Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wenatchee Torture (now that I'm away--true)

Whatever I write in this post is true. It is not made up and I'm stating ahead of the post that it is all to be taken literally. However, someone is actively editing what I write as I try to write it.

I am writing from a Panera cafe which has had some good and bad influences to it. What I mean by this, is that I've figured out there are certain people who are not on my side and who are influenced by others, to belittle me and in general I stay away. At some it's just one or two employees.

I'm starting to have some interference with what I try to write. I just wrote something and I was disconnected and it was erased. So this is going to take some time.

I also noticed there are some serious assholes who are in town today but it's the weekend so those who have time on their hands, to harass, are out.

I just saw some guy go by in what looked like government plates but I can't find my glasses so I couldn't read it.

The other day, I was being followed around by a white man with Georgia plates and for some reason, the CPS activist and senator came to my mind later--that he had some connection to it. I wrote his plates down. There have been people following me around here, out of interest, but sometimes I manage to write something down that seems strange. I think I had written down the Georgia plate because something pretty bad had happened and then he was just following around and laughing and I got out a pen and then realized he was from Georgia. I wondered why anyone from Georgia would be following around.

There were people in Wenatchee who tortured me and my son to where it was almost a daily basis. Because the State workers blocked me from even seeing my son, I was no longer able to report what was happening or monitor how he seemed to be doing.

As for me, it was very bad and it was constant. People knew about there and didn't care. The police were corrupt and never investigated one single thing or ever held anyone accountable for anything.

I was poisoned in Seattle and some who work with Seattle FBI field offices tried to block me from making a report. There were doctors who lied and blocked my access to being able to document what was happening.

Some people were trying very hard to protect us and help but there were too many in powerful positions there who controlled everything and allowed torture and deliberate violation of the law.

I am a firsthand witness to almost every rule in the book being broken, by those who claim to be a part of the justice system there. Most, if not all, should lose their jobs and yet if they did, there were so many who were bad, the state would go bankrupt.

I am not sure that things will improve in another state if there is no one on the federal level to do oversight.

If people like Brad Uhls get in the way, or others position themselves to try to be the one to "discover" what information I might share, and continue to defame me, it may be more of a challenge than they are willing or want me to know.

I am actually feeling stressed out even thinking about writing about how bad the torture there was.

One thing I can add is that someone started up with the overcharging and overheating of my computer here at the cafe but it died down again. It's still been a lot better, but there are a couple of cafes where I've had very small isolated problems. Usually at the ones where I frequent often so people know where I am or where I'll be. I rarely have a problem if I go to a whole new cafe.

I will write out some details after lunch today, but yes, it was as bad as I said it was. I even look at photos I took of myself, and think how completely crazy, and recognize that between almost daily torture, harassment, and being medicated, of course it's not very much like me.

I did and said things, out of effects of literal torture, that I would not usually or normally ever even consider doing. I have done this only a couple times but on a rational level--swearing or flipping out after a series of both incidents of torture, major cell phone problems, and other harassment.

I am gradually starting to get back to myself though, even though there have been more incidents recently.

I don't trust my son in the hands of Washington state. I wasn't safe there, even though some good people tried, so why should I believe anything changed for my son?

What I know is that there were some police and state workers who deliberately concealed cutting of my son, brusing on his legs (whether he did it to himself out of grief or pain or someone else did it) all the time, a dead tooth, a black eye...They fucking concealed all the shit.

And then they sent out sickos to mess with my son's mind.

My son showed up for one visit, pale and limp, and with the scent of perm solution in his mouth, coming from his stomach.

The visitation monitors were dishonest and lied in front of my son.

These people were the worst of the worst.

Not ONE of them was held accountable for anything.

They defamed me as being a drug addict, alcoholic, and whore when I was none of these things. They had no evidence to justify taking my son. Nothing. They later tried to claim I had some kind of mental illness which they never proved. They colluded with Candian officials to take my son and basically kidnapped him. They falsely arrested me 4 times.

They gave me public defenders who lied to me and pushed me into agreements without telling me how it would affect my future and might ruin my odds with childcare unless someone else overrode what they did and gave me a chance.

They delighted in breaking the laws and in using the law against me, for their own personal vendettas. They intimidated my family and pressured them and used threats and flattery to mold them to do what they wanted.

They work with gangs and in my opinion, it is bad money that pays for most of the "public service" positions held in Washington State. If they are not connected to a gang (which might be better than the corporate gang) they use money and abuse power in such a way that those with authority have every appearance of being a gang or corporate mobsters.

Like here, people with a lot of money pay off those who are struggling to get work at all, to carry out some of the bad things that are done on a more street level. But it's a whole mix over there, of people who are even professionals, willing to harm others.

The treatment I received was worse than the care they give the dogs.

Others who had incredible amounts of money used Washington state and then Wenatchee as basically their terrorism base, for purposes of hurting me and using me and my son.

No one would hardly even imagine what I and my son have been through.

So last night, at a chapel, after some pastor gets up to talk about "abuse" and forgiving, and how God forgets everything, and this coming after Brad Uhls calls me "paranoid", I walked out to use the restroom.

I believe God can turn it around.

But there is no word, no eloquence, no articulation that could come close to helping me describe what has happened.

I will try, but it is indescribable to relay the kind of torture and humiliation I have been made to suffer.

For who? and for what?

I think this needs to go back to Christa Schneider and what she knows. Her father worked in the Justice Department. She is the one who asked me how I would least like to die. I said I wouldn't want to be tortured. Ever since I said this over the phone to her, it's been nothing but this ever since.

There have only been gaps when someone or most people didn't know where I was. Or when I was with the guy from Colombia, and before that, when I stayed with a few people who had a safe place and nothing was happening.

I got out of Wenatchee the first time and my mother wrote that I was sounding "normal" again. Why? because I wasn't being tortured in the Bellingham area. Then I moved and I had no problems until some group wanted to cause problems.

This has had nothing to do with ME or my mental state and everything to do with criminal violence.

By claiming there was something wrong with my mental state, people got away with horrific crimes in Washington state.

This does not need to continue in TN. If it does, those individuals risk being exposed and losing their families and freedom for harming a woman who has nothing agasint them and has not done anything to offend any of their friends or family members.

So I am hoping that those who are prosecuted for crime, if that's what they want, will leave this possibility to those who live elsewhere.


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