Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Transcript Re. CORRUPT Nashville FBI Office

I just went in again, with someone with me, and the people there were all corrupt.

Early this morning I asked, out loud, if this woman wanted to go with me and she said yes. As I was sitting next to her, at least 40 or more FedEx trucks passed by, one after the other.

When I got to the FBI offices later this afternoon, they had, upon my arrival, and then they tried to draw attention to it by stacking it up higher, a ton of FedEx packages.

The woman who took my complaint wore a Columbia sportswear vest.

She was corrupt and stupid besides.

She refused to give me her ID number and would not even tell me her name.

She pretended to take my report and when I told her that I knew what their jurisdiction was, and she was trying to cut me off from a report, she told me to leave or she was calling police or having someone escort me out.

She tried to say they did not investigate public corruption or crime which resulted in my being poisoned.

I told her this was wrong, and that their agency DID handle this kind of crime. I told her she had only listened to 5 minutes and had not even allowed me to continue so how did she even know? and when she said, "I am the FBI employee" I said, "I don't care if you are the FBI employee, if this is what you have to say, then I am the one who should be the employee and not YOU."

I asked her to allow me to finish what my report was and she refused, cutting me off and saying to leave.

I said she was supposed to give me her name, first of all, and secondly, she was obstructing justice and threatening to have me escorted rather than take my report or allow me to finish what I was even saying. I also said I wanted to talk to her supervisor, who came out, looking more like a homeless woman than the first Duty Agent or the homeless women I've seen.

She was wearing a Coach tag around her neck.

And it was really ridiculous because when I was first showing up, some man passed in a major sportscar that said "True Brit" (nice play on "true blue" asshole), and then I walk into these offices to find the person posturing at the window is wearing this horrific get-up.

Now I know why the FBI men go outside of their offices for fucking material.

And then they fuck the women the agency tries to entrap.

She was wearing this horrible, horrible, pink pin striped pantsuit with a cobalt blue shirt and a big ruffled black collar. Major ruffles. And then she stood next to this man wearing a purple tie and these people are just fucking crazy.

Earlier, I went to the temp agency and this woman who keeps stiffing me out a job and interfering, was wearing a purple suit and purple nailpolish.

I say she keeps stiffing me out of a job because that's exactly what she's been doing.

This black woman who cut me off from even making a report, and who refused to even allow me to put anything onto paper in writing, to describe facts which made it FBI jurisdiction, told me there was no one in the FBI who would investigate.

I said, "I have email from the FBI to go to them about my complaint, and they acknowledged it WAS their jurisdiction by emailing me to begin with."

This black woman, who refused to even give me her name (and by the way, her supervisor refused to give me her name either, which is the best professionalism I've seen yet and a sure sign of competence), said to me,

"No one from the FBI emailed you."

I said, "Are you kidding me? I have a whole bunch of email from the FBI where they responded and told me to come in and conceded this was their jurisdiction"

And, I had Diane Harsha from their offices, telling me to GO BACK the next week to report the rest! They know it is their jurisdiction.

After I said I DID have email from them, the no-name black woman still said, "No one from the real FBI ever emailed you."

This is the most psycho interaction I've ever had with them, to date.

She said this, in front of their cameras and everything.

No one from the real FBI ever emailed me?

She was walking to the door and I looked at her and said, "State University".

It may not be my psychic guess, but this woman showed the analytical abilities of someone from a very bad, low-ranking state university. I asked for something about her and got "state university" so whether it fits her or not, or fits something else she's working with or colluding with, that's what I got. I'm sure I'll get more when I think of it.

They said all this, and did this, in front of me and a woman that was with me.

I flipped both of them off when I left.

They have put my life and my son's life in danger and they are corrupt.

I knew that I was NOT to go to Nashville and that the only agency that had anyone decent in it was in Knoxville. I went against my own instincts and what God was telling me to do and messed with Nashville which then just tried to mess with me.

I walked a half of a block away and smelled the strong whiff of marijuana and I said to this woman walking with me, "Look at that, you can tell they're really doing their fucking job. They have marijuana smoke being blown a few feet from their office. That woman probably went to the bathroom after I was gone, took out a mirror, and did a line."

I told this woman I was going to go to the media.

One thing I also intuited, was that this woman was also getting directions from someone else that was higher up and trying to blow off my complaint.

I knew that I should have gone to Knoxville and not to Nashville where they would first try to provoke me and screw things up for me with someone else.
This is what the woman who was with me said, and I asked her if I could quote her:

"You were trying to explain the story to her and yeah, she cut you off and she wouldn't agree to what you had to say. And her supervisor wouldn't even take the time to listen to what you had to say."

ME to this woman:

"Do you remember that I told them I had been poisoned and that this had occured from state to state and there was corruption involving state and government officials?"

S.S. says, "Yes, that's exactly it. She said, 'You have a medical condition' and it was out of line and random and she was just making up stuff."

Me: "Do you remember she asked if I had evidence of public corruption with government officials?"

S.S.: "Yes, you did."

Me: "Do you remember I said, "I need someone to investigate to collect some of the evidence, but yes, I have facts and can give names."

S.S.: "Then she said, 'You don't have email from the FBI. It's like, prove it, you can't prove it. How does she know that."

ME: "Do you remember anything she or her supervisor did or said that you thought was weird?"

S.S.: "She just kind of came to her desk and threw a paper down."

ME: "Did you think she had a temper?"

S.S.: "Yes, she just had an attitude and got her supervisor and took a long time and when her supervisor came out she didn't care and that lady could have been doing wrong and she didn't listen to you, cut you off, and didn't let you explain."

ME: "Do you remember that I asked for their names?"

S.S: "Yes, she said, 'No' and it's like, what is she hiding?"

ME: "How long did she let me talk before she cut me off?"

S.S.: "She gave you maybe about 10 minutes but she got up. She didn't let you talk the whole time though, she talked through you and interrupted."

ME: "How much time do you think her supervisor gave me?"

S.S.: "She gave you less than a minute. That lady obviously told her something that made her say leave. She assumed that was it and didn't ask you."

ME: "Do you remember what they said to have me leave?"

S.S.: "They said you had to leave or they were going to call security and have you escorted out or something and you didn't do anything to be escorted out--you were just trying to explain what was going on and get your point across. It's like they said it because they had to say it--they had no open mind to listen or think you could be right."

ME: "Are you willing to swear under penalty of perjury that these comments you've made are true? and would you allow me to send you a facebook msg that you will respond to with a kind of signature which we'll keep private for now but may be able to use in the future?"

S.S.: "Yes that's fine."

ME: "Okay, then we'll do that. Do you want to read what I wrote now, so you can see if it's right?"

S.S.: "Yes"

ME: "Is it right?"

S.S.: "Yes"

ME: "Okay, one more thing. What did she say I was reporting that she claimed the FBI didn't have jurisdiction over?"

S.S.: "She said they didn't investigate that kind of thing and I forget how she worded it. You have a medical condition and the way you were treated...the FBI doesn't investigate that."

ME: "Do you remember I tried to clarify for her what I was actually reporting? That it was poisoning and collusion with state and government workers on an interstate basis and that there was more and I wanted to give more of the facts?"

S.S.: "Yeah."

ME: "How long do you think she talked?"

S.S.: "Well, when I said 10 minutes altogether, that was with her talking too, so she gave you less than 10 minutes and that was what I meant to say."

ME: "Okay, we've agreed we'll exchange a facebook msg to confirm that these statements are true, have been seen and read by you and you agree with them. And we have also agreed to keep your name and our exchange by facebook private unless it's needed for further investigation."

S.S.: "Yeah, that sounds good."

ME: "One more thing. Do you remember that the electronic security thing didn't go off when I went into their office, but it went off when I was walking out?"

S.S.: "Yeah, it was strange. I didn't notice it either and then when we went out, there it went."

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