Sunday, January 30, 2011

church today & other

I went a new church today. I guess many already knew where I went but I went to a Quaker church. I've been to a peace conference by Quakers before, but not worship. They had a board game time afterwards which I really enjoyed.

I then went to the Y and grabbed a scripture. I got one without a reference to it so I have to look it up. It made me think of our Scrabble board because I had put the word "fear" down and said someone could add to it with "ful". The scripture I got was "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". I just took a look at it again. There is a reference. It's Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

There were a lot of messages about "integrity", "truth", and "community." I guess their readings for the week had been on "integrity". I kept thinking of the FBI because of this.

At any rate, it was a nice time.

The song I kept thinking of as I walked back was "Shine Jesus Shine"

I looked up "xen", wondering what it means after I was looking at Waldorf education. Sort of testing my knowledge. I had wanted to make the word xen and asked if that was right, a word. I didn't use it but now found out it is a word for "foreign" or "strange" and is included in the Waldorf school description of how children that go to such schools tend to be less "xenophobic". I also thought I sort of knew what Waldorf theory was about, or what it is based off of (testing my own knowledge of child development ideas and theories. I said, "It's about integrating the whole person, like using a lot of the natural world and physical exercise and things, isn't it?" and though this is very loose, I was right. It's also about cooperative or community agreement I guess.

I wasn't ignorant, at least, about what this kind of child development or educational theory is about, thankfully! But I could learn a lot more.

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