think I can say confidently that I am on a wiser trajectory with monitoring what I eat and drink.

I couldn't believe I had selected to wear this one sweater and not even known or realized how weird it smelled. It is extremely strong too, and I couldn't smell a THING.
At any rate, everything is fine today but the good energy is also missing. I guess whatever good thing was near or getting through--it's always then when there is a fear too.

My health is very good in general, and I've been running or walking every single day and doing light yoga or stretching as well as prayer and devotions.
I am focused on myself and scripture right now, and prayed for some other women as well, and kids.

I haven't had any dreams in the last 2 days and slept a little better except for waking up with my sense of smell snapping-to. Then I tried to think about just one thing, which I didn't feel enthused about at all, but I thought I would try to guess what Queen Elizabeth is wearing. But I didn't really pray how I normally would.

Just got fuzzy stuff and all of it, when I checked, connected sort of but not exactly.

I was getting the color cream and then green and various shades of green. I think I had lavendar or purple to mind first and thought it was wrong so then the other stuff came to mind. But nothing felt like it was hitting. I then got polka dots. I wondered what kind of polka dots and then with the impression of the green it made me think of my green and white polka dotted dress when I was a little girl. But I didn't think it had to do with the Queen, just stream of consciousness. Then I checked the site for the monarchy which I haven't gone to for a long time and all the photos of her on the main page were of her in cream or green. Oh, but first, before I went to that page, I typed in "queen elizabeth news" to see if an article with recent photo came up and only one did and the woman featured on the photo was wearing a polka dot shirt. It wasn't the Queen though. It was an article about the cutting of christmas party for budget.

So...SORT of got something, but it wasn't pin pointing and more...I don't know. Whatever. I basically saw what the Queen was wearing on her front page for monarchy site and then something about polka dots which came up with an article that I clicked on right after polka dots came to mind. But on another woman.

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