Thursday, January 13, 2011


I found the organization I was CEO for one year. It was the ASPCC for Portland Community College-Sylvania campus. If you type it in there is a link that describes what they did.

At any rate, I did this and then afterwards I transfered to Portland State University and filed my lawsuits and I had people trying to drag me down from there.

I think someone who handles a lot of the U.S. media has an issue with me because whenever I start bringing up strong points or anything seems to be positive for me, in any way, I start getting creepy ads and pop ups and "recommended" offerings and I have noticed a few things on t.v. too.

It sort of picked up again so I think I am presumed to be a threat again. Maybe not as much, but still a threat. Possibly because I moved and I'm trying to hold powerful people accountable for illegal and criminal things that have been done.

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