Friday, December 31, 2010

Vibe and Games at FBI?

I am hoping I didn't just have another game played on me, this time with an FBI person.

I am not stating names right now because I don't have all of the information right now, but I was supposed to hear back from someone with FBI in Nashville or Wenatchee, and I didn't hear back from either one.

I only brought up one part of my reports, and to test the waters, see who was taking it, how it was handled, etc. I thought it went well. Even if I noticed a few things which looked like game playing to me and collusion even with WA, I tried to disregard it.

I felt I shouldn't go to Nashville but I tried anyway.

The part I didn't like was that when I got there, the only vehicle in the whole parking lot was an exact replica of the one a visitation monitor drove.

This was a visitation monitor who lied repeatedly in my case and even lied to my son.

That monitor (in Wenatchee) used certain expressions which were repeated by the Duty Agent who was there to take the report.

So the combination of her using mannerisms from the monitor and then the one SUV in the whole parking lot being one that looked like the monitor's, this was the only thing I paused at.

But she said she would check on a couple of things right away so I fully trusted this and because she gave me her word, I tried to disregard other possible warning flags.

I asked someone to let me know about my benefits, to make sure they were still open to protect my safety and because an error had been made and they had time to fix it and I hoped they would because I had no other cash or food and needed to be able to have money for my traveling and going where I need to go, and then also, esp., to protect myself when I've been poisoned.

I thought she did a fine job and wasn't worried until I saw no reply in my email box.

I guess I am worried but waiting.

Which is why I'm not saying very much.

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