Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ankles Swollen Now

The entire time I was at the hotel, someone was doing something off and on with heating and stopping and heating and stopping. Repeatedly and it affected my heart too.

It was technology. There were a few times it quit all of a sudden, for an hour or something. Like someone walked in or someone took a lunch break or something.

But now my ankles are very swollen. They don't look swollen bc normally they are so bony. However, I also was stupid enough to have some of the coffee they prepared in the morning and invited me to have. And I shouldn't have.

This "navy" guy was around for awhile and now I don't know if he was who he said he was and if he did what he said.

I had this idea cross my mind that I had been medicated again. If not, it was from such horrible overheating of my body, that my heart was affected and this caused swelling. But I think it was from the coffee.

And I am not kidding.

I also had other weird symptoms, but I noticed this and it's obvious on my ankles. I will photograph them after I go back to the steam room for a little longer.

I was in the steam room a little bit but I noticed my ankles as soon as I left the hotel and was changing.

I have edema and I also didn't feel well.

I am going to photograph before and after bc it will be noticeable enough. It's not like the other time, but it's enough to notice.

I haven't had any other drink from any random source and not food either. Except for some salty peanuts and chips earlier that night which were out for everyone but I kind of wondered because the men stared at me when I was eating them.

I know it's from something bc my body doesn't make things up and I have the evidence on my body.

I also had someone disrupting my email to lawyers and to embassies and other stuff. Lots of computer problems.
I was told my benefits are back, but no one bothered to tell me until after I had been medicated possibly with something in the coffee and after I brought up lawyers. For all I know, there is some kind of med where it's given to you one time and it lasts a long time. I don't know.

I know that my ankles are swollen.

Someone from the U.S., who is a good person, should be looking out for me and protecting me from assholes in the govt. that still try to use me, even after what I had to post last night.

This is ridiculous.

It's coming to an end because I believe if I have a lawyer, they will uncover all kinds of things. That have been kept from me, and other things that have been kept from everyone.

The good energy I had, was NOT from the coffee. It last about 10 minutes and it was from prayer.

All I know, is that the lawyer is first priority. Not counseling, nothing. And I am not going to counseling until I have that lawyer.

I tried to go, to document things, for 2 years, and CPS blocked me from it. They didn't WANT a record of my damages against them.

They already knew they were getting the SHIT sued out of them.

And if this is happening to me, then my son is still not being protected and is not safe.

I'm putting up photos today.

I am starting to realize people have used medications and the excuse for this, to COVER up for the effects of torture and poison.

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